I try not to think much about all the political pomp, the promises, the over glorified presence, because that can be unreliable.
It is not for me to, nor is it realistic for me to think I have any control over what anyone says and does. But my concern is the possible haughtiness that is raising its ugly head in the church (people who say they love the Lord).
The sickness of the over influencing media twisted bias reflects and projects to a 'perceived' majority. Inflating and digging for 'dirt' on the opponent, arch enemy, rival, nemesis are 'the other ones who don't agree with us', a more serious part and really a deeper grieving part of this and what I am beginning to see and understand, this is truly what 'grieves' the Holy Spirit. Political agenda, good, we need it all out in the open for the purpose of running the nation, to make choices, and please keep it coming. But they shove the name calling, grabbing for slander as their (make it clear, media) focus for us to base our decision. The agenda has become over years so polluted with personal scandal it is hard to focus on what is needed for our nation and who really is truthful.
I will use this an an example to see the bitterness of destruction from those saying they love the Lord, and how hate (remembering the premise is fear) permeates from just words which we so haphazardly speak in the open to those around us. During the tsunami one person said, 'God punished them because of their persecution of Christians'. From what I understand the Lord says, 'we will always have', not just one incident. Where is the end to haughtiness, what about...' ', 'anywhere', including the United States, fill in the blank, the pointing of the finger is endless. Thank You God that Your grace is endless!!
One of my favorite scriptures is such a profound direction of how we as God's people should live our lives within several paragraphs. In Isaiah 58, and it goes on to to say' If you remove the yoke from your midst..(yes bitterness and hate is a burden) the pointing of the finger and speaking wickedness"...(but instead love and help each other, focus on this) and feed those hungry, satisfy the afflicted, be a light in darkness, (the results are beautiful) 'your gloom will be come like midday, He will continually guide you, satisfy you in scorched places, give strength to your bones, you will be like a watered garden, the ruins will be rebuilt, the foundations will rise up, You will repair the breach, be the restorer in the streets...to name only a few. Ultimately we will find healing in ourselves. When my eyes were opened to this it almost made me fall out of my chair. We speak corruption, blame, hate bitterness, unforgiveness, in such a way that our own country is suffering, because we are suffering. One cannot stand without the other. We need to look within ourselves first and what we should really be doing.
So I ask you please, please we need to see and open our hearts to see the haughtiness of our thoughts. Please, please, please be careful of the spewing of hate everywhere we go. To be careful to weigh what we are doing by example even more so. There is always talk about revival, it cannot happen if we are afraid of our own truth. True 'revival' happens when individuals are willing to do everything necessary even dying, becoming vulnerable and then dropping fear little by little as the cement is chiseled away from our broken hearts and then allowing God to remold it into a heart like His. I am speaking for myself as well.
Psalm 51:10 Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. 11 Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. 12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me. 13 Then (and only then, my addition) I will teach transgressors your ways, and sinners will turn back to you.
Let's be careful, 'pointing the finger'. Weigh everything with love. There is never 'them' versus 'us', only 'we'. We have a choice to win hearts for the Lord and there is no faking love. Maybe this is too idealistic, but I am willing to try and risk my life for it.
And at 3:00 this morning after tossing and turning and fighting with God to get up and type what I heard, promisinig I would remember, He won. Here is what I heard...
I love this song
Video & Song
'Still' Hillsong
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