'Grateful for my journey' a gift from my husband.
This is where Ken and I are now after looking back, after resisting Him and a call to serve completely with a heart like His.
How can I express what has happened in the preparation that led to this day of seeing miracles happen, one with physical eyes, one with spiritual eyes, ones which are unexplainable? It would make us crazy trying to figure it out. It cannot be done with our finite minds.
All I know is I finished the day with, maybe calling it 'raw untamed faith', as I believed and watched without control (which I can be honest and say that I have been very good at, that is - control) what the Lord laid out for my day. Total surrender and watchinng a complete 'turn around' in my life to serve with the same love which I have experienced. To be able to see, what an honor it is to be loved and to return love. WOW. If everyone could see what we really are able to give each other and receive from each other, what infinite gifts. There really are never any apologies for loving or guilt for receiving love. I am not speaking of tangible gifts as an expression of love, but of what cannot be seen which brings infinite transformation.
Only loving, being filled up to overflowing to give more and as it goes out it comes back, and goes out and comes back again. WOW, this is reaping and sowing, this is pressed down, shaken together, this is bread on the water, this is His children never begging for bread, this is God the same yesterday, today and forever because God is Love and Love never changes, He is always the same profound unconditional Love.
As we prepare here in S.E. Texas to be hit by hurricane Ike, it is amazing to see love being passed around. Maybe there needs to be more storms? Hmmm, maybe we would actually take the time to see others and even see ourselves and what we are capable of when there is pending or occurring disaster. What if we could see how absolutely necessary the storms are in our lives to make us stronger? Maybe we wouldn't resist them but really look at them and embrace them to find total and complete peace on the other side of every 'life' storm.
We are His sheep, He cares for His sheep, we have nothing to fear, our Good Shepherd has us completely covered from the storm. When it is over we are still standing and much stronger and able to see the Son more clearly in and out of the storm.
Lord help me not to forget, You do answer us,
Please keep us all safe through this storm.
Video & Song
'Praise You In This Storm' Casting Crowns
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