
December 31, 2009 Sharing Our Contentment

How awesome it is that we are all searching for Truth to experience how beautiful we are, created in God's image vs. the opposition of thought which can distract us to superficial want and the need for attention to bring self worth vs. where our hearts release control to God the only One Who is perfect in order that we may be transformed and renewed in our minds and in this surrender our eyes are opened wide to see the contrasting difference between the desire of our hearts vs. want. Once again I remember these unexplainable moments in my life when I search for understanding in the profoundness of it all and find these most amazing experiences are continuously available regardless of circumstances and strengthened in His unending, unconditional Love to supply every need, spiritual, emotional and physical, in my surrender and commitment to His perfect plan for my life. Yes, this Is Home where I am given the gift to live abundantly, Heaven within me.

I started my blog in December of 2007, today I end 2009 with the same expression and continuous focus for Love pouring in me from God, from you and receive It and the call to let It flow out and share It with you and your loved ones and pray that the desires of your heart may find that our most important need is realizing that all desire is complete.

The Living Abundant Life Love Letter...For God so Loved the World, He sent His only Son, believe Him and receive Him we are complete, in Him we experience the Father and His Spirit, In Him we are fulfilled and live an abundant Life. John 3:16

If we have no fear we will experience Him, we will see and hear, He is the Way, He is the Door. Receive and fill your heart with this continuous flow of Love....

My life is a beautiful run-on sentence :-)

Teresa Parsons


December 11, 2009 Slowing down

I walked right passed a precious young lady and just said 'hi' because I was preoccupied to get something done. I realized what I did and turned around went straight back and said 'I love you, how are you doing? I am so sorry I walked by you without hugging your neck, I never want what I am doing to cause me to disconnect from others'.

The quickness by which we speak (and do) reflects the quickness of our thinking. I said to others several times yesterday 'my desire is to slow down'. Those of you who really know me, know that 'slowing down' seemed like such a foreign statement in my recent past but I am experiencing it now and want more. Now I must practice it 'within' myself, in my devotion time to fully experience God, when listening to others and connecting with them, when looking at the beauty all around me. I missed and will continue to miss so much when my mind is in a trap of speeding thoughts about me and what 'I' am doing.

Especially at this time of the year, I am experiencing this peace by finally being able to say, the only gift needed is to give and receive My Lord's Love with family and friends and this is exactly what I am doing.

The thoughts I share are slowing down 'within', this article shares some external methods.

Severe Anxiety: Slowing Down Racing Thoughts
By Paula J. Marolewski

Part of the terror of anxiety is the force and power of the racing thoughts that accompany it. Adrenaline reaches a fever pitch, sending the body into pure fight or flight mode.

Two things are essential at this point: to slow down, and to focus on something outside of yourself. To slow down, because your mind and body are running at breakneck speed; and to focus on something external, because the whole power of anxiety is that it wraps you up inside yourself and turns your mind into a prison cell.

Here are four practical steps to take to begin to slow down and shift focus:

Reach out. It is natural to retreat from others during the peak of anxiety: while you hate your racing thoughts, they are all-consuming. However, retreat is actually the worst thing you can do, because it makes it even easier to focus on your thoughts. This is the time you need to reach out to your support group. Call one of your friends or family members and tell them the substance of your racing thoughts. Be detailed. Get it all out on the table. Since you speak slower than you think, your mind will slow down as you verbalize your thoughts and fears.

Change locations. If possible, move to a different location: if you are in the house, get out. If you are at work, take a break and walk around. Physically changing location can assist you in mentally changing direction.

Work out. The problem with anxiety is that it tends to breed apathy: you want to sit and chew your fingernails, figuratively speaking. It will often take an act of will to physically get up and get moving, but it is worth it. Physical exercise releases endorphins into your body and brain, which can help you to feel better. Additionally, working out can distract you and therefore break the thought cycles in your mind. A competitive sport may be especially beneficial (i.e., racquetball rather than jogging), since it requires your mental attention in addition to your physical attention.

Be creative. Engage in an activity that will take up brain and thought space. You can’t think about two things at once, so you want to try to shift your thoughts toward something positive and pleasant. As mentioned above, sports can fill that role. Hobbies are another primary source of creativity. Volunteer work may do the trick. Your job may draw upon your creativity. Whatever it is, try to give it 100% of your attention

Teresa Parsons


December 7, 2009 Living in the contrast

It is interesting what comes to my heart as I sit looking out through the sun room windows of our new/old home, thinking that it felt like we left Egypt, and now that we have arrived many thoughts flood my mind and my heart. It's all in the view...because Egypt and the Promise Land have no borders in this world. We choose where we live by surrender.

"An optimist is a person who sees only the lights in the picture, whereas a pessimist sees only the shadows. An idealist, however, is one who sees the light and the shadows, but in addition sees something else: the possibility of changing the picture, of making the lights prevail over the shadows." Anonymous

Living boldly through darkness, through all that is treacherous and deadly, opens a greater experience within Light. Too often our choice is to isolate ourselves and choose one over the other, that is, darkness vs. light. The fullness of the greatest Light I experience within the darkness. There is no reason to fear the darkness because in the Light, that is, Jesus' Light, darkness is illuminated. We can be in the darkness and not be overtaken by it.

Though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death (every minute of every day of our lives) we do not fear evil as we press forward through all circumstances in the guiding Light of Jesus.

It is only His Light that has the 'possibility of changing the picture'.

He guides us. How else can we see? What we see with our physical eyes is only a microcosm and depiction of the reality that is infinitely available to us in this world.

Teresa Parsons


November 26, 2009 An invitation to say Thank You

To everyone of 'you', Thank You for being in my life. It's that simple and that complex. I want to keep it this way. This way I see more clearly and don't miss all the beauty in you and all around me.

The order of my thankfulness
1. To God 2. because He gave me 'you'

So with this simple/complex perspective, now I can be thankful for the bounty because the bounty is not the focus.

Love always Tere


November 20, 2009 Here I am Lord

Here I am Lord

Just the day before yesterday I was invited to do what Dan Millman did in the true life story of Peaceful Warrior as he was in a 'stuck place' of his circumstances. Like Dan I went (figuratively) to lay on top of that old car to stare at the sky until I could get it. I often get 'stuck' in circumstances and come to realize with gifted 'coaching' of a peaceful warrior how to find my way back to what is already inside of me, seeing how precious I am comes quickly once I lay myself out before the Lord, this is the only place I am set free..

Oh the fight of the mind with the heart or if you prefer the flesh and the spirit is hard as the tests become harder! What a sick feeling it gives me when I get stuck in my 'head and thinking', having a pity party with myself which slams my door on being able to accept the continuous flow of God's Love. It's like standing in the shower with a rain coat on...I stop the flow.

If you would like to watch this, here is a trailer from the movie Peaceful Warrior.

Here's my on the 'top of the car' experience:
I like me
I love me
I can do anything
I feel God's abundant Light and Love drenching and lifting me
I feel the beauty in the universe as I look out into the sky
I smell all the sweetness that is a gift to me
My sensations are acute and I am one with God
I want to die for this beauty and peace

And as a result of experiencing this, only after 'being' and 'allowing', (which is the door to my heart) Jesus to drench me with His great Love, I find myself full of strength, renewed, refreshed and replenished, once again not affected or focused on the darkness around me. Then again at Wednesday night bible study I felt like I was the only one there, in an 'on top of the world' experience while the Lord continued to pour His Love into me.

