
May 5, 2009, His Steadfast Love Steadies Me

Psalm 57:7 Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Psalm 108:1 My heart is steadfast, O God; I will sing and make music with all my soul.
Psalm 119:5 Oh, that my ways were steadfast in obeying your decrees.

stead⋅fast   /ˈstɛdˌfæst, -ˌfɑst, -fəst/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [sted-fast, -fahst, -fuhst] Show IPA –adjective

1.fixed in direction; steadily directed: a steadfast gaze.
2.firm in purpose, resolution, faith, attachment, etc., as a person: a steadfast friend.
3.unwavering, as resolution, faith, adherence, etc.
4.firmly established, as an institution or a state of affairs.
5.firmly fixed in place or position.

Oh, yes we know where the foundation is steadfast under our feet. Temptations will come and go but our feet will be established and unwavering. This is my reminder. Thank you to those who constantly remind us of His great Love.

This walking with Jesus isn't easy is it? And speaking for myself and if you can relate we are holding each other as we are accountable to God alone, surrendering with every step we take. Life isn't always easy, as a matter of fact life isn't easy most of the time. This is where I hold onto the Lord's steadfast Love. It is my anchor and immovable foundation. When the ground is cracking under my feet, I can be sure after all the dust settles down in the earthquake, His foundation will be intact and I will still be 'standing' with Him.

Then this comes in Jim's blog this morning reminding me that my greatest work is always within myself and not out there or with or because of anyone else or circumstance. I know how ruthless, conniving, hardheaded I can be, in my mind first, and then showing outwardly making so many lives miserable. If you haven't seen this part of me it's because you don't spend 365 days, 24/7 with me. I must constantly die to my old ways and surrender to God until my mind is renewed and my heart is changed bit by bit. I am aware of my need to ask for forgiveness everyday, to allow the crushing of this insane ego of mine. God help me to keep looking inward to find more of You.

""Repeating my favorite and most mind-blowing Bible verse, Mark 11:24:

"Pray for what you need; believe you have received it, and it is yours."

And as confronting and provocative as this may sound in the face of so much "argued for"' darkness, fear, languishing, and loathing in the world, I have discovered from vast experience in the human relational realm that we truly do experience and actually become that which we believe ourselves to be, and others and the world treat us exactly the way we believe we deserve to be treated. If we truly want things to be different in our lives, to receive a different and more meaningful reality, it is time to choose a different belief about God, ourselves, and others (and we do actually get to choose what we believe about all that, regardless of our past experience and upbringing), and a totally different prayer (and we do actually get to choose how, what, and why we pray), and then a steadfast "readying of our hearts" (with our guide and teacher, Jesus, leading us at the center - and we also get to choose who we believe him to be for us) to "have received.""

I want to be more like You Jesus.

Psalm 112:7 He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord.

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