It came to me, wouldn't it be great if we could take our lives and rewind and retape over it when necessary? Just think we could edit, dub and create an illusion of a perfect life. Then it came to me that everything in our life, pain, abuse, joy, happiness are absolutely unavoidable and can be a source of healing for our present. The past only is the beginning of our story, to be continued to a final end (no... beginning) of our complete real life story.
I say often these days that I kick and scream (like a 2 year old) with God sometimes when I don't get my way. The thought, what a hoot! When I've gone to Him and ask 'why, why, why, wah, wah, wah'. Then I realize my need to say 'forgive me' about my bad choices, 'thank you' for getting me through it all and then finally coming to a place where I can say, 'here I am Lord, I am willing to give it all to You, please use me, please, please, please. Then getting to see despite my past what He is doing.
One incredible miracle is to see it happening in the process and to see love rise up and let it grow until all the fear is gone.
'Take 2'; 'Take 3' to look at our responses or reactions and let love rise up from our hearts to do what it is meant to do, which will bring amazing healing every time, all around us.
Perfect love casts out all fear. And with this understanding is peace regardless of where we've been or what we've done and where we blindly go, or what is going on now, or ever. And we don't need to edit or dub anything, because every shameful, painful, hurtful thing of lives will be replace with Perfect Love and that is the Truth in our real life story.
Video & Song
'Voice of Truth' Casting Crowns
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