There are times that the struggles to see my way through my fear is harder than others, times where I really fight to keep from giving up (my human outward appearance of having it all together is a facade). These are the times when I must go deep within myself to allow His light to illuminate within me to see my purpose in the 'blackouts' (how interesting, we had one last night from the storm). I will not deny that I have fearful times when I really don't have a clue as to what I'm doing or going to do. This doesn't make me less of a Christian but a stronger one, able to experience all of life, the good, the bad and the ugly. And to stand firm in the midst of being unsure of my next step, knowing that He is in control and not me. One of my greatest tests is to give up control to the Lord and allow Him to navigate and relax and lay back and enjoy the ride, He knows where to go every time.
I am a spirit being first within a body, not the other way around
Video & Song
'You Are My World' Hillsong
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