'This tension created by the Fall lies behind the notion of 'tentmaking.' Needless to say, there was no advertised job that was perfect for Paul's calling' 'Apostle to the Gentiles" $50,000 per annum.' So Paul, not wishing to depend on wealthy Corinthians patrons, earned money by making tents. Doubtless he made his tents well because they too were made to the glory of God. But tentmaking was never the heart of Paul's calling, it was only a part, as all of life is. As a part of our calling such 'tentmaking' at worst is work that frustrates us because it takes time we wish to spend on things more central. But at best it is work that frees us to get to that which is central. By contrast, whatever is the heart of our calling is work that fulfills us because it employs our deepest gifts.' The Call, Os Guinness
Every morning I wake up and ask the Lord to show me how I can serve Him. Staying open to each opportunity and in this there is something happening, it is with my gifts.
Each and everyone of you have gifts that have been given to you by God. You may know what they are and if you don't He will show you. These gifts may be speaking, teaching, ministering, encouraging, exhorting, edifying, listening, prayer warrior, and with any gifts is 'being a 'servant' rather than 'serving'. In my life the 'tentmaking' can be frustrating (mostly in the time consuming task itself, or my aching body after almost 8 hours of painting props yesterday, Right Kathy D?), but freeing in that each project is an extension of what is within me. Whatever I do, I pray that it isn't just 'work' or a 'job' but that it gives glory to God. He has blessed me through my gifts and now I am able to see how my gifts are used to serve Him wherever I go.
Each day is a new day and today is beautiful.
Video & Song
'Marvelous Light' Charlie Hall
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