Here I am Lord,
fill me up with Your Love until It is overflowing and spills out onto someone else.

And Mom, Happy Birthday!!! I feel close to you each day of my life. You are beautiful, you show me how to live Faith, Hope and Love in more ways than you could know. I see you and I love you.

To all of Laura Durham's family, my heart is with you today, having the assurance with you that this same Love pouring to you from Jesus will comfort you eternally.

Jesus reminds us. John 17:15 "I do not ask You to take them out of the world, but to keep them from the evil one. 16 "They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. 17 "Sanctify them in the truth ; Your word is truth. 18 "As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world. 19 "For their sakes I sanctify Myself, that they themselves also may be sanctified in truth. 20 "I do not ask on behalf of these alone, but for those also who believe in Me through their word ; 21 that they may all be one ; even as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me. NAS

Teresa Parsons


November 10, 2009 Friends

'Thinking aloud' in person, via phone or email, pondering life over ice cream or at a table eating together, drinking coffee together, walking or traveling together or being creative together, communicating with our hearts occurs all the time, whether one-on-one or in a group or distant in travel and time.

"A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere. Before him I may think aloud." Ralph Waldo Emerson

A patient friend allows all that is needed to be said without requirements or expectation, and when one's light is a little dim, a friend is ready to share some light to help see when needed. A friend listens with compassionate understanding when the other is talking too much or even when acting a little weird and silly.

You don't need a complete picture to see the smiles.

Teresa Parsons


November 7, 2009 The Path of Truth

The Path of Truth leads us to peace and peace comes with surrender.

The inner work and the straight path to His Truth is not easy in this world, but there is no true peace anywhere except with Him and hearing His voice. It is here where it doesn't matter what any person does or doesn't do, thinks or doesn't think, because 'here' we are confident and know who we are and where we are going. My feet are on the Path of Truth. Here I can admit my own faults and be truthful about my own inner darkness. Truth sets me free to experience His Love and Light fully. And as I walk this walk this is becoming evident, "All men will hate (my observation - 'fearful of', hate is fear), you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved." Matthew 10:13. How is it that we can be so afraid of God's Love? With this, if my heart is not steady, my sight will move off course in the midst of the need for attention or approval from others. There is so much more to say in regard to this eternal journey.

In this wonderful fairy tale story (but so true to real life) a knight finds himself trapped in his armor and the only way out is with inner awareness and tears of compassion. He sets out on the Path of Truth to find a way to be set free through Castles of Silence, Knowledge, Will and Daring to the Summit of Truth. He is faced just before the Summit of Truth with a decision of complete surrender where he lets go....

"In that instant, he accepted full responsibility for his life, for the influence people had had on it, and for the events that had shaped it. From this moment on, he would no longer blame his mistakes or misfortunes or anyone or anything outside himself. The recognition that he was the cause not the effect gave him a new feeling of power. He was now unafraid." Knight in Rusty Armor, Robert Fisher

I have a personal choice to stay focused on my purpose and call, living Love and allowing deep interaction and conversation with God and keep this kind of armor that separates us all from building up and becoming a permanent fixture around my heart. On the Path of Truth you can't look to the right or the left only straight ahead. If there is a mountain or castle in the way there is no way around it, you must go through it to be set free. Surrender becomes an 'upward' fall which brings us to Truth and freedom.

Teresa Parsons

October 24, 2009 The end is the beginning

The end is the beginning....
The beginning is the end....

I want to begin with the end of my last blog entry.... ..
within His vast, infinite creation...there is plenty of room to be included and not so infinite that we lose sight or immediate touch with each other.

and from two other blogs I received yesterday morning...

He does not change truth to fit our situation, but He does give the love, wisdom and grace to accept that truth. God"s direction is not always the easiest thing to do, but it always is the best in the long run. Today you do not have to handle life alone. Dr. Gerald Sadler

break free
Look Up
Hold On Tight
Jim Spivey

It feels so good to not be alone. Yes it does as we experience this awesome and beautiful relationship with the Lord and each other. Breaking free, looking up, reaching out and holding on tight to Him and each other. All the lonely people in a new vision are completely living in Love in the middle of a difficult world because we hold on tight to each other as we hold on tight to Jesus. Our eyes are open to everyone around us, clearly seeing our purpose in this life. Being alone is no longer about who can be with me? but is transformed, with whom can I be?

Something else to ponder, just because we are all crowded together doesn't mean we are connected together. If we look to a person or groups of people to find answers to our despair and loneliness, we lose sight of God's Truth, our purpose or call. The only way to connect with each other is through Jesus where we see many hearts pounding.

This is not a political statement...

Here's a song, and to be honest it really is 'strange' how the message is in sync with what I'm sharing. But it's not strange since we know where the darkness comes from, the one who comes to kill, steal and destroy.
I am confident there is no End, we have a hope that the End is the Beginning into New Life.
The End is the Beginning is the End, by Smashing Pumpkins
This genre isn't my favorite but it clearly depicts the hate, destruction, despair and lonliness in the world and disconnection from God and each other. As I watch this, I feel really really small in this call and that is okay as long as I don't lose sight of my Source of strength. I know I can be a light in this world only as I am replenished and strengthened by His Light.
Send a heartbeat to
The void that cries through you
Relive the pictures that have come to pass
For now we stand alone
The world is lost and blown
And we are flesh and blood disintegrate
With no more to hate
Is it bright where you are A
nd have the people changed
Does it make you happy you're so strange
And in your darkest hour
My old secrets laid
We can watch the world devoured in its pain
Delivered from the blast
The last of a line of lasts
The pale princess of a palace cracked
And now the kingdom comes
Crashing down undone
And I am a master of a nothing place
Of recoil and grace
Is it bright where you are
And have the people changed
Does it make you happy you're so strange
And in your darkest hour I hold secrets flame
We can watch the world devoured in its pain
Time has stopped before us
The sky cannot ignore us
No one can separate us
For we are all that is left
The echo bounces off me
The shadow lost beside me
There's no more need to pretend
Cause now I can begin again
Is it bright where you are
And have the people changed
Does it make you happy you're so strange
And in your darkest hour my old secrets laid
We can watch the world devoured in its hate
Nothing changes in this call...''Feed My sheep', 'Tend My sheep' ....
Jesus is the Α&Ω - The Beginning & The End


October 1, 2009 Infinite prayer

1 John 5:14-15 says, "This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us - whatever we ask - we know that we have what we asked of Him."

We are always being asked to pray for someone or asking for prayer. But recently I began to ask myself, what exactly is prayer outside of the general definition? How can I really understand the magnitude of this connection we have with each other?

