The inner work and the straight path to His Truth is not easy in this world, but there is no true peace anywhere except with Him and hearing His voice. It is here where it doesn't matter what any person does or doesn't do, thinks or doesn't think, because 'here' we are confident and know who we are and where we are going. My feet are on the Path of Truth. Here I can admit my own faults and be truthful about my own inner darkness. Truth sets me free to experience His Love and Light fully. And as I walk this walk this is becoming evident, "All men will hate (my observation - 'fearful of', hate is fear), you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved." Matthew 10:13. How is it that we can be so afraid of God's Love? With this, if my heart is not steady, my sight will move off course in the midst of the need for attention or approval from others. There is so much more to say in regard to this eternal journey.
In this wonderful fairy tale story (but so true to real life) a knight finds himself trapped in his armor and the only way out is with inner awareness and tears of compassion. He sets out on the Path of Truth to find a way to be set free through Castles of Silence, Knowledge, Will and Daring to the Summit of Truth. He is faced just before the Summit of Truth with a decision of complete surrender where he lets go....
"In that instant, he accepted full responsibility for his life, for the influence people had had on it, and for the events that had shaped it. From this moment on, he would no longer blame his mistakes or misfortunes or anyone or anything outside himself. The recognition that he was the cause not the effect gave him a new feeling of power. He was now unafraid." Knight in Rusty Armor, Robert Fisher
I have a personal choice to stay focused on my purpose and call, living Love and allowing deep interaction and conversation with God and keep this kind of armor that separates us all from building up and becoming a permanent fixture around my heart. On the Path of Truth you can't look to the right or the left only straight ahead. If there is a mountain or castle in the way there is no way around it, you must go through it to be set free. Surrender becomes an 'upward' fall which brings us to Truth and freedom.
Teresa Parsons
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