June 28, 2009 World or Purpose
We are continually renewed as we learn not to use the world as a model for life but our Divine appointed purpose.
June 27, 2009 Preparation, Serving, Cleaning Up vs Love
I guess there are moments when I get a glimpse of the total picture, maybe as Jesus sees, which is with Pure Love, and then I become overwhelmed with sorrow. This may be because in those moments my eyes are opened and see the disaster and the misuse of God's beautiful gifts which He freely gives us. It may be the way we treat each other and we Christians are not exempt. It may be how God's Word is interjected with personal fear. Fear does not negate the Truth it just blinds us. We must be aware of what is Truth and what is fear or a lie.
Confused is the 'mind' that has become cynical or the heart that has become calloused from years of hearing about the necessity of prolonged works and fear of losing our salvation. It isn't enough that we are fearful of losing our salvation, we pass the fear onto others. I am convinced that neither works, words or actions can separate us from God. Nothing can separates us from the Love of God. God is Love. Jesus desires our heart, soul and mind. It is the 'Mary Life' sitting at His feet. It's not the preparation, the serving or cleaning up that Jesus requires. He desires our heart, only our heart.
We have become enslaved to filled-up schedules and pursuing money and 'we' are the church. It is either too much of one way or another or totally giving up from burn-out which is inevitable over and over again from our 'out of focus' messages of works and guilt. I am seeking the simplicity of this beautiful Life to live in Love with God and my neighbor as myself.
There is a freedom for me to speak my heart for my own blog, whether anyone reads it or not. I'm slowly walking down this desert road to freedom from making bricks.
It's You and me Lord. You know how much I love You. Nothing else matters. Use me any way You desire. Show me how to Love with Your Love. Open my eyes so I can see with Your eyes. Speak to me so I can hear You clearly. Forgive me for missing or falling short of Your heart.
Confused is the 'mind' that has become cynical or the heart that has become calloused from years of hearing about the necessity of prolonged works and fear of losing our salvation. It isn't enough that we are fearful of losing our salvation, we pass the fear onto others. I am convinced that neither works, words or actions can separate us from God. Nothing can separates us from the Love of God. God is Love. Jesus desires our heart, soul and mind. It is the 'Mary Life' sitting at His feet. It's not the preparation, the serving or cleaning up that Jesus requires. He desires our heart, only our heart.
We have become enslaved to filled-up schedules and pursuing money and 'we' are the church. It is either too much of one way or another or totally giving up from burn-out which is inevitable over and over again from our 'out of focus' messages of works and guilt. I am seeking the simplicity of this beautiful Life to live in Love with God and my neighbor as myself.
There is a freedom for me to speak my heart for my own blog, whether anyone reads it or not. I'm slowly walking down this desert road to freedom from making bricks.
It's You and me Lord. You know how much I love You. Nothing else matters. Use me any way You desire. Show me how to Love with Your Love. Open my eyes so I can see with Your eyes. Speak to me so I can hear You clearly. Forgive me for missing or falling short of Your heart.

June 22, 2009 Cyclical Life
What a whorl wind, leaving one life experience and beginning to live another. It never stops and we cannot get off this ride, the wheel keeps turning. Centrifical Force will eventually poll vault us out of this realm when our spirit leaves this corrupted body for the last time.
"If you want to watch someone awaken to the preciousness of life, simply 'diagnose' them as terminally ill, with 30 days left to live, and wait until they fully accept it; if you want to watch them instantly die, ask them to tell you about their retirement plan." Jim Spivey
Amazingly it takes a crisis to open our eyes to the fullness of life unfortunately?, fortunately? it is this way. It isn't looking at what we have or had, but looking at what is most valuable and precious. This dying to self is necessary for this continuing new life. If this is true, being terminally ill, no matter what form it takes, physical, financial, relational, it's all necessary for abundant Life.
What I am experiencing within my heart now is so against all that I've previously chosen. My life is more precious and abundant than every before. My cleared out eyes see Jesus more clearly than ever before and as He takes my heart and we walk slowly through this Life searching for people who need to feel His touch in their hearts. And only when the beam in my eye is out of the way, I don't require or expect anything of anyone, Jesus will help them find their way. There is no need to claim anything, I see God is in complete control. It's only in the adversity, only with the thorn in my side that I come to this most amazing freedom where I can freely Love Him, and freely trust Him no matter what the circumstances are.