I wrote last year on this subject and little has changed in my understanding, as far as the words sent out in prayer, but my heart feels a much deeper connection, it is more than words. With the metaphor of 'words are like water', which is fluid and attempting to capture it in our open fingers 'seems' impossible. We desire to capture what is flowing, but the substance is fluid (what is hoped for) until it is captured or contained (the evidence of things unseen). We understand that prayer is fluid like the water going out and when it flows back to us, we desire to be saturated in it. It doesn't matter where someone is in the world, whether on the other side or sitting next to us on a sofa. There really doesn't need to be a physical connection for our heart's cry.

We are now awakened to effectual prayer and that it never needed our forced stream of words but now know the very thought of another person or giving thanks to God is prayer. His Love is enough to get us through every moment, every day, every situation, every need, and His will 'is' His desire for us to apply His perfect Love in our lives and our lives 'with' and 'for' each other.

This Love restores, replenishes, regains, reestablishes, reforms, rejuvenates. His Love Heals in every aspect of the word 'heal'. We know what we ask of God, He hears it all. And as we pray the one we are connecting to also hears within their heart and spirit, as it is all connected back to God Who hears all things. Here we have access to the Kingdom of God 'now'.

It is here that we understand it isn't anything we 'do' or 'don't do' that causes God to touch a life through prayer. We now understand it is our very thought, because of Love, that brings all we desire. It is our very breath and heartbeat, in these we have life and are connected permanently within His vast, infinite creation and there is plenty of room to be included and not so infinite that we lose sight or immediate touch with each other..

Whoo...this song touches my heart!!!

'I will carry you' Michael W. Smith


October 13, 2009, Hatch in 21 Days

It takes 21 days to hatch a chicken egg.

It takes 21 days to break a bad habit and create a new habit.

I takes 21 days to burn fat and gain muscle.

Almost 25 years ago I was in a support group where we would meet and discuss this 21 day principle. We discussed our lives, our dreams, our thoughts, our struggles, our abuse, our addictions as we healed and pondered God's Word. We affirmed one another by speaking affirmations and Love into our own lives. At that time there were no churches within the Houston area that were open to support groups such as AA, NA, SAA and CODA. This group was the first to attempt support groups in churches and it was met with a brick wall as we were called 'new agers'.

I am thankful that today more churches are offering support groups of all kinds, as well as outreach programs in the community. I am hearing from others, for the most part, there is no longer shame based teaching or ostracizing of those seeking psychiatric or psychological help or counselors.

You ask what about the 21 days? One of the discussions of the group was how it took 21 days to redirect neurotransmitters connections to reestablish a new thought pattern. But I soon found that outside of marking off the days on the calendar and with continuous support. this discipline is almost impossible.

An addiction is any behavior that cannot be stopped, whether it's Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, TV, eating, work (away from home and in home), exercising, drugs, alcohol, shopping, money, sex, maintaining appearances or a person. Even being in church can be an addiction if being there is to numb us as opposed to seeking authentic connection to God and each other in the Body. Addiction is anything that numbs our ability to face our pain and life around us; anything that keeps us disconnected from God and each other; anything that keeps us from having abundant life.

If not careful there are all kinds of gimmicks and quackery to heal any addiction. Even counselors can be the addiction especially when the patient is not in need of medical intervention and the therapy goes on for years without any sign of progress. One example of this is when you see weight loss gimmicks that result in more weight gain later. When the source of the habit or addiction is not dealt with, old patterns will eventually come back in the absence of healing Love, Support with unconditional Love and a full invitation to express the deepest crevices of our hearts, thoughts, fears and emotions is healing.

I prayed for years asking God to show me what healing was. In these support groups I observed and experienced healing. Healing is emotional, spiritual and physical which comes from connection and inner work within the group. 'Getting Real' started by Dr. Charles and Connie Meisgeier and 'Love Machine' started by Jim Spivey both exemplify this invitation to heal. In these I started the work of my own life's pain I saw these as the open door that Jesus spoke of, His Love and His Truth will set you free. Surrendering, giving up control to God, allows His unconditional Love to flow through the group, surrendering to the Holy Spirit allows healing.

This book, lists various illnesses with probable causes for each illness as well as positive affirmation for healing.

'This little book does not 'heal' anyone...For us to become whole and healthy, we must balance body, mind and spirit. We need to take good care of our bodies. We need to have a positive mental attitude about ourselves. And we need to have a strong spiritual connection. When these three things are balanced, we rejoice in living. No doctor, no health practitioner can give us this unless we choose to take part in our healing process.... Remember, the word metaphysical means to go beyond the physical to the mental cause behind it.'

Heal Your Body, Louise L Hay

Here's an example from the book that is of immediate interest,
Influenza - Probable Causes: Response to mass negativity and beliefs. Fear. Belief in statistics. (wow, isn't that interesting especially when we are being bombarded by pharmaceutical companies and commercials reminding us to be fearful!) - Affirmation: I am beyond group beliefs or the calendar. I am free from all congestion and 'influence'.

It starts in our minds. Romans 12:1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship. 2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.

3 John 1:2 Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.

I have a dear friend, Ruth, who after being diagnosed more than 20 years ago with ovarian cancer and given 4 months to live, used health, prayer and scriptures as affirmations. The results of constantly seeking God for her healing was a testimony to many, including those in the medical field who ironically didn't believe in healing outside of conventional methods. She proved them wrong. And Ruth, I thank God for you, you are an amazing woman and I sure miss you girl!!! Anytime on the calendar to get together soon?

Here's one of my favorite affirmations.

Psalm 139:14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

So together we are hatching eggs.

Teresa Parsons

October 12, 2009 Servants in the Kingdom of God 'Now'

"The kingdom of God does not come with your careful observation, 21 nor will people say, 'Here it is,' or 'There it is,' because the Kingdom of God is within you." Luke 17:21

I absolutely love sharing and singing about Heaven but focusing only on what's ahead keeps me from experiencing the Kingdom of God 'now'.

Yesterday I was really soaking in Romans 12. It is the outline as we live with each other 'now'. Yes, we are dying everyday to self so that we may live, because in living we are dying to self. We are connected in the Spirit and in Love - all of us.

Bridge Over Trouble Waters

As I listen to this song, I remember like it was yesterday. I was driving down Old Galveston Rd to be with my Aunt Josephine in the hospital, feeling helpless and this song came on the radio. She was crippled for years with arthritis and spent the last years of her life bed ridden. I never once heard her complain about her pain. She told me once the pain in her body was so unbearable, she reached and touched the cloak of Jesus. She had experienced the Kingdom of God and her pain left in that moment. She was a servant through her pain as she lived in her pain. What a beautiful example of abundant life. Thank you Aunt Josephine, you were and still are a light in my life.

As Jesus sings this song to me, I sing it to each one in my life. This is my desire 'now'. My purpose is to be a servant and if necessary even go into troubled waters. As a servant His gifts are not mine to keep for myself.

For all of you who are radical servant lights in a world of darkness.

This is titled 'Like A Bridge'...

Romans 12:1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship. 2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will. 3 For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you. 4 Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, 5 so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. 6 We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man's gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith. 7 If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach; 8 if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously; if it is leadership, let him govern diligently; if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully. 9 Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. 10 Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. 11 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. 12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. 13 Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality. 14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. 15 Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. 16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited. 17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. 18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19 Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord. 20 On the contrary: "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head." 21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. NIV


October 10, 2009 Surrender

Crossing the threshold is an individual and personal step. We can be held, walked with, counseled, encouraged, coached, cheered on, but when it is time to cross the threshold, we must do it alone.

