Renewed Revival
Once again I'll explain my heart as to why I send these. It brings me to the place of asking myself 'why and for whom am I doing this anyway?'. I know one thing for sure, these are stories of my desire to dive into God, first, and the deep searching within myself, of which I will never in this life understand it fully. It is my ongoing journey and I am loving me and you more and more everyday in this journey. It is my desire to connect with you. Your input and our sharing brings us closer together. We really have become a disconnected people in so many ways and my desire is to connect. And absolutely, Pam and Susan with my husband and family first. This is my journey, this is my story and my searching continually for His Truth and His Light as I am set free in this world of darkness.
So it is because I desire to connect with you and value your input as we search together this immeasurable, beautiful God created life.
Through the night one thing that kept ringing in my heart (now that I am able to distinguish this from my 'head') is 'revival must start in the heart'. There is so much expectation on what revival is and could be and has been. We either live in the past, wanting a duplication of what we 'think' happened based on history or our personal past experiences. Or we live in the present which is where it does happen and with a newness everyday, which is what we desire. Or we live in the future which we have no control over (girl, has this been a hard lesson for me to learn!) There has been a fire that has been lit and has been spreading. He promised that it would happen. It is moving 'within' us, 'for' us, and 'through' us connecting our hearts together with a deep, compassion, genuine Father God, Jesus, Holy Spirit Love.
Revival must start within our own heart. This renewing is 'within me' before I can make an offering. With this genuine 'inward' renewal, there is no faking it, no planning it, no preparing for it, no controlling it, no false teaching to duplicate it, no sensationalism to promote it, no legalism to demand it, no looking for it 'outside' of myself.
Many times I feel as though I stood alone for what my heart has known, but I know now that is no longer true as I am experiencing this in our community. A universal connection in the Body that transcends all man made denominations as hard as it is for our 'minds' to think it - no denomination can claim it. How can we claim God and His Spirit for ourselves?! Can I plan how He chooses for His Spirit to move? My primary concern must be 'within' me. And when I look within me and love me, then the supernatural happens all around me, yeah, and without my help!
We know within our hearts that we are eternally and universally connected far more than our mind and our physical eyes will allow us to see.
Whoa! Did I just have a thought! What if every church around the world would go outside of their doors just for one service and spend that time just loving people, with His love? Wow!
2 Corinthians 4:15 Every detail works to your advantage (All this is for your benefit-NIV) and to God's glory: more and more grace, more and more people, more and more praise! 16 So we're not giving up. How could we! Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without his unfolding grace. 17 These hard times are small potatoes compared to the coming good times, the lavish celebration prepared for us. 18 There's far more here than meets the eye. The things we see now are here today, gone tomorrow. But the things we can't see now will last forever. __The Message
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