
January 4, 2009 I am weak but He is strong

I am weak but He is strong

At various times of my walk as a Christian any conversation about despair or fear was...well,... feared. Maybe it wasn't doctrine or misinterpretation of scriptures? Maybe it is individual fear?

As we share our despair and fear it doesn't make us weak Christians. I now see it makes us beautifullyreal and strong Christians because we acknowledge that we can do nothing without our Lord or alone without each other. In the sharing we are humans 'becoming' more like Jesus because our desire is to please Him alone.

To hear a pastor share his or her fear is so incredibly freeing and invites us all to do the same. Pastors and leaders please lead the way to the One and only True King and Savior. I pray for those everywhere in the Body, that as those in leadership can show their strength in their weaknesses and release their fears, the Body will find the same heart and be healed.

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