'Your call is to Me first then your family, then your neighbor'. When you lack in this you are truly lacking'
I think a lot these days about what I would be willing to give up to serve the Lord as it has become real life situation.
For the first time in 27-1/2 years it is Ken and I 'more together than ever'. From the time we met, one thing we were always in agreement on is our heart for the down and out. Maybe it's because it seems close to home and really now more than ever close to home since we have been through the loss of a home after 16 years that was 2 years ago) and going into a small 2 bedroom apartment, (cozier than I wanted). But God knew what He was doing, like He was saying 'you must face each other!! (really like a face off!) I'm going to make sure you are somewhere you can work out your problems without living in separate parts of the house.' And as I said before, kicking and screaming like a 2 year old throwing a temper tantrum all the way. I can now say after these 2 years I actually like the coziness, the closeness with Ken and Jesse (who really doesn't and I understand) of the apartment and it certainly diminished the expenses although the needs are still always upon us. To keep a sense of humor when the Lord returns, we're going to tell Him He's late. Actually, someone tell me where in the scripture does it say 'God is never late' or is that on His time or ours?
Everyday we are being broken and reduced, put in a place of having only the Lord to depend on. I shared yesterday with the women's ministry the blog from Wednesday and before I read it I shared my heart on this call to serve fully in ministry and not go back to 'mammon' or the business world. The laying down of my life to serve God's people everywhere, the call to serve is greater than the need for 'it'. It is interesting, I would never have thought of this to be part of the call, but I can say it definitely is. I was blinded by the 'prettiness and comfort of my surroundings', and my life depended on losing it all. Because what purpose does it serve in this life or with this call?
There is no doubt I am seeing an army being called, to give their lives, their hearts and give up the need for things and for 'mammon' to survive and seeing and walking in miracles equivalent to manna. Healing is happening in mind, body and spirit.
The treasure is much greater than the needs. We found a treasure greater than 'mammon'. It is communion with the entire 'the Body'. I can honestly say for the first time in my life, I completely and totally love my life so much I give up my life for my Lord and anyone of them.
Ever hear this before? There is another level of commitment... 'no turning back'.
We are each one light...fuel burning....think of what one light can do.
Let's stay with this one more day...
Video & Song
'Lord, You Have My Heat' Delirious
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