What a whorl wind, leaving one life experience and beginning to live another. It never stops and we cannot get off this ride, the wheel keeps turning. Centrifical Force will eventually poll vault us out of this realm when our spirit leaves this corrupted body for the last time.
"If you want to watch someone awaken to the preciousness of life, simply 'diagnose' them as terminally ill, with 30 days left to live, and wait until they fully accept it; if you want to watch them instantly die, ask them to tell you about their retirement plan." Jim Spivey
Amazingly it takes a crisis to open our eyes to the fullness of life unfortunately?, fortunately? it is this way. It isn't looking at what we have or had, but looking at what is most valuable and precious. This dying to self is necessary for this continuing new life. If this is true, being terminally ill, no matter what form it takes, physical, financial, relational, it's all necessary for abundant Life.
What I am experiencing within my heart now is so against all that I've previously chosen. My life is more precious and abundant than every before. My cleared out eyes see Jesus more clearly than ever before and as He takes my heart and we walk slowly through this Life searching for people who need to feel His touch in their hearts. And only when the beam in my eye is out of the way, I don't require or expect anything of anyone, Jesus will help them find their way. There is no need to claim anything, I see God is in complete control. It's only in the adversity, only with the thorn in my side that I come to this most amazing freedom where I can freely Love Him, and freely trust Him no matter what the circumstances are.
Thank you God for this crisis, this turmoil and this purging of all that keeps me separated from You. God it is here that we are able to surrender so You can draw us so close to You where we find that most amazing miracle when we are breathing with You.
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