My mornings are starting later (that is on getting up), and my days are becoming full. I must make a recommitment, that is to acknowledge what has been familiar from my past. My commitment is in holding fast not to lose myself in 'doing'. The commitment is to the Lord first, my husband and family second and then everything else in turn. In the 'doing' I've been there, done that, and it cost me everything and only by the grace of God did my marriage survive and my sons live (I'll talk about my 'toxic' love another day). Now, if I'm going to lose everything it is being a servant for the Lord and not in 'doing' (carefully weighing what looks as though it is 'for' the Lord). Because one thing I realize, I don't need to 'do' anything to 'help' the Lord, just be available when He says 'go'. His awesome Grace and Love is all I need and I gain everything.
My call is for today and the path is laid out before me just for today. There's no need to have a long term projection in His call. He has it all under control, all the time, yesterday, today and forever. And now I am learning to relax in Him and be aware of the priority of my commitment, and carefully consider what is before me, day by day. Without resisting, because resisting will take me back to where I came from, I choose to be fully awake and alive. Life is like a beautiful flower opening petal by petal until it is in full bloom (one day at a time until I see Him face to face).
And Mom, to honor you and say I love you, Have a Blessed and Happy Birthday! & Song
'Flower In The Rain' Jaci Valasquez
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