This is surrender.

If I focus on 'my way', I use up more of my energy if not all of it to find answers to each situation vs. 'God's Way' which uses none of my energy and brings peace that surpasses 'all' understanding, that is, goes beyond my mind. In God's Way we walk through the threshold with the Lord to this awesome place where everything about 'self' is diminishing and He is increasing.

This is surrender.

I really understand John the Baptist when he said,
'He must become greater; I must become less'. John 3:30 NIV

This is surrender.
Marc James 'Surrender'

Teresa Parsons


October 8, 2009 Reposted Living and peace in pain

I posted this blog also on FB the other day but accidently deleted it. FB didn't pick it up a second time so I'm trying again. Let's see if this works.... It is sharing my heart and in this particular one, it is one of the rare moments, of which I hope to see more often, where God opened the eyes of my heart, wide open!

Living and peace in pain

As I sat yesterday afternoon in a coffee shop, my eyes were opened for a short time and I saw everyone's pain. It was like God showed me all at once the inside of every heart around me. People I didn't know. He let me see what He sees. For a several minutes He let me feel His compassion. I held in my tears not wanting to cry uncontrollably. The pain was overwhelming, I watched one ready to give up, one had a very heavy burden and fear of failing and being inadequate; another lonely, another hurting. The day started with pain. and in my 'not paying attention' or blindness may be a better word, that thing I sometimes do, I took out a stuffed 'fabric' frog out of my purse that laughs when you push his belly. Those of you who know me, know which one I'm talking about. It was an inappropriately timed attempt to divert pain or bring a smile. There is a time to weep and a time to laugh.

On many occasions God has allowed me to experience and heal not only my pain but have compassion-(suffer with) for other's in pain. I've been in a beautiful place between this life and the next as I experienced death and new life with my Dad; I stood by another lady near death and listened to her desires and last wishes and hopes. I cried with a dear friend in physical pain, sometimes laying near her and weeping. I've cried for another who could not cry; or for someone not even with or near me, or waking up in the middle of the night crying and praying for someone in trouble or pain. I've had some amazing experiences of holding some hurting women tightly until they could cry out their deep pain. And how could I possibly ever have known if I hadn't experienced it, the peace that surpasses all understanding within the embracing of pain. The abundant Life which 'does' come.

How often can we see Jesus in every face? If my heart is not attentive I miss Him. I listened to a man, to some would be called 'unlovely' or 'unwanted' overlooked or avoided. With pain evident on his face, I looked at him as he talked and smiled, I saw Jesus. There was another woman in my life, shamefully I avoided her for a time until the Lord said to me, 'I sent her into your life to remind you how much I Love you'. I had to hear that to open my eyes and see Jesus in her. He doesn't show up for me with the best dressed, the best smelling, the most successful, the most comfortable situations, He most often shows up hungry, thirsty, needing clothing, shoes, needing a bath, toothless, scarred, laying in the streets, under a bridge, in a dilapidated home or building, uneducated, giving up, hitting bottom, in the muck of life, addicts, alcoholics, stoned, naked, violated, vomit covered, bloody, crying, dying, in order that I may find Him in them and that 'we' may heal and Love Him, not alone, but together.

Whether a deeper than deep pain of unresolved shame, hurt, grieving, regret, fear for their family or themselves, whether openly expressed or unexpressed, there is this amazing Light of the Lord's Love and Truth that is illuminating the darkness, healing what is hidden, bringing comfort and healing through Love... to many. Through and by the way of an army that has been called up and drafted to serve and Love Jesus' with all their heart, mind and soul and Love others as they have found that beautiful healing place of loving themselves.

And yes Tiamae, we do look the least likely to be called His army, that's what makes it so amazing, it has to be God. But we sure are beautiful in our Love for each other arm in arm. Jumping or free falling together...and to think I use to be afraid of the very idea...

Then I posted on Facebook this fractal art the other day...I called it Free Falling...

And in the evening I went to one of the night's revival at my church to get 'revived' first in the worship, then being reminded of this song that I don't need to only hear in church to be touched by it, and it does bring weeping when connecting with the heart of God.

And in connecting with family and friends, a few more Michael W. Smith songs. Songs like these I wish there were more of them to remind us of what we so often miss.

And even though I think I am going to stop talking so much. Mom, I think you have to laugh because you know it was born in me! :-)))), I am learning that in my talking, I am also listening and in my listening I am finding my life and in finding my life, it is much less about me and much much more about Jesus.


October 8, 2009 Reposting

I posted this blog also on FB the other day but accidently deleted it. FB didn't pick it up a second time so I'm trying again. Let's see if this works....
It is sharing my heart and in this particular one, it is one of the rare moments of which I hope to see more often, where God opened the eyes of my heart, wide open!

Living and peace in pain

As I sat yesterday afternoon in a coffee shop, my eyes were opened for a short time and I saw everyone's pain. It was like God showed me all at once the inside of every heart around me. People I didn't know. He let me see what He sees. For a several minutes He let me feel His compassion. I held in my tears not wanting to cry uncontrollably. The pain was overwhelming, I watched one ready to give up, one had a very heavy burden and fear of failing and being inadequate; another lonely, another hurting. The day started with pain. and in my 'not paying attention' or blindness may be a better word, that thing I sometimes do, I took out a stuffed 'fabric' frog out of my purse that laughs when you push his belly. Those of you who know me, know which one I'm talking about. It was an inappropriately timed attempt to divert pain or bring a smile. There is a time to weep and a time to laugh.

On many occasion God has allowed me to experience and heal not only my pain but have compassion-(suffer with) for other's in pain. I've been in a beautiful place between this life and the next as I experienced death and new life with my Dad; I stood by another lady near death and listened to her desires and last wishes and hopes. I cried with a dear friend in physical pain, sometimes laying near her and weeping. I've cried for another who could not cry; or for someone not even with or near me, or waking up in the middle of the night crying and praying for someone in trouble or pain. I've had some amazing experiences of holding some hurting women tightly until they could cry out their deep pain. And how could I possibly ever have known if I hadn't experienced it, the peace that surpasses all understanding within the embracing of pain. The abundant Life which 'does' come.

How often can we see Jesus in every face? If my heart is not attentive I miss Him. I listened to a man, to some would be called 'unlovely' or 'unwanted' overlooked or avoided. With pain evident on his face, I looked at him as he talked and smiled, I saw Jesus. There was another woman in my life, shamefully I avoided her for a time until the Lord said to me, 'I sent her into your life to remind you how much I Love you'. I had to hear that to open my eyes and see Jesus in her. He doesn't show up for me with the best dressed, the best smelling, the most successful, the most comfortable situations, He most often shows up hungry, thirsty, needing clothing, shoes, needing a bath, toothless, scarred, laying in the streets, under a bridge, in a dilapidated home or building, uneducated, giving up, hitting bottom, in the muck of life, addicts, alcoholics, stoned, naked, violated, vomit covered, bloody, crying, dying, in order that I may find Him in them and that 'we' may heal and Love Him, not alone, but together.