Thank you God for this crisis, this turmoil and this purging of all that keeps me separated from You. God it is here that we are able to surrender so You can draw us so close to You where we find that most amazing miracle when we are breathing with You.
"If you want to watch someone awaken to the preciousness of life, simply 'diagnose' them as terminally ill, with 30 days left to live, and wait until they fully accept it; if you want to watch them instantly die, ask them to tell you about their retirement plan." Jim Spivey
Amazingly it takes a crisis to open our eyes to the fullness of life unfortunately?, fortunately? it is this way. It isn't looking at what we have or had, but looking at what is most valuable and precious. This dying to self is necessary for this continuing new life. If this is true, being terminally ill, no matter what form it takes, physical, financial, relational, it's all necessary for abundant Life.
What I am experiencing within my heart now is so against all that I've previously chosen. My life is more precious and abundant than every before. My cleared out eyes see Jesus more clearly than ever before and as He takes my heart and we walk slowly through this Life searching for people who need to feel His touch in their hearts. And only when the beam in my eye is out of the way, I don't require or expect anything of anyone, Jesus will help them find their way. There is no need to claim anything, I see God is in complete control. It's only in the adversity, only with the thorn in my side that I come to this most amazing freedom where I can freely Love Him, and freely trust Him no matter what the circumstances are.
Thank you God for this crisis, this turmoil and this purging of all that keeps me separated from You. God it is here that we are able to surrender so You can draw us so close to You where we find that most amazing miracle when we are breathing with You.
June 21, 2009, Conditional Happiness
Life is a series of disappointments and happiness. But when I really got to thinking about this I realized how conditional these are on circumstances. Not only do we live in this paradigm of dependency on circumstances conditioning our happiness, we also teach it to our children.
There is a story of seven deacons in the scriptures who were appointed to take care of widows. As I was reading over my Sunday School material, this is in the story. The deacons supplied widows with food and 'the widows were happy', because they were being taken care of. I have no doubt that the widows felt love from these deacons but this translation is teaching that their happiness is conditional on having food. And continuing on with the story....and everyone in the first church was happy 'because of helpers'. I truly believe the people of the first church were not happy because their needs were met. They were happy regardless of what they needed. I am experiencing that having help or helpers is not the reason I am happy. It is my choice to be happy in all circumstances regardless of what others do or don't do. And I fail often, believe me! Discouraged, now that is another word.
There is a deeper heart issue that cannot be seen or measured. Happiness is from deep within, like joy, which it based on knowing who we are, knowing Who is in control (when we let Him) and experiencing His 'unconditional' Love.
So when I say, 'if you do this you will be happy' or 'if I do this I will be happy' or 'if you do this for me I will be happy' or 'if you do this for Jesus or God He will be happy', these are conditional. God does not require or expect anything of us, He only asks for our heart, not our 'doing'.
What do we really know deep inside our hearts? What are we teaching versus what we know deep inside our hearts? With a little slowing down and self focus we will begin to see it clearly.
There is a story of seven deacons in the scriptures who were appointed to take care of widows. As I was reading over my Sunday School material, this is in the story. The deacons supplied widows with food and 'the widows were happy', because they were being taken care of. I have no doubt that the widows felt love from these deacons but this translation is teaching that their happiness is conditional on having food. And continuing on with the story....and everyone in the first church was happy 'because of helpers'. I truly believe the people of the first church were not happy because their needs were met. They were happy regardless of what they needed. I am experiencing that having help or helpers is not the reason I am happy. It is my choice to be happy in all circumstances regardless of what others do or don't do. And I fail often, believe me! Discouraged, now that is another word.
There is a deeper heart issue that cannot be seen or measured. Happiness is from deep within, like joy, which it based on knowing who we are, knowing Who is in control (when we let Him) and experiencing His 'unconditional' Love.
So when I say, 'if you do this you will be happy' or 'if I do this I will be happy' or 'if you do this for me I will be happy' or 'if you do this for Jesus or God He will be happy', these are conditional. God does not require or expect anything of us, He only asks for our heart, not our 'doing'.
What do we really know deep inside our hearts? What are we teaching versus what we know deep inside our hearts? With a little slowing down and self focus we will begin to see it clearly.
June 16, 2009 Suffering Pain and Obstacles
Life is a balance of challenges and obstacles which we can choose to avoid them or to overcome them. Our 'overcoming' is a natural instinct placed within us by God.
