There have been times I thought I would send a blank screen and see what responses I got.
Some days I wake up with this heightened awareness of newness, e.g. the slate is wiped clean. Today is this and I want to bask in this moment as God prepares me for my day. The quietness of not knowing, this peace actually is very new for me, because I use to have 'my own' hand in my plans from the moment I jumped out of bed. Oh yes, I prayed for God to guide me, but never with surrendering to His plan, as if He needed my help! Now the beauty, and yes 'bliss' of 'surrendering' everyday to what God is preparing cannot be described in words.
Psalm 5:3 In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. NIV
The requests of the heart are to do His will, I am learning to let go and let Him show me what that is. Amazing!
And as I was looking for a song, guess what my fingers 'accidently' hit this song.
It couldn't be more perfect to express my feelings on this topic.
I am saying 'yes, thank You God!' My song for today, to 'walk by faith'.
Video & Song
Walk By Faith by Jeremy Camp
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