
February 6, 2012, 30 Years Old

I started off my day listening to God's still quiet voice within my heart to lead me...when I don't hear I find myself panicked and disconnected. Then I realize it isn't in the 'trying' or 'doing' in order to is in 'being' with...and with all my struggles I felt this wonderful awareness of how my Life is so amazing, and has been amazing. Ken and I have been blessed with 2 sons, Joshua who arrived exactly 30 years ago and Jesse who joined us a year and a half later.

Yesterday this came to me..."Capture the Beauty that is on the inside rather than on the outside by looking through to the essence of God in all His Creation." I see the Gift of His Creation and how He allowed Life to form in and through me.

And as I wrote on Joshua's FB wall today..."don't do anything I 'taught' you"....maybe they don't realize that they taught me? Who I am leads more than what I 'do' or 'say'...what I 'do' is not who I am. If what I say lines up with who I am, expressed Love is received. This is a great gift that almost slipped away..I'm just thankful that the depth of my Living is greater than anything I could have done or imagined.

As a full day ends...remembering what I 'know' ....this is Living a Long Lived Lovely Life!

Yep! This is "A Wonderful Life!"