
January 28, 2008, Clay Vessel

Clay Vessel

I thank you Lord if you can use me, use me for Your glory. If it takes pain, use me, You are the potter, I am the clay.

Isaiah 64:8 Yet, O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.

The world is a enormous place and when you are called and you know you are called there is great anticipation and waiting to the calling. "Where Lord? I left my net, my heart heard You and I am here, Lord. Use me, I am willing". It is more than 'doing' to please Him, more than doing to serve Him; it is no longer the understanding of the call, it is experiencing the call. It is in the knowing 'that love' will sustain you, will be with you, will guide you, order your steps, give you peace, grace and ultimately 'that love' will see you through just as the disciples as they endured pain for His call, even when facing death with peace and joy unspeakable joy. It moves me deeply as only in a month's time within the facing of my pain, if that is what it takes Lord for me to experience You more, let it be, for Your glory. I am yours.

Amazing Love

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