In one poll the number one fear is public speaking and number 10 was being alone.
As I thought about all the different fears I realized how great and how real fear is in those moments of each person's life. There is even phobophobia; fear of fear. If I started typing all the different fears I would type until tomorrow.
We can't eliminate fear. Our most recent experiences bring up our most recent fears. Today mine is uncertainty. And to think if I had a full time job that would only eliminate one fear and produce another. For those who have full time jobs or a part time jobs, I hear fear of losing jobs or 401Ks or savings. For parents it is fear for their children and protecting them from this vicious world. Or for others it is fear of losing someone loved or something cherished.
Here are some fears to which we can relate; facing of our pride, being alone, pain both physical and emotional, death physical and spiritual, failure, abandonment, not feeling loved, not feeling wanted. Not just fears of things like spiders or bugs, in one poll the number one fear was flying and progressively became deeper to those of love, God and being alone. Maybe it takes a little longer to get to the deeper fears. Maybe this is fear of fear.
There is only one place I can go to forget in that moment my fears and that is in His perfect love. There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4: NIV
We must be real, we are unable to live in this world without fear coming at us day after day. Even if we were on a deserted island trying to get away from those things which produce fear, we would eventually be afraid of being alone, and fear of what's unknown. The truth is, I can't be saved from my fears by any human nor can I save anyone else from their fears, each of us must look to the One Who drives out all fear.
So it seems to me there is more freedom in truth in facing our fears than pretending and lying to cover up fear. Because when we hold fear in it produces devastating results, which is another topic in itself, and my life experiences alone is enough for another email on this topic.
I can't think of a better place to go when I'm afraid.
Video & Song
'Through It All' Hillsong
As I thought about all the different fears I realized how great and how real fear is in those moments of each person's life. There is even phobophobia; fear of fear. If I started typing all the different fears I would type until tomorrow.
We can't eliminate fear. Our most recent experiences bring up our most recent fears. Today mine is uncertainty. And to think if I had a full time job that would only eliminate one fear and produce another. For those who have full time jobs or a part time jobs, I hear fear of losing jobs or 401Ks or savings. For parents it is fear for their children and protecting them from this vicious world. Or for others it is fear of losing someone loved or something cherished.
Here are some fears to which we can relate; facing of our pride, being alone, pain both physical and emotional, death physical and spiritual, failure, abandonment, not feeling loved, not feeling wanted. Not just fears of things like spiders or bugs, in one poll the number one fear was flying and progressively became deeper to those of love, God and being alone. Maybe it takes a little longer to get to the deeper fears. Maybe this is fear of fear.
There is only one place I can go to forget in that moment my fears and that is in His perfect love. There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4: NIV
We must be real, we are unable to live in this world without fear coming at us day after day. Even if we were on a deserted island trying to get away from those things which produce fear, we would eventually be afraid of being alone, and fear of what's unknown. The truth is, I can't be saved from my fears by any human nor can I save anyone else from their fears, each of us must look to the One Who drives out all fear.
So it seems to me there is more freedom in truth in facing our fears than pretending and lying to cover up fear. Because when we hold fear in it produces devastating results, which is another topic in itself, and my life experiences alone is enough for another email on this topic.
I can't think of a better place to go when I'm afraid.
Video & Song
'Through It All' Hillsong
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