Whether a deeper than deep pain of unresolved shame, hurt, grieving, regret, fear for their family or themselves, whether openly expressed or unexpressed, there is this amazing Light of the Lord's Love and Truth that is illuminating the darkness, healing what is hidden, bringing comfort and healing through Love... to many. Through and by the way of an army that has been called up and drafted to serve and Love Jesus' with all their heart, mind and soul and Love others as they have found that beautiful healing place of loving themselves.

And yes Tiamae, we do look the least likely to be called His army, that's what makes it so amazing, it has to be God. But we sure are beautiful in our Love for each other arm in arm.

Jumping or free falling together...and to think I use to be afraid of the very idea...

Then I posted on Facebook this fractal art the other day...I called it Free Falling...

And in the evening I went to one of the night's revival at my church to get 'revived' first in the worship, then being reminded of this song that I don't need to only hear in church to be touched by it, and it does bring weeping when connecting with the heart of God.

And in connecting with family and friends, a few more Michael W. Smith songs. Songs like these I wish there were more of them to remind us of what we so often miss.

And even though I think I am going to stop talking so much. Mom, I think you have to laugh because you know it was born in me! :-)))), I am learning that in my talking, I am also listening and in my listening I am finding my life and in finding my life, it is much less about me and much much more about Jesus.

Teresa Parsons


October 1, 2009 Freedom from fear and peace that follows

His Love never ceases to set us free.

We continually seek to be set free from our external pursuits for self gratification whether drugs, alcohol, sex, money, food or any pain numbing avoidance or addiction, the world's illusions to avoid pain. Addictions numb our ability to 'experience' Love. Freedom and peace come when we recognize the lie and no longer exchange the Truth for a lie. It is Truth which sets us free. Being open and transparent about ourselves, opens our eyes to see we are all sinners-disconnected from God and each other. Life's journey invites us to hold on for dear 'life' to 'live' and heal with each other, 'together'. Together we experience His amazing healing....God gave us each other, not to avoid or isolate ourselves from each other but to embrace each other, not to judge or exalt ourselves above each other but to see we are the same, with the same pain and the same fears. We live transparent from the inside-out. We are reformed, rejuvenated and reborn.

1 John 4:18 There is no room in love for fear. Well-formed love banishes fear. Since fear is crippling, a fearful life - fear of death, fear of judgment - is one not yet fully formed in love. 19 We, though, are going to love - love and be loved. First we were loved, now we love. He loved us first. (The Message)

"His Light shines will all else fades.
Never ending your Glory goes beyond all souls cries out"

Together we are moving towards His amazing Light...


September 28, 2009 Leaving the avoidance and diving into the expression of love

We are fearful, hurting people, carefully concealing our avoidance of love in many ways. Enslaved victim, victimizing, victimizer, power loosing, power taking, power seeking, power expecting, power requiring experiences create vaulted hearts that can only be opened by the Hand of God. Healing takes place through experiencing His Grace and His Unconditional Love through individuals who know there are no risks at all to lay down their lives for one another. Surrendering to giving and receiving Love, allows the walls of careful concealing within bus'y'ness (and other forms of avoidance) to crumble so the full experience of God Love can flow.

My desire, my purpose, my hope in this life is to seek His deeper 'Love' relationship with family and those that I am privileged to know on my life's path. My desire is to allow Love to flow freely to me, within me and from me without restriction or avoidance. My life is not my own. It has taken my whole life (and will continue to) to let go of the hiding, restricting, avoiding, withholding of Love.

God's Word is not a riddle to be 'figured out'. Hearing His voice and seeing His face are to be found 'within' the surrender to His Love. He calls us to Love with His Love. This is deep within you and me.

God calls you and me His friend. We are friends. There is no higher calling in this life, it is Heaven on Earth. This is Joy. We know.

John 15:11 These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full. 12 This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. 13 Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends. 14 You are My friends if you do whatever I command you. 15 No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you.

There is no doubt that I am finding myself in my expression in art. These fractal flames are amazing. I am more than ready to dive right into the middle of this expression.

Teresa Parsons


September 24, 2009 The Door Opens

Today, today, today is the day the Lord really has made. I do rejoice and I am glad in it. He is an all knowing and loving God.

What does it look like when a door opens and you just begin to see the light piercing through the threshold? When there isn't a clear view of what is on the other side? But we know that there is 'light' and in that 'light' we will know that God never leaves us or forsakes us.

Ken and I are at this amazing place of total surrender. We will be moving in a week to two weeks and getting ready to step through a door that hasn't fully opened yet. We may hear many thoughts or advice but to let everyone know, Ken and I together have total peace in 'today' and 'today' we are clear on this.

We don't know where we will move yet (we are totally open as we seek wisdom), we are clear like never before. We are looking for a small farm in Tomball/Magnolia area, and all that is needed for the move. We are seeking a place where we can begin a small (expanding to large) organic community farm. I am sharing our desire in hopes that someone is connecting with our hearts.

We are asking God and sending the request through His cyberspace waiting for an answer. He knows our hearts.

There's the door opening for us, here we go!!

I had to add this....what a great idea! An artist's apiary.....after all the farm needs pollination.


September 23, 2009 Nouwen say, 'The Dance of Life' It is our lives today

This is another part of today's post by Jim Spivey, It is everyone's life, not just ours we are right in the middle of experiencing this. We didn't openly express the details of all our circumstances with everyone we know, family, church members, some know parts, some know everything. I love my husband Ken's openness of living his life out in the open, no secrets, no hiding, he's expressing it fully.

We know this, God is steering and we are in this place of joy in the middle of it all. I can stay focused on God's amazing love in every situation, recapturing the purpose and plan of God in my life. And those who are close to us in our lives, know full well, it hasn't been easy getting here, that is, this place of surrender.
Love you all!
"There is within you a lamb and a lion. Spiritual maturity is the ability and freedom to let lamb and lion lie down together, side by side. Your lion is your adult, aggressive, capable, competent self. It is your initiative-taking and decision-making self. But there is also your fearful, vulnerable lamb, the part of you that needs affection, affirmation, nurturing, and support. When you heed only your lion, you will find yourself overextended and exhausted. When you take notice only of your lamb, you will easily become a victim of your need for other people's attention. The art of spiritual living is to fully claim both your lion and your lamb, with them fused into an integrated whole. Then you can act assertively without denying your own needs. And you can ask for attention and care without betraying your talent to offer leadership.

Developing your true identity as a child of God in no way means giving up your worldly responsibilities. Likewise, claiming your adult self in no way means that you cannot become increasingly a child of God. In fact, the opposite is true. The more you can feel safe as a child of God, the freer you will be to claim your mission in the world as a responsible human being. And the more you claim that you have a unique set of tasks to fulfill for God with your life, the more open you will be to letting your deepest needs be met. The kingdom of peace that Jesus came to establish begins when your lion and your lamb can freely and fearlessly lie down together."-- Henri Nouwen, in The Dance of Life

Here it is, our lives, Jesus is right in the middle of this heart and while the flames are all around us.


