
April 9, 2009 A Very Special Day

The purpose of this life is to be in a vertical (which is really inward) communication with God in a linear path of life and from time to time we lose sight of this. To experience God's wonderful hands in all the perfection of life happens when we let go of this world while passing through it. Our human finite minds wonder about the glory before us, our hearts experience a glimpse of the glory within us.

Today is my dad's first birthday, April 9th, 1931, it was a very special day. His second birth was on Mother's Day last year, it is a very special day because this birth put him straight into the arms of Jesus. We love you dad, we know you are in His Love, His Arms and holding a place for us all, but until that time we have work to do here. And when we get to see, the family is very very large, you know that already :-). Sending our love and receiving your love. The separation is only temporary (on our side), but really isn't a separation at all, we are still one heart, one mind, one soul.

I Can Only Imagine, Mercy Me

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