
March 18. 2009 This Unique Path

Certainly I don't understand fully as a corruptible human being, God's magnificence, nor am I able to comprehend His infinitely glorious Word with the same corruptible mind. I can only wait for revelation or wonder about the experience of seeing Him face to face. But even as heaven is available on earth, if it wasn't for the flesh that separates me from seeing Him face to face, the experience of knowing Him more by faith is greatly increased in my curiosity and questions of what I am not able to see. This faith is ample but never satiating my desire to want to know Him more because there is more than I know.

As a little girl I can remember with the mind and freedom of a child, curiously uninhibited searching for God in beauty and nature. Then little by little my child-like heart was 'reformed' and adjusted to human pain and limits. This is not my way of being critical of any tradition or situation, it is only my way of trying to express as best possible the beauty that is infinitely unfolding before my eyes with each step, and God is once again revealing Himself to me as the crusty hardness around my heart falls off (or maybe that's the beam in the eyes of my heart). The portion which He reveals to me is just for me, and each one has their own unique journey to live out according to Truth as Truth is revealed to him or her. No teaching or words are ever needed, only the constant prayerful breath which connects us with God and His infinite, unfathomable Love.

Our human interpretations of the divine nature of God and His Word if not careful creates confusion in searching, innocent hearts and poisons the harvest before it reaches maturity. There is nothing that completely or accurately exemplifies God Himself as He holds out in His magnificent hands offering the most precious gift of all, without cost, a gift purchased with a great price.

My language is changing and when I wrote this yesterday evening as it came to me, I didn't send it out this morning in order to check my heart, and stay in check and seeing I no longer am able to teach but only point to The Way beyond me, to the path where God takes each precious human being the rest of the way. It is not my responsibility to 'teach with limits' anyone once they take His hand in response to 'follow Me'. Then it was only confirmed to me today as we met in the community of Love Machine that He is revealing simultaneously, His nature through His Spirit, to all of those (us, you, me) seeking His face to love and know Him more, as much as is humanly possible.

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