I posted this blog also on FB the other day but accidently deleted it. FB didn't pick it up a second time so I'm trying again. Let's see if this works.... It is sharing my heart and in this particular one, it is one of the rare moments, of which I hope to see more often, where God opened the eyes of my heart, wide open!
Living and peace in pain
As I sat yesterday afternoon in a coffee shop, my eyes were opened for a short time and I saw everyone's pain. It was like God showed me all at once the inside of every heart around me. People I didn't know. He let me see what He sees. For a several minutes He let me feel His compassion. I held in my tears not wanting to cry uncontrollably. The pain was overwhelming, I watched one ready to give up, one had a very heavy burden and fear of failing and being inadequate; another lonely, another hurting. The day started with pain. and in my 'not paying attention' or blindness may be a better word, that thing I sometimes do, I took out a stuffed 'fabric' frog out of my purse that laughs when you push his belly. Those of you who know me, know which one I'm talking about. It was an inappropriately timed attempt to divert pain or bring a smile. There is a time to weep and a time to laugh.
On many occasions God has allowed me to experience and heal not only my pain but have compassion-(suffer with) for other's in pain. I've been in a beautiful place between this life and the next as I experienced death and new life with my Dad; I stood by another lady near death and listened to her desires and last wishes and hopes. I cried with a dear friend in physical pain, sometimes laying near her and weeping. I've cried for another who could not cry; or for someone not even with or near me, or waking up in the middle of the night crying and praying for someone in trouble or pain. I've had some amazing experiences of holding some hurting women tightly until they could cry out their deep pain. And how could I possibly ever have known if I hadn't experienced it, the peace that surpasses all understanding within the embracing of pain. The abundant Life which 'does' come.
How often can we see Jesus in every face? If my heart is not attentive I miss Him. I listened to a man, to some would be called 'unlovely' or 'unwanted' overlooked or avoided. With pain evident on his face, I looked at him as he talked and smiled, I saw Jesus. There was another woman in my life, shamefully I avoided her for a time until the Lord said to me, 'I sent her into your life to remind you how much I Love you'. I had to hear that to open my eyes and see Jesus in her. He doesn't show up for me with the best dressed, the best smelling, the most successful, the most comfortable situations, He most often shows up hungry, thirsty, needing clothing, shoes, needing a bath, toothless, scarred, laying in the streets, under a bridge, in a dilapidated home or building, uneducated, giving up, hitting bottom, in the muck of life, addicts, alcoholics, stoned, naked, violated, vomit covered, bloody, crying, dying, in order that I may find Him in them and that 'we' may heal and Love Him, not alone, but together.
Whether a deeper than deep pain of unresolved shame, hurt, grieving, regret, fear for their family or themselves, whether openly expressed or unexpressed, there is this amazing Light of the Lord's Love and Truth that is illuminating the darkness, healing what is hidden, bringing comfort and healing through Love... to many. Through and by the way of an army that has been called up and drafted to serve and Love Jesus' with all their heart, mind and soul and Love others as they have found that beautiful healing place of loving themselves.
And yes Tiamae, we do look the least likely to be called His army, that's what makes it so amazing, it has to be God. But we sure are beautiful in our Love for each other arm in arm. Jumping or free falling together...and to think I use to be afraid of the very idea...

Then I posted on Facebook this fractal art the other day...I called it Free Falling...
On many occasions God has allowed me to experience and heal not only my pain but have compassion-(suffer with) for other's in pain. I've been in a beautiful place between this life and the next as I experienced death and new life with my Dad; I stood by another lady near death and listened to her desires and last wishes and hopes. I cried with a dear friend in physical pain, sometimes laying near her and weeping. I've cried for another who could not cry; or for someone not even with or near me, or waking up in the middle of the night crying and praying for someone in trouble or pain. I've had some amazing experiences of holding some hurting women tightly until they could cry out their deep pain. And how could I possibly ever have known if I hadn't experienced it, the peace that surpasses all understanding within the embracing of pain. The abundant Life which 'does' come.
How often can we see Jesus in every face? If my heart is not attentive I miss Him. I listened to a man, to some would be called 'unlovely' or 'unwanted' overlooked or avoided. With pain evident on his face, I looked at him as he talked and smiled, I saw Jesus. There was another woman in my life, shamefully I avoided her for a time until the Lord said to me, 'I sent her into your life to remind you how much I Love you'. I had to hear that to open my eyes and see Jesus in her. He doesn't show up for me with the best dressed, the best smelling, the most successful, the most comfortable situations, He most often shows up hungry, thirsty, needing clothing, shoes, needing a bath, toothless, scarred, laying in the streets, under a bridge, in a dilapidated home or building, uneducated, giving up, hitting bottom, in the muck of life, addicts, alcoholics, stoned, naked, violated, vomit covered, bloody, crying, dying, in order that I may find Him in them and that 'we' may heal and Love Him, not alone, but together.
Whether a deeper than deep pain of unresolved shame, hurt, grieving, regret, fear for their family or themselves, whether openly expressed or unexpressed, there is this amazing Light of the Lord's Love and Truth that is illuminating the darkness, healing what is hidden, bringing comfort and healing through Love... to many. Through and by the way of an army that has been called up and drafted to serve and Love Jesus' with all their heart, mind and soul and Love others as they have found that beautiful healing place of loving themselves.
And yes Tiamae, we do look the least likely to be called His army, that's what makes it so amazing, it has to be God. But we sure are beautiful in our Love for each other arm in arm. Jumping or free falling together...and to think I use to be afraid of the very idea...
Then I posted on Facebook this fractal art the other day...I called it Free Falling...

And in the evening I went to one of the night's revival at my church to get 'revived' first in the worship, then being reminded of this song that I don't need to only hear in church to be touched by it, and it does bring weeping when connecting with the heart of God.
And in connecting with family and friends, a few more Michael W. Smith songs. Songs like these I wish there were more of them to remind us of what we so often miss. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qdavk-nprzM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMZj0520v0g&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOCJAVlESEo
And even though I think I am going to stop talking so much. Mom, I think you have to laugh because you know it was born in me! :-)))), I am learning that in my talking, I am also listening and in my listening I am finding my life and in finding my life, it is much less about me and much much more about Jesus.
And even though I think I am going to stop talking so much. Mom, I think you have to laugh because you know it was born in me! :-)))), I am learning that in my talking, I am also listening and in my listening I am finding my life and in finding my life, it is much less about me and much much more about Jesus.
Teresa Parsons
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