
February 3, 2009 The Ego and Simple Truth

The Ego and Simple Truth

Well since I couldn't type fast enough this is bits and pieces. I was listening out of curiosity to the TV evangelist of the largest mega church in this area. Here is some of what he said....

I am not a poverty minister.
We are not suppose to drag around.
You are suppose to have an abundant overflowing, full life.
What would it look like if my children didn't look good, wore raggedy clothes, it would be a poor reflection on me.
It's the same with our God no matter where you are.
You are a child of the most high God, if you have only one outfit, clean it, iron it and wear it with your head up high.
God sees you as a king and a queen
You and I are suppose to reign in life
You've got to fake it until you make it, walk it, talk it, dress like a king.
Go by what you know.
You are created to reign.
As I put seeds of faith in you strong holds are being broken.
You were created to reign, it is your time of power.
Your vision is increasing today.
God is ready to pour out more.
You were not created to be average.
You may not have seen it yet, you are going to be the most blessed, have the most friends, the most wisdom...
Some of you have to give God permission to increase you.
You struggle because you don't feel you deserve or dare to believe.
God has a barn load of blessings.
My dad developed a poverty mind set, early on he didn't have any vision for increase he didn't want to complain.
Mom and dad were barely scraping by, their capacity to receive was limited, he embraced that little cup for so long, God was trying to expand him, he had that old wine skin.
We wouldn't be here today if he had not broken out of that mentality.
I'm going for the gold, I'm going for the barn. Don't live with a narrow vision. You haven't touched the surface of what God has in store.
A story about a frog was told:
The frog splashed in a well, life was good it doesn't get any better. He noticed a light up at the top of the well and climbed up and peered over the edge. He saw a pond and then a lake and then to the ocean.He thought he had it all but only had a drop. We're like the frog, limited, closed in our environment. God has an ocean, you have a cup mentality. Go a little further and look out over the edge.
Believe for bigger things.
Psalm 35:27 "Let them shout for joy and be glad, Who favor my righteous cause; And let them say continually, "Let the Lord be magnified, Who has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant."
God knows if you hear something long enough it gets down inside.
New things are coming, health is being restored, speak that favor over your life, 'I'm going to have a supernatural life'. Some of you are stuck in a rut from generations like my dad.
Head straight to the ocean to the fullness, you are a king and queen, your time of power is still in session. One touch of God's favor takes you from the well to the ocean.
Supernatural breakthrough, healing, deliverance opportunity, connection, increase,
You'll say 2009 is my year to shine.

There would be nothing accomplished in standing for, agreeing with or being sarcastic or making fun of anything about this teaching. God Word is Truth regardless of how It is presented. It stands alone and He needs no help. It is grieving that we use It to pull out just exactly what we desire in this life.

I'm actually ashamed to say one time in church I was upset with someone who spoke against prosperity teaching. I thought I could come up with many scriptures to confirm that God was a God of prosperity (measured in things). And certainly if someone was prospering financially and had all the excess comforts that this life could offer...well surely... I was prospering at the time...surely I was doing something right.

It is so clear to me now that it has nothing to do with 'what I do or say' or 'what I have or what I don't have'. I understand, freely I receive from a loving God. There is nothing attached or required to receive, it's free and there is nothing that I should withhold when giving because it's free. It is all abundant, overflowing capacity of Unconditional Love and Grace.

I have only sorrow and a sick feeling for the confusion, as it blinds and covers up the depth and love of God and His Truth which cannot be experienced in superficial want, showmanship and self exaltation. It is hard enough on the other side of this to surrender daily and be humble in simplicity. I have been on both sides of this prosperity fence and I choose a personal, heart to heart relationship, with gratitude for everything in my life, to my Lord, my God and my King.

I am grieved that the world cannot see God in these confusing, self exalted presentations, or find Him as they search with themselves with that measure of faith, a beautiful, simple foundation that is fertile and ready to receive. The things of this world have changed the condition of the soil. God's Word isn't complicated and confusing. His Word has been turned into a fortune magazine instead of His so simple a child can understand, inviting, life changing Living Guide Book, showing His Love and desire to deeply searching and hurting 'real' people, you and me.

It may not be the smartest thing I ever do when I hit this 'send' link, but it is what I am feeling. His Word is powerful and does offer all and everything we need or don't need. It isn't about prosperity or poverty teachings, these are the definitions applied by man to inflate our own egos and has nothing to do with Who God Is.

It was once said to me, 'God promises us only sustenance and for every morsel of bread that goes into my mouth I am totally grateful'. Wow, the beauty in the simplicity of seeing God do His work and the beauty of coming out of my human ego driven self to a place of total gratitude. It's this beautiful place where I don't need anything more than sustenance and totally grateful for what I have and what I don't have. I don't just want to talk the talk, or regurgitate what I hear, or what I think I hear, but I want to be a walking, living example of His Love.

I am so unworthy to even speak His Name. It can't get better than this.

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