In an archeological dig when the soil or earth is removed it isn't put back, it is taken away until the treasure is found. And when the treasure is found there is a gentle washing to reveal its beauty.
We sing songs to our God, praises to His name, glorifying His name, aboutour one desire to be with Him in Heaven, waiting souls yearning for His gift and ultimate reward of redemption. We sing of His love all day long, His awesomeness which cannot be described, His amazing grace. We know what is coming in the next life, it is our goal and we want it. We are looking forward to the promise that has be revealed to us.
One thing I see missing are songs and praises to Him for what we have 'now' as 'He walks with me and He talks with me'. How did we forget He is here now, that the kingdom of God is at hand? There is a relationship with Jesus and the saints here on earth 'now?. Is it in our desperation to leave our earthly thoughts and earthly bodies that we have forsaken the gift and the treasure which we have 'now'? 'Reach out and touch the Lord as He goes by' is one song, but He wants to do more than just 'walk by', He is yearning to 'come in' and 'be with' us and 'live with' us, have 'communion with' us, to 'stay with' us and help us find our way, 'now'.
With all eyes upward, He is leading us back to find His presence and creation within us, within every human being, every breathing creature, every beautiful bit of His creation. Even the rocks cry out and bring forth living water and reveal His creative miracle.
We are an army of brothers and sisters crying and hurting and desperate and yes we still love the Lord, we still seek His face and deeply desire Him. How amazingly beautiful, it doesn't mean you don't love Him because you have hidden shame and darkness that cannot be conquered, because we must be constantly redirected to Christ to be 'more than' a conqueror to be able to overcome evil with good. He meets us there in the depth of suffering and gives us peace in the midst of our storms and pain. It means 'in' our weaknesses He makes us strong.
We are the saints on earth living 'single' lives, side by side in our homes, on the streets and highways and in the pews with a global vision, a heavenly vision and lose sight of each other because of the speed we fly by each other day after day. We do things for each other, hug, teach, walk with, eat with, at incredible speed but what about sing of our love for one another, really sit in the depth of hearts connecting and breathing with each other, crying with each other, maybe just not speak at all, just 'truly be' with each other.
What if we just stopped all the 'doing for' and just 'be with'? This sounds to me like heaven on earth.
Matthew 6:21 For where your treasure is , there will your heart be also.
Video & Song
'Every Man' Casting Crowns
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