These are the examples for not following Jesus (but don't get in a ruffle just yet, read on)
They hit bottom over and over
They're living in a hell within this world
Everything is falling apart all around them
Their whole life is a mess around them
They're broke and aren't prospering financially
They have marital and family stress
It became apparent to me that these are examples of those who are following Jesus with committed, radical untamed faith, standing firm in their call and believing and not wavering in their vision to be His servant.
They hit bottom over and over
They're living in a hell within this world
Everything is falling apart all around them
Their whole life is a mess around them
They're broke and aren't prospering financially
They have marital and family stress
It is a very alarming thing for me to see that an 'outward' observation would feed our own pride and ego to determine who is following Jesus and who is not. Rather what would happen if those of us who have purposed to follow Jesus would look only at the heart? What if we lived what we preach or teach? To live radical untamed faith and live as Jesus and his apostles lived. Would we or could we give up everything so that we in 2008 even before the year ended would go out in the world and become once again The Way, the community in the book of Acts? Could we ever dream to set aside man-made denominational walls that separate God's people and become the original church community once again? To be The Way, where no one had a need because everyone gave all they had? And I'm sure that wasn't just financial, it was open comm(nity)union. Added to clarify (communion and common unity).
I am seeing this community pouring out everywhere, you won't find it in a building. After all doesn't the scriptures say to go out to the byways and highways? Didn't Jesus teach outside and go into peoples homes? Can we be this church again?
People who love the Lord and are committed to completely give everything to follow Him are being called 'out' as servants for the unlovely, unwanted, hurting, destitute, confused, searching hearts, to those no different than we are. We are the same in our hearts and even in our struggles.
I want to thank those of you who help us see, those of you who continue to push through and not give up despite obstacles and the constant bombardment of opposition, those who are living examples of The Way and loving their neighbors as themselves, many, many all around the world who are totally committed and sacrifice to share this abundant life.
Tabgha - Church of Heptapegon - Byzantine Mosaic
Video & Song
'I Will Carry Your' Michael W. Smith
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