
January 15, 2009 One Single Body

One Single Body

What do we see? What do we take the time to see? What can we do? What can we allow ourselves to feel, see and do?....Everything which is necessary to offer a place of healing to others and healing for ourselves.

As we allow our heart (the feeling core of our being) distinguished from our mind (the thinking part of our being), we become vulnerable and begin to do all those things we tried so hard to keep from doing in the presence of others. Like, feeling deeply, crying uncontrollably (and not caring if you look like a fool), clinging to every word spoken, because we dare not miss a word that is being spoken or shared because this is our story now. This becomes revelation of 'my life's story' because we are all one, The Body-One Body.

In the ineffable depth of being One Body we all become a 'singular' breathing, feeling, communicating body/unit. Every individual member is an essential part of ourselves within this 'singular' unit. Can you grasp this depth? It isn't just the words that we read anymore, it isn't any longer that each member has their own gifts to share, we are one. We are the mirrors, how beautiful Connie, reflections of ourselves in each other, multi-faceted but 'singular' lavers, washing each other, wow, not just ourselves. Experiencing too much of this almost makes me feel like I will walk straight into heaven. If I disappear you'll know where I am :-).

There is Blood flowing through us (singular pumping circulating system) and a singular lung that is breathing for us, single pair of eyes that we begin to see ourselves, ears that we begin to hear ourselves, a single pair of hands as we touch each other and hold each other, we touch and hold ourselves. Oh, don't miss this, the beauty and depth of what is occurring all around us. I did for many years. What did it take for me to feel this? Finding a place where my fear is allowed to be expressed because when love is there every evil thing which comes against us must flee. Fear cannot stay, it must flee. Here is our healing, here we are opened up and are exposed before God and the beauty of the Lord fills us to overflowing.

Romans 12

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