Whether a brief moment or many years, our relationships are more precious than gold. We breathe and our hearts beat in rhythm together.
My birthday is coming up in 3 days and every moment that I have been allowed to walk the face of this earth is precious. Life is precious with a life changing purpose, a plan, and a calling, I've made many choices in my life, in the beginning my parents chose life for me. And here I am 55 years later, feeling only an iota closer to understanding the full magnitude of Life, embracing all emotions through pain and joy.
Surrender and death brings life, new life, abundant life. My heart is speaking and not my mind, this ongoing choice to surrender brings continuous new life, through the renewing of my mind and the dying to 'self', in order that this vessel be restored, in order that my heart be continually exposed until life flows within and through me and connects every encounter in my eternal lifetime.
Job 1:20 Job got to his feet, ripped his robe, shaved his head, then fell to the ground and worshiped: 21 Naked I came from my mother's womb, naked I'll return to the womb of the earth. God gives, God takes. God's name be ever blessed. 22 Not once through all this did Job sin; not once did he blame God. NIV
Job stayed connected with God through his pain and suffering and loss. This is what life feels like, this is our lives. We wait in ashes and scrape our sores and emerge out of the depths of our crying into New Life.
We are experiencing amazing heart connection with God and each other in life and by choosing life, in birth and being born again. The beauty is happening all around us, even today a child is born and a child dies, a man dies and a man lives. If we aren't alert we will miss the preciousness and magnificence of the immense beauty of God's purpose and plan.
One precious man, Pastor James is struggling and paralyzed after a car accident and the pain of watching his suffering along with the joy of his heart touches hearts all over this city, the country and the world. And then experiencing over a thousand people who came to say 'I love you!' I know he feels the love.
One precious baby Rhyder, who really continues to live, lived his life with purpose and his parents did choose life for him. What a beautiful gift to be chosen to be a part of experiencing the moments of Rhyder's life with you Dave and Michelle, in joy, sorrow and pain. Rhyder's precious holy life 'is' set apart for God's glory, and all over this city, the country and world, he absolutely did touch hearts and thousands of us want to send love to you and hold you and grieve with you.
Like a butterfly emerging out of its chrysalis a 'gold sheath' we ourselves emerge in metamorphosis 'changed form', to rebirth and new life.
Isn't this the most amazing creature? I was just sharing with my husband Friday afternoon when our attempts failed to take a cell phone photo of a butterfly on a flower, I have had the joyful experience at least 3 times in my life, holding up my pointer finger and a nearby butterfly landed on my fingertip. It didn't happen this time but it reminded me of the example of our lives. God is saying to both Ken and I, 'We are emerging into a new life'..... Double WOW!
Oh and by the way, when you see a finger pointing up in Renaissance art, those depicted were pointing to the Heavens and to God. And...and...and...Renaissance means 'Rebirth', 'Reawakening', 'To be Born Again', 'New Life' !!! Triple WOW!!
I am really feeling this one ...
James 1:2 Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. The Message ...
and today is now tomorrow since I wrote this late through midnight. I have been loving this time inside my heart, sharing it on the outside so that we can have communion together.
Teresa Parsons
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