September 22, 2009, A Wondeful Life

Here I am drinking a B-Day cup of Jo in my favorite cup. Ken and I enjoy these cups because of special memories. My oldest son Josh gave these his/hers matching cups to Ken and I over 20 years ago clanging glass in a beautiful child wrapped box. I can't think of a better way to start my 55th Europe I would be in my 56th year...I think I'll wait, I like the U.S. number much better.

And here's how I feel today...

Thank you Mom for choosing life for me, I love you and love my life.

'It is astonishing how short a time it takes for very wonderful things to happen' Frances Burnett

There are so many, many life lessons with an open gift of Grace to do over and over, again and again.

'Remember no man is a failure who has friends....and family.
I ring the bell for my husband Ken, there is an angel who is smiling at you.

And then my other son Jesse sends me this wonderful, to get my day started, youtube video putting another big smile on my face. I must share it with you...

And as I finish this up it is pouring down raining here. Maybe I won't be able to do anything but stay right here with my family in our apartment. And if that is the case...thank you God. It really is a wonderful life because the Son is shining and angels really are all around.

Off to be with family and friends today...It is a wonderful life!

Teresa Parsons
His Heart My Heart Your Heart


September 21, 2009 Affliction Awakens to Joy in the Morning

I thought about the Lord saying 'I will never leave you or forsake you'. Only after allowing myself to question the purpose of feeling alone and pondering how Jesus felt from the garden to the cross was I able to see the richness and direction for new life in this message. I see a relation within marriage as Christ refers to His love for the Body as a husband loving his wife. This is our vow from the beginning. Our choice is to hold each other in love. Jesus is the only one, who is always and forever present in time of need, in every difficult circumstance, every fearful situation, who sticks it out with us, in thick and thin, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer. This blows my mind and it should, only my spirit can understand it fully.

'Affliction comes to us, not to make us sad but sober; not to make us sorry but wise.' H.G Wells

We choose life, we choose it to open peace within our souls, which does pass all understanding of our carnal minds. I can only experience this by choosing to hold onto Jesus.

We are weeping together with a father and mother as they mourn the passing of their child. In the morning there is joy that Rhyder now 'rhydes' in the arms of Jesus. He is perfect and perfectly safe, and we will see him again. Life has been chosen today, that is a promise; Eternal Life that is His promise.

Affliction comes and spills us out until we're emptied and nothing is left and at the very bottom Jesus is always with us. We weep all night long, He hears our cries and brings joy in the morning. (Psalm 30:5)

Lamentations 3:21 But there's one other thing I remember, and remembering, I keep a grip on hope: 22 God's loyal love couldn't have run out, his merciful love couldn't have dried up. 23 They're created new every morning. How great your faithfulness! 24 I'm sticking with God (I say it over and over). He's all I've got left. 25 God proves to be good to the man who passionately waits, to the woman who diligently seeks. (The Message)


September 20, 2009 Life

It is time, I am beginning again and with much on my heart, after two days of love, sorrow, pain and joy.

Whether a brief moment or many years, our relationships are more precious than gold. We breathe and our hearts beat in rhythm together.

My birthday is coming up in 3 days and every moment that I have been allowed to walk the face of this earth is precious. Life is precious with a life changing purpose, a plan, and a calling, I've made many choices in my life, in the beginning my parents chose life for me. And here I am 55 years later, feeling only an iota closer to understanding the full magnitude of Life, embracing all emotions through pain and joy.

Surrender and death brings life, new life, abundant life. My heart is speaking and not my mind, this ongoing choice to surrender brings continuous new life, through the renewing of my mind and the dying to 'self', in order that this vessel be restored, in order that my heart be continually exposed until life flows within and through me and connects every encounter in my eternal lifetime.

Job 1:20 Job got to his feet, ripped his robe, shaved his head, then fell to the ground and worshiped: 21 Naked I came from my mother's womb, naked I'll return to the womb of the earth. God gives, God takes. God's name be ever blessed. 22 Not once through all this did Job sin; not once did he blame God. NIV

Job stayed connected with God through his pain and suffering and loss. This is what life feels like, this is our lives. We wait in ashes and scrape our sores and emerge out of the depths of our crying into New Life.

We are experiencing amazing heart connection with God and each other in life and by choosing life, in birth and being born again. The beauty is happening all around us, even today a child is born and a child dies, a man dies and a man lives. If we aren't alert we will miss the preciousness and magnificence of the immense beauty of God's purpose and plan.

One precious man, Pastor James is struggling and paralyzed after a car accident and the pain of watching his suffering along with the joy of his heart touches hearts all over this city, the country and the world. And then experiencing over a thousand people who came to say 'I love you!' I know he feels the love.

One precious baby Rhyder, who really continues to live, lived his life with purpose and his parents did choose life for him. What a beautiful gift to be chosen to be a part of experiencing the moments of Rhyder's life with you Dave and Michelle, in joy, sorrow and pain. Rhyder's precious holy life 'is' set apart for God's glory, and all over this city, the country and world, he absolutely did touch hearts and thousands of us want to send love to you and hold you and grieve with you.

Like a butterfly emerging out of its chrysalis a 'gold sheath' we ourselves emerge in metamorphosis 'changed form', to rebirth and new life.

Isn't this the most amazing creature? I was just sharing with my husband Friday afternoon when our attempts failed to take a cell phone photo of a butterfly on a flower, I have had the joyful experience at least 3 times in my life, holding up my pointer finger and a nearby butterfly landed on my fingertip. It didn't happen this time but it reminded me of the example of our lives. God is saying to both Ken and I, 'We are emerging into a new life'..... Double WOW!

Oh and by the way, when you see a finger pointing up in Renaissance art, those depicted were pointing to the Heavens and to God. And...and...and...Renaissance means 'Rebirth', 'Reawakening', 'To be Born Again', 'New Life' !!! Triple WOW!!

I am really feeling this one ...
James 1:2 Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. The Message ...

and today is now tomorrow since I wrote this late through midnight. I have been loving this time inside my heart, sharing it on the outside so that we can have communion together.

Teresa Parsons


September 8, 2009 Disconnection and a Cyclical Life of Amazing Grace

I was reading in the Voice of Luke by Bryan McLaren last night. An awesome look at the scriptures in a modern day conversation. After all, the scriptures are timeless and we live in the Living Word, Now.

The Pharisees, the self righteous lay people, they/'we' are blind to Grace. I say 'we' because we are blinded by our circumstances and pain when we lose 'sight' of the Promise. It is in the surrender that we are able to allow our spiritual minds to be renewed, this comes within the surrender of our carnal mind to God. Life is cyclical. We experience our carnal mind within our judgement, in hatred, in bitterness, in resentment and destruction of our inner man/woman from unreleased pain. It is in the release of our pain that we experience the Beauty and Grace of His Unending Love.

The definition of sin is 'being disconnected from God' in any manner. In every form of disconnection from God there is a putrid, rotting of the inner man/woman so much so that the effects of even our silence can destroy us from within and all who are with us, both family and friends.

In the case of the Pharisees they were disconnected from God and each other. They did not know or understand Jesus and because of this they did not understand who they were, where they came from and what they had become.