There will always be battles, there will always be crisis and suffering in life. But it is how I choose to 'see' it or be overwhelmed by it that can cause me to be stuck within it, rather than gain strength by slowly walking 'in', 'through' or over it and fully experiencing it and not become it or of it.
"Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it." Helen Keller
Our natural instinct is to not avoid battles, pain, suffering or obstacles, it is to relentlessly and boldly face them and take one slow step in front of the other and face our fears. And with many close family and friends who are always there with us to cheer us on. And in overcoming our fears together we find Love. Because perfect Love does away with fear. God is the absence of fear, He is Love.
Psalm 116:1 I love God because he listened to me, listened as I begged for mercy. 2 He listened so intently as I laid out my case before him. 3 Death stared me in the face, hell was hard on my heels. Up against it, I didn't know which way to turn; 4 then I called out to God for help: "Please, God!" I cried out. "Save my life!" 5 God is gracious - it is he who makes things right, our most compassionate God. 6 God takes the side of the helpless; when I was at the end of my rope, he saved me. (The Message) (James and Jennifer, oh, this one is to cheer you all the way through this current crisis.)
We are no longer afraid of what's ahead of us. We can do this together. God is with us all the way.
This song has been replaying in my heart this week and this video just like this photo gives a glance at what happens when we have the freedom and overcome fear to be all God created us to be. (James get up and let your feet dance this marathon)
And this is so perfect......I can hear these turtles saying to each other...'keep going we're almost there, don't give up, you're going to make it, God is with us all the way. Woo Hoo!."
There will always be battles, there will always be crisis and suffering in life. But it is how I choose to 'see' it or be overwhelmed by it that can cause me to be stuck within it, rather than gain strength by slowly walking 'in', 'through' or over it and fully experiencing it and not become it or of it.
"Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it." Helen Keller
Our natural instinct is to not avoid battles, pain, suffering or obstacles, it is to relentlessly and boldly face them and take one slow step in front of the other and face our fears. And with many close family and friends who are always there with us to cheer us on. And in overcoming our fears together we find Love. Because perfect Love does away with fear. God is the absence of fear, He is Love.
Psalm 116:1 I love God because he listened to me, listened as I begged for mercy. 2 He listened so intently as I laid out my case before him. 3 Death stared me in the face, hell was hard on my heels. Up against it, I didn't know which way to turn; 4 then I called out to God for help: "Please, God!" I cried out. "Save my life!" 5 God is gracious - it is he who makes things right, our most compassionate God. 6 God takes the side of the helpless; when I was at the end of my rope, he saved me. (The Message) (James and Jennifer, oh, this one is to cheer you all the way through this current crisis.)
We are no longer afraid of what's ahead of us. We can do this together. God is with us all the way.
This song has been replaying in my heart this week and this video just like this photo gives a glance at what happens when we have the freedom and overcome fear to be all God created us to be. (James get up and let your feet dance this marathon)
And this is so perfect......I can hear these turtles saying to each other...'keep going we're almost there, don't give up, you're going to make it, God is with us all the way. Woo Hoo!."
June 13, 2009 What should you do?
Do what your Heart says to do......
And It will come back to you.
And It will come back to you.
June 11, 2009 Without Money
I think I may have dreamed the perfect dream.
I was asked the question 'what would it be like if there was no money?' You think you know what was in the conversation? Not....
If there was no money (that is, nonexistent, rather than lack of) there would be no resistance in sharing freely what we have with one another.
There would be no need for time, or time for need.All the way up to planting seed, all transactions would be freely passed from one person to another.
There would be abundance all around the world to share.
There would be a freedom to be creative.
We would freely give our lives away.
Is this a eutopia? Was I was seeing and hearing a little bit of Heaven?
It looks like deep love and selfless giving, hands freely giving and hands freely receiving. These hands are representing our deeper connection with each other where we do not require or expect anything of anyone.
We do have access to the Kingdom of Heaven now and It is brought into focus with vision.
And what an amazing Place this is! A glimpse turning into a full experience.
"We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started... and know the place for the first time.” T. S. Eliot
June 10, 2009 Cycle of life
"We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started... and know the place for the first time.” T. S. Eliot (Thanks my awesome brother)
This is the cycle of life and the cycles within life and there is much to ponder and surrender to in order to find ourselves in the middle of the beginning and the end. And all this exploring reveals much to conquer until we find that place of newness and start at the beginning once again.
