I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread. Psalm 37
As encouragement to anyone who is giving completely of their lives to serve and love unconditionally leaving their nets to follow Jesus, going out with only what they have on their backs, becoming a living sacrifice and believing for today and not tomorrow, staying open to all encounters as messengers from God for hearts connecting and our own personal growth to love extravagantly regardless of the superficial appearance and words that cut and hurt on the surface, to go deeper than deep to the core and heart of every living being, reaching and touching and communicating on a spiritual level that is available always to anyone who seeks the Truth that we all may be healed completely heart, mind and soul within ourselves, in our families and in others, with radical expression of compassion bringing about healing beyond our comprehension because comprehension deals with the mind and the mind cannot fathom the open paths to His Light and Truth alone, it is only by His Holy Spirit we 'begin' to understand, we walk not knowing the future of our path, as we go out to spread the good news and open to all possibilities which come our way as divine direction, God will supply, He will meet every need, we will not be able to calculate or measure, our minds once again will not be able to comprehend the height, the depth and the breadth of His sustenance for He will give us His abundant bread instead of a stone. We ask of Him and He will always supply. We walk by faith and not by sight.
We are living in the days of manna once again. We are living in the days of Noah, we are living in the days when His Holy Spirit is being poured out on all mankind. He is gathering together an army with a heart like His who are willing to completely die for His cause. He is gathering together those willing to go out into the fields for they are white, the harvest is ready and just in time, the season is here.
We are blessed, amply supplied, every need, every path, every sought direction. We cannot see beyond 'now' but 'now' is sufficient and the past is no more and the future will take care of itself.
Video & Song
'Tears of The Saints' Leeland
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