With close to 300 entries since last year I had to go back and see if there has been any difference in my thoughts. I found that He is still the stabilizer in my life. That when things need explaining, or obstacles seem difficult, or an answer cannot be found, or wisdom is needed, or I'm feeling despair, or feeling lost or anger about any situation, He is there.
I really see that my blog probably is more about the Lord than me. I can keep talking about Him and His Word, His healing, His wonder in my life and let 'me' blend with Him, or I can show more of my life, and my pain, struggles, my 'real life'. It will be what is on my heart from day to day. It's not so much of me but the Lord and I doubt that will ever change. I am recording my thoughts and my life on the other side of my flesh, but will continue to add more of my struggles of my flesh through my life. It's not completely inspirational, but my desire in sending this to you is that you may be to able see where my strength comes from.
Regardless of my topic, we each must go on our own journey to search for truth, search for peace and for healing. I chose my path and walking with Him, on my knees, whether I follow, or He carries me, I don't need to look any further. He is and He always will be my answer. I know I am not to 'become so heavenly minded that I am no earthly good', I 'see' there is a world out there, reaching far beyond my arms except by prayer where I can be with anyone, any place in the world at anytime. Yes, I have my heart set on the things to come, but I cannot forget where I am 'now', and that there are hurting people, everywhere, including the 'church'. So maybe I should say, after continually needing the purging fire, being broken and crushed, 'I am seeing more with His heart, so I can really be some earthly good'.
They had it right on this one,
Video & Song
'Eleanor Rigby' The Beatles
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