This is what this exploring looks like to me....I'm on a road covered with beautiful Light....
After all how can I see where I'm going without Light?
This is the cycle of life and the cycles within life and there is much to ponder and surrender to in order to find ourselves in the middle of the beginning and the end. And all this exploring reveals much to conquer until we find that place of newness and start at the beginning once again.
This is what this exploring looks like to me....I'm on a road covered with beautiful Light....
After all how can I see where I'm going without Light?
June 8, 2009 no. 500, The heart of a child
It blows my mind that I typed 500 blogs! I knew I could talk, they aren't consecutive, but continue through to 500!
All I want to do is say that it came from inspiration of watching others give their lives away to the point they they affected me to give my life away. I want to dedicate no. 500 to everyone in my life, all special gifts to me. To all of you who teach me about who I am as I watch you. We are one in His Spirit and One in Love, I have no doubt...that this is Truth.
I was talking with my little ones yesterday morning at church and asked them 'do you know that we will be living together forever?!' Of course I got all kinds of looks of curious looks from them. So like children that we are, I ask again...hopefully you can stand the thought... :-) 'do you know that we will be together forever in heaven?!'
I certainly love the thought, we will run like little children totally free and living fully expressed lives without any inhibitions whatsoever.
Ah the heart and freedom of a child!! Leaving all the cares of this treacherous world behind.
This is the coolest video from Iceland
Sigur Ros Glósóli
Here is the English translation, but you must watch the video. We know The Son, the Bright and Morning Star.
ENGLISH TRANSLATION: GlósóliGlowing Sun (Bright Sun)
Now that you're awake
Everything seems different
I look aroundBut there's nothing at all
Put on my shoes,
I then find that
She is still in her pyjamas
Then found in a dream
I'm hung by (an) anticlimax
She is with the sun
And it's out here
But where are you...
Go on a journey
And roam the streets
Can't see the way out
And so use the stars
She sits for eternity
And then climbs out
She's the glowing sun
So come out
I awake from a nightmare
My heart is beating
Out of control…
I've become so used to this craziness
That it's now compulsory
And here you are...
I'm feeling...
And here you are,
Glowing sun...
And here you are,
Glowing sun...
And here you are,
Glowing sun...
And here you are...
Glowing sun...
All I want to do is say that it came from inspiration of watching others give their lives away to the point they they affected me to give my life away. I want to dedicate no. 500 to everyone in my life, all special gifts to me. To all of you who teach me about who I am as I watch you. We are one in His Spirit and One in Love, I have no doubt...that this is Truth.
I was talking with my little ones yesterday morning at church and asked them 'do you know that we will be living together forever?!' Of course I got all kinds of looks of curious looks from them. So like children that we are, I ask again...hopefully you can stand the thought... :-) 'do you know that we will be together forever in heaven?!'
I certainly love the thought, we will run like little children totally free and living fully expressed lives without any inhibitions whatsoever.
Ah the heart and freedom of a child!! Leaving all the cares of this treacherous world behind.
This is the coolest video from Iceland
Sigur Ros Glósóli
Here is the English translation, but you must watch the video. We know The Son, the Bright and Morning Star.
ENGLISH TRANSLATION: GlósóliGlowing Sun (Bright Sun)
Now that you're awake
Everything seems different
I look aroundBut there's nothing at all
Put on my shoes,
I then find that
She is still in her pyjamas
Then found in a dream
I'm hung by (an) anticlimax
She is with the sun
And it's out here
But where are you...
Go on a journey
And roam the streets
Can't see the way out
And so use the stars
She sits for eternity
And then climbs out
She's the glowing sun
So come out
I awake from a nightmare
My heart is beating
Out of control…
I've become so used to this craziness
That it's now compulsory
And here you are...
I'm feeling...
And here you are,
Glowing sun...
And here you are,
Glowing sun...
And here you are,
Glowing sun...
And here you are...
Glowing sun...
June 7, 2009 To teach or not to teach? That is the question
I am really feeling and seeing just how difficult it is to get to the bottom of my'self' and just connect with people. When I teach I cannot connect. Instead I must make time to connect with others. Now, I can teach with an intention to connect and teach with love, especially focusing on 'not teaching' but inviting and offering and sharing God's Love.
