
December 4, 2008 Which Way is His Way?

Which Way is His Way?

One thing on my mind this morning is thinking about the 'church' as it is. What would it look like if all the denominations tore down their man-made walls and joined together not just in an occasional convention, rally or revival? What would it look like if there were no walls? Even 'church without walls', have walls. What if we loved each other as we love ourselves? I see great love within the walls and great love poured outside the walls. What if all the denominations were totally open to love together without the barriers. Is this the bride?

Shane Claiborne in Irresistible Revolution, said Jesus is coming back to claim a bride not a harem. Wow, that is singular not plural. Christians are a divided people all over the world. Is it too idealistic to think we could set aside man's standards for following Jesus and together just follow Jesus? Is this too radical or dangerous to think this way? Other than sharing the awesomeness and greatness of God in and through His Word, did we ever need to be taught how to follow Him? A child understands the kingdom of God. A child's heart is a living example of the simple way to Jesus.

Could this idealistic thought be the unblemished bride? How could we know?

Mostly questions today, that cannot be answered today, but beautiful to think that some day maybe it could be this way when the gaps between us disappear.

My whole being desires to follow Jesus, He is The Way. Please don't follow me because I will fail you. Now I want to point to the One who will never fail you.

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