Risk:–verb; to expose to the chance of injury or loss; hazard: to risk one's life.
What risk is it to go across the desert with a caravan as opposed to the risk of doing the same thing with water in your hand.
It was an ego thing with me in the past as it seemed clear to me I could do it all. And thrived on risk taking. Maybe not to the degree of major investments in corporation but huge to me. As I started up several small businesses in my adult life, and thinking it was in my blood from a young girl to 'make money'. And as a young girl it was still abnormal for a woman to think about any career other than secretary. I was primed to be a 'secretary' if any work was considered. I broke out of the molding as I fought for what I knew was my gift. And I thought if I used my gift, surely it was a gift from God to make lots of money using it. Right?
Risk; I loved taking chances and still do. I changed my focus and took only small risks, as other precious responsibilities as the birth of my sons minimized and took away my grandiose vision of a huge ad agency. Yes, I can take risks and make leaps and walk blindly sometimes. There is one 'risk' which really isn't a risk at all, it comes by serving others and walking by faith and not by sight.
As a possible real life scenario when there is nothing left at all, when the bills are late, the kids are sick, the car is broken down, the weather is stormy with flood warnings, the refrigerator is empty (and the pantry is too), it is time to go into the desert without the caravan. Because our God, our Father who cares for us doesn't give us a stone or a snake, but 'out of this world' gourmet bread to eat and 'designer' clothes to wear more beautiful than the lilies, He covers us with His wings which are more glorious and magnificent than any of the greatest palaces we could live in.
What ever made us think that happiness is tied up in money, that we have a padded bank account, savings, impressive portfolio of tangible and/or other money market investments? Is this really our ultimate answer?
What would it be like if we dropped everything we are doing and go out with nothing but the clothes on our backs and ask the Lord to lead us to where He wants us to be. Not very practical is it, not logical, most would think it's crazy.What would really happen? Are we too comfortable to leave the security of money and things? God forbid we should go this far? To sell everything we have that everyone in our communities would have no need? Didn't they do that in Acts? Wonder what the outcome was? I think it said 'there was no need among them'. But you see they had to be in agreement, one heart, one spirit. (I am stirred up with these two different versions as they mean two completely different things to me. Acts 4; the NIV interjected 'from time to time' while all the others makes no mention at all that their giving was sporadic.) How in the world will we ever know? In our vast comfort zones, nestled in a country that really doesn't have any reason for us to come to our knees until there is devastation. Then when that happens we get to understand love and compassion and salvation through devastation for a moment. Then we have eyes to see with and ears to hear with. What would we have eyes to see and ears to hear? Each other.
I guess if we could and would, we really would be 'exposed' and vulnerable, and the risk would only be our illusive lives so we could give away our real lives and really live.
Matthew 6 These were his instructions: "Take nothing for the journey except a staff--no bread, no bag, no money in your belts."
Remember God asked Moses 'what is in your hand?' This is not a credit card commercial asking 'what is in your wallet? It was a staff...It was a staff! We really are on a journey so take your staff; don't leave home without it. Did I quote a commercial again? Sorry, I couldn't help it.
Silver and gold have I none, but what I have I give to you. Rise and walk
Nothing holds us back but fear.
Beautiful Song from Chronicles of Narnia
'CS Lewis Song' Brooke Fraser
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