Once I move out of staying in my heart, 'while teaching', then I am disconnected from those near me. It isn't my many words teaching, because God said, 'So will the words that come out of My mouth not come back empty-handed. They'll do the work I sent them to do, they'll complete the assignment I gave them'. Isaiah 55.
I must be very careful and not think it's my words that complete the assignment. All we do is carry, plant and water. I am human and must allow His Love to flow through me regardless of what I am doing, whether teaching or visiting, or for that matter, anything. This cannot be overlook and applies to my most difficult assignment in my life to Love unconditionally, that is, to Love unconditionally my husband and my family. It is so easy to 'get into' my'self' and not my heart. But when I focus inwardly, there is inward peace not only in me but those near me. When I focus outwardly then there is an outward static or turmoil that develops. You know, those disgusting outward circumstances! Those things over which we have not control.
So what happens in the offering and sharing and not just teaching; in the planting and watering with His Love. The seed begins to grow from fully 'experiencing' His Word and His Love and not just words out of my mouth. Because the action of our hearts really is not teaching but sharing and allowing His Word to flow through us. The heart action cannot be missed or overlooked. The heart action draws desire and hunger for more.
After all, what this crazy World needs is Love.
This is all I need to do...
It's God's job to bring this...
June 6, 2009 Angels Seeking Love
It is a beautiful experience to see people everywhere asking to be Loved. This only comes by invitation, not from words but a presence. That is, the presence of Love within. It is happening everywhere and we are experiencing this amazing connection. You've seen it, dim eyes become bright. An amazing metamorphosis occurs in a matter of minutes, after all this may be the only opportunity to be Loved. We see it, very lonely, hurting people desiring to connect. We understand because they are us. The freedom to ask for Love comes only from the invitation or 'presence' to Love.
Now we see everyone really is an angel in disguise.
Now we see everyone really is an angel in disguise.
June 5, 2009 Let Love Rip
Romans 12:9 Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. 10 Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. 11 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. 12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. 13 Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality. 14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. 15 Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. 16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited. 17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. 18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19 Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord. 20 On the contrary: "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head." 21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
I actually started writing through my bible 'Choose Me, Choose Life' and 'I will never leave you or forsake you'. This message becomes so clear in everything from Genesis to Revelation. To my amazement within the context of every bible story (I am rereading and searching specifically this message) is a confirmation that God is saying no more than this to us.
If I am truly learning to live with the nature that God has put inside of me as His created, awesome being, then my desire is for my life to exemplify His Love and in living out His Love I choose Him, I choose His Life. After all isn't it the least I can do as a member of His Body. That is, to Love unconditionally. To live in peace with everyone and let God have His way without my interference. And most of all who is my enemy when I feed them this Food and this Drink 'given and served with Love'? This will allow the Fire of God's amazing Love to flow down from the top of that emptied ego/head. Love conquers all, Love covers a multitude of sins, Love Never Fails.
It is easy to Love those who are in agreement with us, our many brothers and sisters. Or is it? Too often within this worldwide family, pride and conceit (that ol' ego thing) separates our hearts. It really is the emptying out of our'selves' or getting down to the bottom of our'selves' in order to be filled with His Love that rips us wide open to Love unconditionally.
And with new eyes and new ears we comprehend with His Heart and feel His Grace, which is like a beautiful covering over everyone. We have a choice to stay under this soft Love Gift with cozy snuggles along with an occasional pillow fight. We ARE His children and it really is okay to be like a child and occasionally let it rip. It is so liberating. And the joy and laughter of a child you can hear the Voice of God.
I actually started writing through my bible 'Choose Me, Choose Life' and 'I will never leave you or forsake you'. This message becomes so clear in everything from Genesis to Revelation. To my amazement within the context of every bible story (I am rereading and searching specifically this message) is a confirmation that God is saying no more than this to us.
If I am truly learning to live with the nature that God has put inside of me as His created, awesome being, then my desire is for my life to exemplify His Love and in living out His Love I choose Him, I choose His Life. After all isn't it the least I can do as a member of His Body. That is, to Love unconditionally. To live in peace with everyone and let God have His way without my interference. And most of all who is my enemy when I feed them this Food and this Drink 'given and served with Love'? This will allow the Fire of God's amazing Love to flow down from the top of that emptied ego/head. Love conquers all, Love covers a multitude of sins, Love Never Fails.
