
April 22, 2009 Warrior Child

We are like innocent children who have no fear death. There is no fear because our Pappa is with us, always. We are called to be in this growing army, fighting for Life.

Susan here's this amazing song that Ken and I were talking about yesterday. It was originally sung by Twila Paris and I thought of it since we were talking about going out in the battlefield. This outer exterior of strength, is no strength at all. We are children crying and hiding inside the full body gear of His covering. Remember David? The armor didn't fit. He was a child warrior. Covered in His Wings, His Arms, His Hands, His Shadow, His Mercy, His Grace, His Love. We are children in battle gear, totally depending on Papa to give us strength, pick us up when we fall down. This battle is not of flesh and blood. The Battle Plan: 'Stand', with the heart and unconditional love of a child.

Warrior is a Child, Gary Valenciano

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