There is a story of seven deacons in the scriptures who were appointed to take care of widows. As I was reading over my Sunday School material, this is in the story. The deacons supplied widows with food and 'the widows were happy', because they were being taken care of. I have no doubt that the widows felt love from these deacons but this translation is teaching that their happiness is conditional on having food. And continuing on with the story....and everyone in the first church was happy 'because of helpers'. I truly believe the people of the first church were not happy because their needs were met. They were happy regardless of what they needed. I am experiencing that having help or helpers is not the reason I am happy. It is my choice to be happy in all circumstances regardless of what others do or don't do. And I fail often, believe me! Discouraged, now that is another word.
There is a deeper heart issue that cannot be seen or measured. Happiness is from deep within, like joy, which it based on knowing who we are, knowing Who is in control (when we let Him) and experiencing His 'unconditional' Love.
So when I say, 'if you do this you will be happy' or 'if I do this I will be happy' or 'if you do this for me I will be happy' or 'if you do this for Jesus or God He will be happy', these are conditional. God does not require or expect anything of us, He only asks for our heart, not our 'doing'.
What do we really know deep inside our hearts? What are we teaching versus what we know deep inside our hearts? With a little slowing down and self focus we will begin to see it clearly.
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