
June 18, 2008, Beauty In The Eye of The Beholder

Beauty In The Eye of The Beholder

Beauty is bought by judgment of the eye, Not utter'd by base sale of chapmen's tongues
____ Shakespeare

Beauty, like supreme dominion; Is but supported by opinion

___ Benjamin Franklin

"Beauty in things exists merely in the mind which contemplates them."
___ David Hume

Oh how we are so overtaken by appearances! The beauty of the outward face and human body. To consider our body and the illusion of physical beauty. What are we doing?

You can't get away from the manipulating ads, selling beauty. What an illusion! If you only knew, every tv or magazine ad has been manipulated or touched up. The beauty you see is not real! 'False' beauty is used as over grown attempts to sell! The sad thing is, it works because it plays on the ego of men and women.

We lose sight of the glory given to the human body as we are created in God's image. What is it that we pamper it, alter it, spend so much time making it appealing, and for whom? Ourselves? Someone else? Who is the observer, that judges beauty with the eye? Does beauty come from outward painting, pampering and primping? I am asking these questions as a test of our hearts.

We need to look beyond the outer appearances of men and women. How it must grieve our Creator that our vision is reduced to only what we 'see' outwardly. It is all about beauty of our created outward being which encompasses our inward being, our entire created being. Yes, the human body and face are awesome and beautiful in every single person. What measure do we use that we put so much weight in outward appearances? Is there a place in our 'eyes' that we neither see the need to impress or expect based on our outward appearance?

Whether, thin or large, short or tall, young or old, bald or hairy, black, white or tan, face lift or wrinkles, wearing an Armani suite or wearing jeans and a t-shirt; what does all this mean through our eyes? What are we doing? Where are we going? Beauty has nothing to do with how you see yourself in the mirror. What heaviness we carry as we exhaust ourselves thinking this is all about who we are and about whether or not we are loved and accepted.

Then it comes down to the most important reason of all when we can set all of the superficial need aside. Why do we love each other? And can we see to the inward man or woman and their heart. Here is where you find real beauty. It really is beautiful, just look at the heart, the soul and spirit of each person.

1 Peter 3:4 Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight. NIV

See yourself as God sees you. God sees you as a gentle and quiet spirit, beautiful in every way, created in His image. You are awesome, fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14

Isaiah 47:6 A voice says, "Cry out." And I said, "What shall I cry?" "All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field. 7 The grass withers and the flowers fall, because the breath of the Lord blows on them. Surely the people are grass. 8 The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever."

Our beauty is like the glory of the flowers of the field, which will wither and fall. There is one thing that is constant and that is our God and His word.

Look closely...what do you see?

Video & Song
'In The Potter's Hands' Hillsong

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