I am.. I am Deborah a conqueror, Hannah the hopeful, Ruth the daughter and companion, Esther the one who was born for this time, Lydia the encourager, Martha the server, Mary the captivated, Rachael the yearning and patient, Sarah who was barren who gave birth to a nation, the woman at the well the evangelist, the woman caught in adultery who experienced grace, the woman with the issue of blood who was desperate and was healed, the Proverbs 31 woman who did everything to please her Lord. Yes, there are others to add and I am all of them
There is no doubt we are all representing every woman in the bible, and men representing every man and vice versa. We are all strong and weak, dying yet alive, full of fear and full of faith, tired and energized, wanting to give up and holding on. We are all of these and all of them.
...and always remembering I am nothing without I AM.
(added after I was thinking later this morning; if truely honest even Jezebel the usurper, over-taker, prostituting for the sake of power, position, and self-satisfaction also can't be omitted.)
Video & Song
'We Will Glorify' Twila Paris
Hey, kewl. Wonderful. The Body is the enviroment to blossom in. It is the place of earthly manifestiation of His (Our) image in which the glory of God is made practical in a restored relationship. Next time you come out, I would like you to show me how to set this up. I put Prayer Time Devotional out every day from Philadelphia. Give me an email address or send it to this address ..CLCDevotional@comcast.net