We must surrender all and die to this world in order that we may fully live. Disconnection then brings us to the place of Grace that we may be reconnected. What control do we have over our future? The cycle is continuous. The place where we began is the place where we end. We must fall apart in order to be restored.

All the universe exists in and because of His love. We have been given a great gift; when we freely receive His Love then we freely give His Love. It is in this place of surrender that we can find Faith, Hope, Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self Control. This is not our carnal nature, it is the nature of the Holy Spirit and there is an unending battle in the carnal mind to produce this Fruit. When we allow our 'self' to be emptied there is a perpetual refilling of abundant overflow of God's Amazing Grace. The investment and return is exponential.

What we call the beginning is often the end
And to make an end is to make a beginning.
The end is where we start from.…

T.S. Eliot

We use to say 'take out the trash'. Looks like my boxes of carefully concealed trash and Grace is right there in the middle of it all blowing it up to smithereens!


September 7, 2009 Our everyday, ordinary life

The 'born again' experience is not a one time experience but an ongoing yearning that never ceases. Forgiveness is not sought one time but all the time. We are continuously living 'inward' examples (reflecting outward) of Grace, not outward performance to 'appear' free on the inside, 'Unconditional' Love, the only true love transfers and transforms from 'within' vs. the world's 'conditional' fake love which requires and expects 'outward' performance. We walk in our own relationship with God first as His Light is abundantly clear, there is no confusion in His Light. 'Teaching and preaching' vs. 'sharing from the heart' is based on human interpretation and personal experiences from prelearned religion or dogma and cannot set His people free, because it not from the depths of God's Spirit and Truth. There is nothing required or expected, nothing extravagant that 'we' must do. GOD'S WORD STANDS ALONE. And we can more than be alive on this Living Bread by totally surrendering to what is necessary vs. what appears to be necessary.

Romans 12: 1-2 So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life — your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life — and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for Him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what He wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you. 3 I'm speaking to you out of deep gratitude for all that God has given me, and especially as I have responsibilities in relation to you. Living then, as every one of you does, in pure grace, it's important that you not misinterpret yourselves as people who are bringing this goodness to God (or each other). No, God brings it all to you (to each personally). The only accurate way to understand ourselves is by what God is and by what He does for us, not by what we are and what we do for Him (or each other). 4-6 In this way we are like the various parts of a human body. Each part gets its meaning from the body as a whole, not the other way around. The body we're talking about is Christ's body of chosen people. Each of us finds our meaning and function as a part of his body. But as a chopped-off finger or cut-off toe we wouldn't amount to much, would we? So since we find ourselves fashioned into all these excellently formed and marvelously functioning parts in Christ's body, let's just go ahead and be what we were made to be, without enviously or pridefully comparing ourselves with each other, or trying to be something we aren't. 6-8 If you preach, just preach God's Message, nothing else; if you help, just help, don't take over; if you teach, stick to your teaching; if you give encouraging guidance, be careful that you don't get bossy; if you're put in charge, don't manipulate; if you're called to give aid to people in distress, keep your eyes open and be quick to respond; if you work with the disadvantaged, don't let yourself get irritated with them or depressed by them. Keep a smile on your face. 9-10 Love from the center of who you are; don't fake it. Run for dear life from evil; hold on for dear life to good. Be good friends who love deeply; practice playing second fiddle. 11-13 Don't burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don't quit in hard times; pray all the harder. Help those who are needy; be inventive in hospitality. 14-16 Bless your enemies; no cursing under your breath. Laugh with your happy friends when they're happy; share tears when they're down. Get along with each other; don't be stuck-up. Make friends with nobodies; don't try to be the great somebody. 17-19Don't hit back; discover beauty in everyone. If you've got it in you, get along with everybody. Don't insist on getting even; that's not for you to do. "I'll do the judging," says God. "I'll take care of it." 20-21 Our Scriptures tell us that if you see your enemy hungry, go buy that person lunch, or if he's thirsty, get him a drink. Your generosity will surprise him with goodness. Don't let evil get the best of you; get the best of evil by doing good. (The Message)


September 6, 2009 Truth in Anger

It has been almost a month since I've posted. I guess I am really in a cramp.

But the other day I became really angry and Ken and actually did go to bed that way. If no other reason, it might be that if you do your dreams are angry. Seems like the anger continued throughout my dreams. In the morning I got up and apologized for being so angry at him.

I am thankful that it is okay to have the full gamut of feelings, whatever is needed when I need it. And regardless of the outward circumstances I choose to put on the new me every day and be renewed in the spirit of my mind.

There is truth to be found in anger, anger in itself is not sin, tell the truth while there is still time to do so.

Ephesians 4: 20 But you have not so learned Christ, 21 if indeed you have heard Him and have been taught by Him, as the truth is in Jesus: 22 that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, 23 and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, 24 and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness. 25 Therefore, putting away lying,"Let each one of you speak truth with his neighbor," for we are members of one another. 26 "Be angry, and do not sin": do not let the sun go down on your wrath, 27 nor give place to the devil.


September 5, 2009, Waiting for the light

Every now and then I become stiffled. Ever hear of 'writer's cramp'? Well, I believe that there are similar situations for life's cramp. Finding our way through situations that cloud our visibility is inevitable. The good news is the clouds pass fairly quickly usually dumping necessary rain and cooling the atmosphere, unless there is an ongoing storm it may take a little longer.


August 6, 2009, Streaming thoughts from my heart

When I diminish...
I surrender to Jesus within me.
Nothing is about me. (even though I’m stating first person, this is ‘you’ and ‘us’, this is ‘we’)
There is no human being who is unlovable, unacceptable, unreachable.

When we rest in the Lord...
We can sit in the midst of all storms and pending doom and not be affected spiritually (this is not always physically).
We listen to His voice and follow Him.
We can wait ‘with great patience’ while in the desert places.
We have no fear of calamity, despair or death.
We can live for today and not worry for tomorrow or dredge up the past. (not easy to do is it?)
We can live with just our needs being met and without desire for excess or extravagance. (this is peace)

We know there will be suffering and persecution in the call to follow Jesus. We know there are many hurting human beings who are searching for this message of His Great Love. They are searching for a cup of Living Water.

Compassion does not hide pain, hurt and sorrow. Compassion experiences 'with’, suffers 'with’, cries ‘with’, hurts ‘with’, and sees beyond sin and world beaten exteriors. We have become a people who suffer alone, we are afraid to suffer ‘with’, but when we experience compassion… in ‘suffering with’ we leave room for Jesus to do only what He is able to do.

We are an eternal being with the Spirit of God within us and a deep awareness that our flesh is only temporary. We are Spirit being first then we are flesh, not the other way around. We have awareness of God as we experience Him within us. He no longer is ‘without’ or ‘passing by’ or ‘up there’. John 14…Jesus said I am in the Father, you are in me and I am in you. This is communion as we are one in Him we are one with each other. Healing is from within. Additionally, Jesus said ‘greater things will you do because I will be with my Father’. He created every cell of our fleshly body and He knows our mechanism. His Light is not 'little', His Light is great, His Light and His Love Heals. He is Love. Jesus said, one day you will realize (see and hear with our hearts and experience His Truth). We are returning to our first Love (to make a distinction ‘in this life now’) never to leave It again. The Kingdom of God is 'within' you. In Mark 11 Jesus says pray, ask, believe and receive….all through the new testament Jesus said it is your faith that healed you, go and ‘sin’ no more. He is asking us to stay connected with Him and connected with each other. If we disconnect, we can go to Him at anytime and reconnect. He does not expect or require anything of us other than love Him with our total being and love each other as we love ourselves.

