This came to me yesterday from an awesome friend and I immediately thought of the one asking for bread, they asked until the owner of the home got up after he had already gone to bed and he gave all he had.
1. Ask God what you should do.
2. Listen intently knowing that He will answer.
3. When He does, do that, no matter how insane it might sound.
4. Pay attention to what happens when you do.
5. Ask again.
And the reason to ask again,
Because sometimes we are hearing our mind rather than Him, and asking again, and trying, and asking again helps us refine our sensors to His voice only.
I also thought of the Lord's voice, when He said my sheep know my voice and follow Me, John 10. But maybe too often in the hustle and bustle of life we forget how His still, small, voice sounds. That means block our everthing else which interferes through the mind, ears and eyes. It is a place for me with total silence, othewise I really can't hear.
And yesterday morning I was reading in Numbers 11, when the Lord told Aaron and Miriam, that He didn't need to speak to Moses in dreams and visions, because of his humble heart, the Lord spoke to Moses mouth to mouth.
In the morning there are 'no sounds', none, some of you may like the late evening, that too.
No motors, no cars, no people talking, 'no noise', just time to listen.
Video & Song
'Word of God Speak' Mercy Me
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