I am continuing to learn more about the Truth which sets me free. To be able to speak truth more often and learning how to do so in love and I am seeing all the reasons I was not able to out of (read very carefully) fear or protecting myself or another person. As the Lord slowly and lovingly peels away the layers of my life I am able to see this beautiful freedom as 'love casts out all fear'. To be able to speak truth in love has opened up, and fear of it or the need to protect from it is being peeled away. Truth spoken to me before may have been taken as criticism (not constructive), a personal attack, unappreciation of the 'things I did' because the 'things I did' were attached to who I was or a diverting facade to the carefully guarded deeper, darker part of me, the pain and shame part of me.
Now I see the need for Truth to be spoken freely in order to 'set free'. The fear of truth or protecting myself or others from truth keeps total healing and freedom from being complete within each of us. In the same manner I cannot fully speak truth if I am not ready to fully receive truth. What is spoken in fear, can it ever be truth? What is not spoken in love cannot be received because it isn't from the heart, rather it's from fear, pain and shame. Love cannot be faked and when faking, it creates confusion, despair. Love when not faked is searched for, received and deeply desired. After all, we search for love 'looking in all the wrong places', hearing it from 'all the wrong places' and when the real thing shows up we know it and can distinguish it from all other facades and masks. Because the heart can see and feel truth.
Truth sets us free, it is a continuous, ongoing process of learning and seeing love and being transformed by it. It is the Lord's infinite love and His desire that we be whole and complete as that Truth continues to set us free.
And if I need to remind those readiing, I am sharing my life and my heart, and really we are all connected. I am and know we are all on a continuous searching journey toward healing and being complete.
Video & Song
'Voice of Truth' Casting Crowns
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