There will always be battles, there will always be crisis and suffering in life. But it is how I choose to 'see' it or be overwhelmed by it that can cause me to be stuck within it, rather than gain strength by slowly walking 'in', 'through' or over it and fully experiencing it and not become it or of it.
"Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it." Helen Keller
Our natural instinct is to not avoid battles, pain, suffering or obstacles, it is to relentlessly and boldly face them and take one slow step in front of the other and face our fears. And with many close family and friends who are always there with us to cheer us on. And in overcoming our fears together we find Love. Because perfect Love does away with fear. God is the absence of fear, He is Love.
Psalm 116:1 I love God because he listened to me, listened as I begged for mercy. 2 He listened so intently as I laid out my case before him. 3 Death stared me in the face, hell was hard on my heels. Up against it, I didn't know which way to turn; 4 then I called out to God for help: "Please, God!" I cried out. "Save my life!" 5 God is gracious - it is he who makes things right, our most compassionate God. 6 God takes the side of the helpless; when I was at the end of my rope, he saved me. (The Message) (James and Jennifer, oh, this one is to cheer you all the way through this current crisis.)
We are no longer afraid of what's ahead of us. We can do this together. God is with us all the way.
This song has been replaying in my heart this week and this video just like this photo gives a glance at what happens when we have the freedom and overcome fear to be all God created us to be. (James get up and let your feet dance this marathon)
And this is so perfect......I can hear these turtles saying to each other...'keep going we're almost there, don't give up, you're going to make it, God is with us all the way. Woo Hoo!."
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