
June 5, 2008 Be Still

"I want you and desire you; and you want Me and desire Me and even when you don't want Me or desire Me, I want you and desire you."

Can you even begin to imagine in this life that even when you don't desire Him, He still desires you? This is not to be compared with this world's obsession and control. This is a gentleness that sweeps our heart and soul. A Lord who stands with us but never intrudes. If I said it once before it is worth repeating because it is important that we don't mistaken the love of Jesus for any earthly example of love. There is not one person who ever lived on the face of the earth that is or was this example of love other than Jesus Christ Himself, God made flesh.

His desire is for us. I just can't get Him out of my mind (or should I say heart), if we are in communion with Him, He is in us and it is because of His profound, transcending, indescribable love for us. Can we grasp this, even a little?

Stop and be still just for a few minutes, block out everything around you, all the noise and just listen. Listen. You will hear His voice, ask Him anything, then be still and listen. His voice is always gentle, always kind, always loving, always reminding us who He is and telling us His name so we know it's Him. Do you hear Him? If not, the purpose of the 'prayer closet' is to find a place where this can happen. We must stop talking and additionally, not to forget, we must stop thinking about anything else but listening to His voice, in order to hear Him. After all the praying and asking and crying out, in order to hear Him, we must be still and listen. And after all the praying and asking and crying out, be still. And I need to add you must turn off everything, the TV, the phone, the stereo, the music; find a place (alone) where there is no outside noise. His voice is soft and in the stillness. If you want to hear Him you must be still.

You will hear His voice and learn His voice in His Word. Read it that it becomes meat for you. Every Word written from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation is about His everlasting love, His steadfast love. Consider His chosen people Israel. His love for them is beautiful beyond words. Even in the midst of their rejection of Him, He loved them and waited patiently and when they cried out to Him, you will not find one time that He didn't 'turn His face towards them', He loves His people. Notice I say that in present tense. His love for Israel and His people has not stopped. The Lord made a covenant with them and His covenant will never be broken, never. His love for His people, and us, who have been adopted, will never be broken, never.

You will hear His voice and you will never forget it. You will want to listen to Him more and forget all that is around you to have Him more. Because when you find His voice in your heart you will never be the same, you will know that He wants you and desires you and understand why He wants and desires you even when you don't want and desire Him.

Song of Solomon 710 I belong to my lover, and his desire is for me. ___NIV

And I like this version's description of the 'prayer closet'
Matthew 6:6 "Here's what I want you to do: Find a quiet, secluded place so you won't be tempted to role-play before God. Just be there as simply and honestly as you can manage. The focus will shift from you to God, and you will begin to sense his grace. ____ The Message

Video & Song
'Still' Hillsong

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