Ike Knocks at Our Door
I was asleep but the occasional power surge causes the alarm to go off in the apartment and
whoa is it loud!
I was remembering the scripture, it will not come near you and you will see with your eyes (and I'll add hear with your ears as Ike's winds are literally knocking on the door) but it will not come near you. A thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand (that is trees today) but it will not come near you; 'no harm will befall you or come near your tent' (home, dwelling,
town home, condo, apartment, trailer home etc.); 'Because he loves Me, says the Lord, I will rescue him, I will protect him, for he acknowledges My name'; 'He will cover you with His feathers under His wings'...Oh My God, You are so awesome!!
I know this is a bit fragmented from Psalm 91, but if there ever was a scripture to memorize or ponder in your heart this is one. For me it encompasses so much of what the entire word of God is.
This could be a really long entry because of my spirit in me is steady as a storm roars outside literally. But once again, from my previous entry, 'is there really any difference in a storm or a STORM?'
Where do I go first? The sounds must have been similar as Passover came and the Israelites huddled in their homes listening as death passed by their doors, as they heard the screams because of death. The same thing with
Rahab's household as everyone in her home were spared from destruction as their town was annihilated. We are literally spared destruction under the infinite covering of His wings this very day from the winds of Ike. We have His unexplainable, unfathomable covering and protection.
I can't help but remember this profound story in my life. Ken and I
were engaged and at that time, only one of two times in my business that I had an office, if that is what you want to call it you will see what I mean in a minute, it wasn't the plush office of my dreams by any means but it was a beginning and
I mean a beginning. Another customer of mine at that time when I was freelancing wanted to help me as I was doing illustration and design work for him and he offered for me to start there and let me use the office space. I wasn't in the office complex long in 1980 and there was a fire ( and the blaring alarm goes off again, wow, piercing, and there is no way to disengage it). I went in the following morning and sat in my car in the parking lot, looking at a black as tar fire gutted building. I got out of my car and went in the building, not a person in sight, and walked through the wet dripping building, it was surreal. I walked down the blackness into my office and when I turned the corner my office wasn't touched, how can that be?!!! The entire building was literally gutted but my office had not been touched. At that time one job I was helping with was 'Jesus 1980' and I had just hired a professional
photographer to take a transparency photo of the painting of Jesus (Ken and I were just talking about that yesterday) which is approximately 12ft x 12ft located at the St. Nicholas Center done by Fran May (if you've never seen it it in person is so worth a trip, it is breathtaking). The photo transparency was at the time used for the cover for the brochure for 'Jesus 1980' which was held in the 'Summit' where Lakewood Church is at this time. Anyway as I walked through and turned and looked, my office wasn't touched by the fire. The transparency was pinned on a board on the wall and the heat on the walls was so intense it melted the plastic sleeve covering on the transparency but the transparency was not harmed. The paint on the walls had the marks of the black where the fire obviously had stopped. I stood and bawled as I realized what had happened. Oh my things smelled like smoke for a long time but they weren't charred. (and think of this, the Hebrew boys in the fire, God's Word says they didn't even smell like smoke!!)
There certainly is no comparison to a human life and an office, but there is an assurance that your family and home are covered with His wings. Can you experience this? And I love the word pinions it sounds so grand.
So as Ike pounds and knocks with the wind on our door, yes, my door is covered with His love, the shedding of His blood was to show us how much He loved us.
And as you can see we still have electricity, I haven't tried to see what is going on outside my door or anywhere else in Houston by watching tv or the internet and I probably won't, because I have this awesome awareness of His presence right now, I don't need to know what is going on 'out there'. Other than not being able to sleep because of the alarm going off and on with a surge now and then and the wind we are so okay and protected tonight, I am in awe.
Once again this storm as with all storms do bring joy in the morning. There will be a sequel to this blog entry.
To all I know and love, my heart is with you and God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit even more with you.
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3019/2801659256_00afba24c1_m.jpgVideo & Song
'I Will Life My Eyes' Bebo Norman