
July 16, 2008 One Cord

One Cord

We are one in the Spirit....yes we are.

Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow...Again, if two lie together, then they have heat: but how can one be warm alone? And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and A THREEFOLD CORD IS NOT QUICKLY BROKEN. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

The Father, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, You, Me and all others. Body, mind and spirit. We are twisted and together in love. Two are better than one, but three together in His Spirit and His Love cannot be broken. Think about a rope and it is twisted or braided together, its purpose is for strength.

We have come to a time in our lives where there is separateness in communities, families and church. We are thinking alone, doing alone and living alone. We have become independent in both our thinking and physically. 'I can do it myself, and I don't need anyone else.' There is a deep sadness in this. In the conditioning of independence and seeking fortune and fame, we have created a system that neither sees each other nor is easily available for each other whether because of time restrictions or distance. We are brothers and sisters. How is must grieve Him Who loves us with Love that is more than enough for everyone of His children.

The beauty of the three stranded cord is we are never separated and if we do become separated we become weak. It is time for us to stop and look at our precious created family all around us. To become connected with them, not just in thoughts but with our hearts. To take time to 'pay attention', 'to see' and allow ourselves to 'be seen'.

There are times in our lives we decide to slow down on our own and then there are times when slowing down seems to be out of our control. It's as if He is making a way for us to stop and look at who we are, who is near us, and look at Me.

Over the past 10 years I have be fortunate to be a part of a church and community where the people genuinely care and love and it is evident in many ways. And yesterday it was evident again as a dear young Pastor Aaron and his wife Anita quickly made calls to help and a precious sister Terri picked my husband and I up on the side of 249 Fwy in Montgomery county when our car broke down. And the calls and emails from my church and friends and family and concerns to help us made me realize how blessed we are and that we (none of us) are really never alone and helpless. I am so thankful to all of you, and Ken and I feel and see your love. WOW! And Ken will rest in Him and on his flight to the other side of the earth, literally, to China, knowing that we are fine here.

And in this same community there has been in our dear brother, Jim's family, the death of his precious niece. Please pray for them in these days to come for comfort that only can come for the Lord. We may not be able to be there physically with him and his family but we are holding them in our hearts and when one grieves we all grieve, and we do.

Video & Song
'Who Am I' Casting Crowns

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