
February 4, 2009 A Little Love A Little Early

A Little Love A Little Early

It is Tuesday evening and I'm sitting here after feeling so much love coming from everyone all day long. My mind just can't wrap itself around the thought. Yes, right! 'My mind', that's why! But I will let it wrap itself around me as my heart swells and expands with all the hearts out there, all of you who are so near to me.

God is so good. He gives us each other to encourage, hold, lift up, cry with, cry on, be a shoulder and with tissues for those crying. But in it is the magnificent wonder of it all as we ponder together this limitless Love. No distance, no time, no place can contain it or stifle it. In it there is room for all our emotions and ample time to express them, sharing all of our fears, pain, doubt, hurt, along with joy and peace.

You are loving hearts out there, in this we find the healing we have been searching for, the truth we seek, the fulfillment that we long for. We are the lights, the conduits, the hands, the arms, the eyes, the hearts that come together as one amazing, magnificent, Body.

So once again I will hit the 'send' link to send this through cyberspace, God's space. I don't need to understand the dynamics of the technology, I just need to know how to use it. And I will.....I love you and feel you too.

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