
May 9, 2009 His Love Never Fails

For those family and friends who wait and hope with us, pray with us and watch how we are living as we search for a deeper relationship with God, I am sharing this pouring out of my heart with you in hopes that I can point you to Jesus in the same way our dear awesome friend Jim, a modern day John the Baptist, fearlessly, openly and relentlessly reminds us to always look to Jesus.

How did we make something so simple, so complicated?

We are becoming continuously aware of how God's Unconditional Love heals. It isn't any longer outward work of doing anything with exhausting emotional energy or even speaking with that same energy in order to heal, rebuke, correct or cast out demons. Healing is occurring everywhere with His Fruit (singular) of the Holy Spirit - Love, Joy, Peace, Patience (oh boy, don't you wish that wasn't there?!) Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self Control. This work of the Spirit is undetectable with human eyes occurring through full blown feeling hearts stepping out to Love with His Love, touching lives until all that is afflicting God's people flees. Jesus protected and healed all who came to Him that needed protection and healing, He Loved and He desired for His people to know Him completely and fully inviting a close personal relationship with Him and to experience Him.

We are in the midst of seeing His Unconditional Love heal all diseases and sicknesses and transforming, renewing, awakening and even raising the dead, which isn't necessarily the physical body. There are no demons that can stand, inflict, hold or keep in bondage any human being created in His image, because we walk in His Love. We will see this Truth only when we allow all the mundane obstacles of this world to be crushed with all its temptations that come between our connecting with God. This is where He reveals Himself to us in ways that we cannot fathom. And in all of this we see that His Word is truly alive and breathing and able to accomplish all that He has set out for It to do. We don't need to manipulate, add to or take away from It in order to try in our feeble, lame ways to make It do anything that It is already doing.

We learn and see that His 'Unconditional' Love is just that. Love is not 'unconditional' if we are adding to, taking away, manipulating, resisting, requiring, rewarding, restricting promising or shaming to get a specific result or response in order to teach, love (which then is not unconditional love at all) or accept someone. We have only been living what we have been taught and what we have been taught by man came from fear of this world. God is teaching us His way. What an injustice to our Father that we would take His Word, His Proven Unconditional Love and add anything to it that would restrict healing and vision and purpose for which He created us to be. God's Unconditional Love Heals, Completely. I am convinced there is nothing I need to do to help Him except Love with the Love that He has given to me. Because it isn't anything we are doing that heals anyway, it is only God doing it.

Ken and I are constantly learning to lay down our fears of this world and in the midst of living this call or invitation to follow Him, (which doesn't need degrees or titles), to be deliverers and servants of His Love to others. This is where we invite all to hold each other, uplift in prayer our desperation to God and ask to experience in so many ways healing and delivery from the fears of this world. We see many tests that come, which would normally in our old ways cause us to ostracize, criticize and really want to pulverize (as a means to try and hide our fear) any person that defaulted on anything owed or promised (whether real or an illusion) to us, until we realize God calls us to forgive each other's debt as well. We are learning as long as we keep our mind, our heart and our soul on our ONLY One True Source, rather than looking to people 'first', because when we look to Him for our needs He chooses how our needs are met in our surrendering all to Him. And we are finding out that our effort means nothing because the harder we try to do anything on our own power, the slimmer things get because His Work must be first.

It was our choice and we know that many cannot understand this choice. We know our source isn't social security or government assistance or savings or Interests or assets or even a so-called secure jobs because that will all soon fade away, It is a very humbling reality that there are no coincidences with those God puts in our Life's path. Every single person we know is there for a purpose, that is to teach us something about ourselves, And an even greater mind blowing aspect to this is how our birth family was chosen for us.

When one door closes we can be sure another will open. We have this assurance that He is taking care of our every need as we surrender all to Him. We are learning a new way to live and that is Living His Unconditional Love.

For friends and family who are fearful, which manifests in so many ways, we understand you completely and are now living our lives as a testimony to everyone for the days to come, only one thing holds true forever, His Love Never Fails.

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