
August 8, 2008 Keep Going

Keep Going

We pray and ask and believe God and it seems as though He doesn't answer... then something happens that is so illuminated and clear that we say, 'You really did answer. You really did direct my steps, You really wanted me to do this, You really did open a door'. The amazing thing is it is never in our planning of anything that this happens.

If we walk in faith, the way will open up with our step by step forward movement. Oh, I guess there are times it falls in our lap, but it's the walk, the action of moving into 'things not seen'. Because we cannot see until we are right smack dab in the middle of 'the evidence' the clearly illuminated evidence of the 'things hoped for' or the clarity in the moment of how our steps are ordered.

Hebrews 11:1 Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.
It is so easy to lose our focus. As long as we stay focused on the things of the Lord we don't need to worry about what we 'see' or 'don't see'. His eyes watch over us and guide us and are the only direction that is completely sure and never failing.

Help us God to not fear the 'things not seen' help us to walk in Your light.

Psalm 37:23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, And He delights in his way.

You are so close, keep going don't stop, don't give up, you're almost there, the way will be clear, you will see the Way.


Video & Song
'Sometimes by Step' Rich Mullins/Bebo Norman

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