
December 15, 2011 Searching, Looking, Seeing without Fear

When Love prevails, deep purposeful connection (on the other side of our frenzied misguided formulas to prove something that cannot be attained), helps us slow down to Look and to See without fear (which is impossible with fear) until there is nothing left that matters but Perfect Love Itself for each other.

This was inspired from a journal sent by a dear friend and close brother, who received it from another dear friend, and I pass it on to you showing my Love and deep longing for connection within our families, with you and experience it as it spills out and fills each other until nothing is left in the world but Love. It is not a naive thought, it is real and waiting and is revealed as our hearts allow.

What a beautiful gift we are in and with each other.....we can 'experience' this when nothing else matters, nothing else is needed.