
March 25, 2009 Beauty Within

What we seek we will find. If we look for beauty we find beauty.

It has become my choice to look for beauty 'within'. When our focus is on beauty 'without' there is a dis'ease' of comparison. We bypass observations of outer beauty by going straight to the heart or inner being. It is here we find no measuring, no comparing, no feeling greater than, no feeling less than, only 'oneness' with each other because 'real' love is present, not the fake version of it.

This is the most amazing piece of sculpture I've seen. Depiction of being 'Born Again' I was thinking about this sculpture when writing the above. It depicts beauty 'within', peeling off or shedding of our old self to a beautiful 'rebirth' exposing all that is left, a totally transparent 'Beauty Within'.

1 Peter 3:4 Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight.

This is the place where we are equal and the same.

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