
September 24, 2009 The Door Opens

Today, today, today is the day the Lord really has made. I do rejoice and I am glad in it. He is an all knowing and loving God.

What does it look like when a door opens and you just begin to see the light piercing through the threshold? When there isn't a clear view of what is on the other side? But we know that there is 'light' and in that 'light' we will know that God never leaves us or forsakes us.

Ken and I are at this amazing place of total surrender. We will be moving in a week to two weeks and getting ready to step through a door that hasn't fully opened yet. We may hear many thoughts or advice but to let everyone know, Ken and I together have total peace in 'today' and 'today' we are clear on this.

We don't know where we will move yet (we are totally open as we seek wisdom), we are clear like never before. We are looking for a small farm in Tomball/Magnolia area, and all that is needed for the move. We are seeking a place where we can begin a small (expanding to large) organic community farm. I am sharing our desire in hopes that someone is connecting with our hearts.

We are asking God and sending the request through His cyberspace waiting for an answer. He knows our hearts.

There's the door opening for us, here we go!!

I had to add this....what a great idea! An artist's apiary.....after all the farm needs pollination.

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