
August 9, 2008 What I See

What I See

The very thing I look at I will see. Didn't I do send this once before? It really is where our focus is. We strive to find truth continually. Since faith isand action word, it never stops, it's infinite. So as I focus on what I see, or door not see or not do, then the very thing I look at I will see. If I stand firm in the midst of everything that comes my way and do not waiver, it is not me who is giving me the strength to do so, it is the Lord. I do have a choice though as to where I look.I'm sure it looks like a whirlwind sometimes, flying around me ready to snatchme up or blow me away. There really is an eye in the midst of storms, and the Lord is there.

I must make a choice every moment. And I fail always. One dear friend sent this to me, 'It is a rigorous practice. You will never get it completely right. You must forgive yourself when you don't.'

Wow, and it is, and it's true, and I must.

2 Corinthians 10:5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

Back on December 31st I began this blog with enthusiasm of a new year. It was dropped in my heart to name it 'His Heart My Heart' my relationship, one on one with my Lord. Nothing has changed and I pray nothing ever will. I am constantly amazed at His voice and direction, I am even more amazed at when I get in the way I can't see 'anything'. The door is open whenever I seek Him; when I turn my focus from Him I can't find my way to the door. And if I'm following His lead, He keeps only the door open that He knows is best for me.

My journey, I love it. My desire is to be connected with His heart, giving me more of what I need to be connected with every precious heart around me. And nothing has changed as I continue, this expression is 'going on without interruption'.

It takes my breath away.

Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13:8

Life really is the burning of the candle...

Video & Song
'Beauty of the Lord' Desperation Band

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