
May 16, 2008 Tricycle to Bicycle

From Tricycle to Bicycle...

Remember? The security of 3 little wheels and not venturing out too far to get into trouble. Happy-go-lucky. Then that day came with such excitement your first bike with training wheels!! Little wobbly but really getting the feel for it, pretending like you were free to ride the bike without those two little wheels. Even balancing so that those little wheels sometimes didn't touch the ground, thinking that you were something. Then the big day comes! You're still not on your own just yet. Usually there was someone to push start you, running beside you to make sure you didn't fall. Then voila' you're off!!! Oh, oops, you fell down, ohhhhh, so sorry, but you get up. Try it again!! Wow, each time a little more stable, a little more sure of the balance. You're doing've got it and your on your way.... oops there's a bump!! Watch out!! Ohhhhh, so sorry again.

Well that's life!! It truly is. Okay so this is what I remember, and suspect that if not exact this story is very similar to yours and here we are still hitting bumps, and holes and skidding through life. Scraped, bruised (hopefully no broken bones, ouch!! Sorry if that happened) but we continue to get up. Yes, we get up over and over again. We must!!

We persevere, we've been created to do that. We press on, find another way, improve the old way, and if that doesn't work we look to Him for help. Oops, 'if that doesn't work'? Why wait till we fall down, He is always there, that is Jesus. He is our stability as the first bike with training wheels, and we are free to ride without them.

That's life!!

I am so glad this came to my heart. It is one of my most favorite scriptures.

Isaiah 45:2 "I will go before you and make the rough places smooth; I will shatter the doors of bronze and cut through their iron bars. 3 I will give you the treasures of darkness And hidden wealth of secret places, So that you may know that it is I, The LORD, the God of Israel, who calls you by your name."

Video & Song
'Give Me Jesus' Fernando Ortega

How about that? I didn't know Fernando sang this song.
I'm stuck on his songs these days. Sure helps me be still in my spirit.
How simple but how beautiful!

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