It is easy to Love those who are in agreement with us, our many brothers and sisters. Or is it? Too often within this worldwide family, pride and conceit (that ol' ego thing) separates our hearts. It really is the emptying out of our'selves' or getting down to the bottom of our'selves' in order to be filled with His Love that rips us wide open to Love unconditionally.
And with new eyes and new ears we comprehend with His Heart and feel His Grace, which is like a beautiful covering over everyone. We have a choice to stay under this soft Love Gift with cozy snuggles along with an occasional pillow fight. We ARE His children and it really is okay to be like a child and occasionally let it rip. It is so liberating. And the joy and laughter of a child you can hear the Voice of God.
The results are the same all over the world. This photo is marked in Nepal.
This one in France.
Let's have an occasional pillow fight and knock the 'stuffy-ness' out of each other so we can be emptied out and have a good laugh. Sounds like fun to me :-)
Added note: we are praising God for His mercy and grace as He as given Life back to our youth pastor James Rogers after a serious car accident. James chose Life.
June 3, 2009 Inside Journey
There is a path that is deep inside of us. It's a long, long, wonder-filled, journey. We will eventually get to our destination.
The Rose of Sharon:
The Rose of Sharon:
June 1, 2009 Perception and Focus, Negative and Postitive
Thought you might find this interesting.
'What I focus on increases'.... So if I want to focus on the negative, I will see the negative. If I focus on the positive what I see will be positive. It really is a matter of how I look at things. This exercise really is one of focus, either on the positive or the negative as you will 'see'. It will mess with your head especially when applying the same exercise to situations in our lives.
There are different angles of perception in every circumstance in our lives. We will often focus on the immediate perception, which can be information based on personal, biological, psychological and spiritual preferences. Until we are able to collect all crucial and necessary information regarding each circumstance our perception may be skewed and incomplete.
It is sad to say that many times we choose the negative as a personal preference rather than the positive. Maybe it is human nature? Regardless, with added patience and by slowing down we will be able to see all the details and angles availabe in each picture or circumstance in our lives, if we don't jump to immediate judgement or conclusion.
Enjoy...yes, and Life Too!!
They are exactly the same size.
'What I focus on increases'.... So if I want to focus on the negative, I will see the negative. If I focus on the positive what I see will be positive. It really is a matter of how I look at things. This exercise really is one of focus, either on the positive or the negative as you will 'see'. It will mess with your head especially when applying the same exercise to situations in our lives.
There are different angles of perception in every circumstance in our lives. We will often focus on the immediate perception, which can be information based on personal, biological, psychological and spiritual preferences. Until we are able to collect all crucial and necessary information regarding each circumstance our perception may be skewed and incomplete.
It is sad to say that many times we choose the negative as a personal preference rather than the positive. Maybe it is human nature? Regardless, with added patience and by slowing down we will be able to see all the details and angles availabe in each picture or circumstance in our lives, if we don't jump to immediate judgement or conclusion.
Enjoy...yes, and Life Too!!
The Meaning of Perception
Perceptions vary from person to person. Different people perceive different things about the same situation. But more than that, we assign different meanings to what we perceive. And the meanings might change for a certain person. One might change one's perspective or simply make things mean something else.
The Meaning of Perception
Perceptions vary from person to person. Different people perceive different things about the same situation. But more than that, we assign different meanings to what we perceive. And the meanings might change for a certain person. One might change one's perspective or simply make things mean something else.
This is a famous picture. What does it look like to you?
Some people see a young lady looking away. Others see an old lady looking down. Depending on how you look at it, part of the picture might be the young woman's nose and eyelash, or it might be a wart on the old woman's nose. What is the young woman's ear might be the old woman's eye. What is the young woman's necklace might be the old woman's mouth. The picture hasn't really changed. You just emphasize different parts of it and assign them different meaning.
Look at these two arrows. Which horizontal line is the longest?
They are exactly the same size.
However the top one looks longer than the bottom one. It is on optical illusion tricking us into assigning a different meaning to what we see.
We fill in a lot of blanks with our minds. If we have incomplete perceptions, which we practically always do to a certain extent, our minds fill in the rest.
Are those letters? Or are they just lines and blotches on the paper? How do you know?
Do you see a vase or do you see two faces looking at each other?
Do you see a vase or do you see two faces looking at each other?
The meaning of something will change when you look at it differently. You can look at anything differently and it will have a different meaning.
There is no fixed meaning to anything. You can always change perspectives and change meanings. Why not change them to what you prefer them to be?
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