We know the call to follow Him, but have we experienced the call? We know He asked us to leave everything to follow Him but do we know how to drop our nets? It is not for me to tell you when, where or how to answer His call. We have ears to hear, we know His voice. We do what we ‘know’ in our hearts that Jesus is telling us to do. We hear Him and listen to His voice...when He says ‘go’….go...when He says 'come'....come.


July, 19, 2009 Love just is.

There are things we can do to try and fake Love but these will be revealed.

One thing I am certain. words are not needed to 'prove' Love. It isn't by what we do or don't do. If something is required or demanded or expected, what is required or demanded or expected does not prove Love.

Love is from within, not without, spiritual, and eternal.

With unconditional Love we see in a mirror clearly, we have no fear to see or be seen face to face abiding in Love.

2 Corinthians 13:1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. 2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing. 4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 8 Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part. 10 But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away. 11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 12 For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known. 13 And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

June 12, 2009 Freely Express, Freely Soar, Freely Live

What is this thing that eats at me? Sometimes it is relentless and can make my heart sick (as well as the body) if it is not freed up. It is the resistance of expression and with resistance life becomes dormant.

When I am able to let go and and 'let my heart soar instead being sore' my heart is light as a feather, like a young carefree child. Loving freely and unconditionally and receiving all the love that will be given to me.

'There is a form of laughter that springs from the heart, heard every day in the merry voice of childhood, the expression of a laughter --loving spirit that defies analysis by the philosopher, which has nothing of rigid or mechanical in it, and totally without social significance. Bubbling spontaneously from the heart of child or man.' William Osler

Matthew 19:14 Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

This is why I love being with children. As adults we must continually die to ourselves to have this full expression of a child and full exposure of our feelings. We must relearn to give from a freed up heart and receive from a freed up heart. This is Life freely expressed. A child has the answer to the kingdom of heaven.

I am going to make this my expression, I really like this....

And before closing... Happy Birthday Jim!!!


June 10, 2009 Let it reign.

I always amazes me how songs from worship stay in my head. My spirit sings them when I'm sleeping, when I wake up and amazing that I don't even notice for awhile. The song, usually a single song. It must be that is what I need for that time.

The song this time is 'Let the peace of God Reign' by Hillsong. Here it is on youtube with beautiful photos that makes it even more enriched. So let the peace of God reign. I would like to say 'rain' with these temperatures soaring over 100 degrees. Lord give us peace that helps us see.

Well, here it it.


July 6, 2009 Set Free

Haven't we all endured and overcome tragedies in our lives? Could it be that in our tragedies that we are all the same? We find our purpose has not been to observe these in others with pious judgement (as a way to deny it) or sympathy (as a way to try and feel it) but empathy (as a living example).

In this not so abundant life of denial to protect ourselves or others, it is inevitable that the next generation must suffer from the current hiding and pretending.

Do we really seek to be set free? To find that place where our hearts can truly 'soar'. When we are faced with the very thing we fear because it 'did' come upon us. We either accept it, or run from it; stuff it or deny it, be truthful with our feelings or lie about it. How is it that we want to continue in, or carry within us the very thing that is keeping us enslaved?

Then to add to the pain in our lives, we are such good pretenders. Faking our feelings, faking our smiles, faking in order to protect our 'good reputation'. After all what would happen if someone ever found out the 'truth'? Instead of it setting us free, what if it started a family war or a complete all out war that will hurt or shame a lot of people?

One thing I am sure of and have seen it for years, when a topic of discussion gets too close to the core of our heart's pain and hiding, the ways of avoiding truth are varied. Some rage, some abuse, some are violent, some abuse themselves, some stay silent, some talk too much, some smile all the time, some frown all the time, some control, some don't care, some get depressed, some get sick, some stay busy, some become paralyzed, some are so wanting to be set free regardless of how fearful exposure in the Light is, they are ready and scream at least from the inside if not the outside, 'please help me!', I'll do whatever it takes!, Set me free!'

Children and adults are abused by beating, neglect, abandonment, sexual abuse, teasing, forcing them to do things dehumanizing and degrading. Some which may not be so obvious and actually encouraged in our society, like putting unreachable expectations on a child, expecting them to act like a 'little adults', expecting them to take on the responsibilities of an adult, expecting them to be a star. Forcing them to take part in our abusive religious addictions, punishing or abusing children in the name of Jesus. These can be either overt demands or covert neediness, producing the same result - fear.

Whoever reads this, whether family or friends, know that what I am writing is totally out of Love for you and desiring for all of us to be set free. We can do this together. I am no longer afraid, please don't be afraid of the Truth.

The silence and pretending has hurt everyone and each generation is affected. Pain is diminished in forgiveness, to endure is our call in life. Jim Spivey once said to me, 'Teresa it didn't happen to you, it happened for you' And in that moment I realized, what if I could use all this for good? What is meant for evil, God means for good. We are constantly fighting battles which seem to be futile. But are they really? What if in the knowing and acceptance of the fact that there is evil in this life we conquer our biggest fear? Accepting what has happened to us is part of this evil which cannot be avoided in this 'world'. The battles are not of the flesh. How can we fight what is not physical? It is by the Holy Spirit that we overcome the battles in the spiritual realm. But why then do the spiritual battles manifest in the physical over and over again? We have absolutely no control over what is manifested in the physical realm. Once we are aware of our need to be set free, we ask God and believe. He is in control and will answer our need. What if we can experience the freedom in knowing the war is not ours to fight? What if we could see that in the revealing of Truth we will find absolute peace that surpasses all understanding? What if we were set free because we weren't afraid of the Truth or Unconditional Love? Inner turmoil from the inner silence and hiding would be no more. The violence and raging, sexual abuse, promiscuousness, drugs, alcohol, suicide attempts, stealing, abortions/murder, to name a few, are now our path to total freedom. I once told my sons Josh and Jesse to 'pray for everything they can think of for your family, because we have seen it all and have done it all' and are still in it all until it is released. When we see how much God love us all no matter what we've done, no matter who has done it, we are set free, the abuser, and victim both.

Grace is sufficient, Love unconditionally and we overcome bondage. Then our hearts are really not 'sore' because we are truly set free.

And what prompted all this? Once again, I am so thankful that the Lord uses Jim to say what needs to be said to help prompt inner searching for healing. The text said, 'Here's a beautiful invitation: let your heart soar vs letting it be sore'. This is the way, opening up and pouring out my heart so it can 'soar' without the weight of the bondage which as an adult I have the choice to hold onto it or let it go.

I would love to share with anyone who desires to find their way to total freedom, within our hearts together. The Truth is available to anyone who desires It and It does set us free.