Let It Be
From Jim's blog this morning 'Let It Be' "We're not here to give up on ourselves and/or each other and lose all hope, with the only option left being to either beat up or leave each other in hostile rejection. We are here to accept all of life as the amazing gift it is and to learn how to love and be loved (which is deeply internal work), regardless of the external circumstances, which requires first that we stay present to the Truth and stick with it, and then that we look to God for answers when it feels hopeless and pointless, when it just gets to be too much. And judging from the emails and phone calls I've been receiving over this holiday weekend, it feels hopeless and pointless and too much for so many out there, and I can totally understand, and that equals incredible opportunity for practicing, for remembering, for returning to Him." ____Jim Spivey
This is so perfect for how I have been feeling and wanting to have full expression to love and be loved within my own immediate family and extended family, (and you have been in my prayers knowing you are with your families) to invite and allow that deep internal work which so often doesn't come because of a permeating stifling tension that keeps expression from flowing. So often in past years the holiday weekends and family get-togethers at some point would be disastrous, and each, including myself, would be involved in lashing out or leaving to avoid each other, or the total opposite, pretending all is well when it wasn't because of fear to just 'let it be'. I am finding peace as I dive within myself and allow Truth and Love to flow in order to slay the fire breathing dragon.I have changed and now can 'see' and 'feel' and truly loving ever minute of time with my family.
I'm on my brother-in-laws computer and getting use to the keys is taking time. So I'm going to leave this without the additional video or photo so I can go back and join the family. I love you all.
There is true healing in sharing from the heart.
November 26, 2008 Together
This year will be different at Thanksgiving.
As the years go on things change; I have changed. And I'm thankful for what I have. I've learned to see most obstacles as a test, use my heart instead of my head (an ongoing process) but I needed to be able to 'feel' the difference between the two, see my husband and family as gifts in my life to teach me how to love, see that nothing is coincidence and that nothing is never going on, not to be afraid of being pushed over the bridge, now I try to jump on my own, learned to sit with musicians until late and not take it out on husband all the way home because of my misperception that he set it up and it was someone else who had (where did that come from? Ken did you notice?), it's perfectly okay to say 'no' when there are things stacked up or scheduled elsewhere, to remember to look into the faces of the homeless when passing them and smile at them, that it's okay to just give love when there is no money or items to give, that money and items given don't mean love they just are gifts and expressions, it's okay not to keep a perfectly presentable home, or car, that things looking perfect is just an illusion because there is no such thing, (and if this isn't boring you to death), one more, I love my husband and sons and family more now than ever, with all the flaws and hurtful things said and done, because we are all humans 'becoming' and we are both joyful and hurting inside all the time, acting out all the time and it is beautiful to openly share (and be vulnerable) and invite sharing (to allow healing), healing is in the sharing. We really are humans 'becoming' with full spectrum feelings learning to be all that God created us to be.
So this Thanksgiving, be thankful and be real, allow and share feelings of pain, shame and fear so fear doesn't show up in such hurtful, acting out ways, to laugh and cry and love one another as you love yourself. I know I am.
And as we break bread together at the communion table with the ones we most desire to be with, our God appointed family, when for many it is a stressful and dreadful experience because it is where our most important work has always been going on and has been all our lives. Remember Jesus who is with us, He is reminding us 'eat this is My Body and drink this is My Blood'. Joining together with our parents and family who are missed and who couldn't make it or who have gone on to be with the Lord, what a beautiful table setting!
Go and love each other, be with your God appointed family wherever they are. We will be.
Love you all and so thankful to God for you!

Salvador Dali, 'Bread on the Table'
Video & Song
"Thank You' Katinas
As the years go on things change; I have changed. And I'm thankful for what I have. I've learned to see most obstacles as a test, use my heart instead of my head (an ongoing process) but I needed to be able to 'feel' the difference between the two, see my husband and family as gifts in my life to teach me how to love, see that nothing is coincidence and that nothing is never going on, not to be afraid of being pushed over the bridge, now I try to jump on my own, learned to sit with musicians until late and not take it out on husband all the way home because of my misperception that he set it up and it was someone else who had (where did that come from? Ken did you notice?), it's perfectly okay to say 'no' when there are things stacked up or scheduled elsewhere, to remember to look into the faces of the homeless when passing them and smile at them, that it's okay to just give love when there is no money or items to give, that money and items given don't mean love they just are gifts and expressions, it's okay not to keep a perfectly presentable home, or car, that things looking perfect is just an illusion because there is no such thing, (and if this isn't boring you to death), one more, I love my husband and sons and family more now than ever, with all the flaws and hurtful things said and done, because we are all humans 'becoming' and we are both joyful and hurting inside all the time, acting out all the time and it is beautiful to openly share (and be vulnerable) and invite sharing (to allow healing), healing is in the sharing. We really are humans 'becoming' with full spectrum feelings learning to be all that God created us to be.
So this Thanksgiving, be thankful and be real, allow and share feelings of pain, shame and fear so fear doesn't show up in such hurtful, acting out ways, to laugh and cry and love one another as you love yourself. I know I am.
And as we break bread together at the communion table with the ones we most desire to be with, our God appointed family, when for many it is a stressful and dreadful experience because it is where our most important work has always been going on and has been all our lives. Remember Jesus who is with us, He is reminding us 'eat this is My Body and drink this is My Blood'. Joining together with our parents and family who are missed and who couldn't make it or who have gone on to be with the Lord, what a beautiful table setting!
Go and love each other, be with your God appointed family wherever they are. We will be.
Love you all and so thankful to God for you!
Salvador Dali, 'Bread on the Table'
Video & Song
"Thank You' Katinas
November 25, 2008 'Find Your Calcutta'
I guess there really is a synchronicity going on, everywhere I go, community, Sunday night's teaching on Mark 10 about the rich young ruler, the book I'm reading 'Irresistible Revolution' by Shane Clairborne, 1975 (all the quotes below are from this book), are all talking about one thing, giving it all to follow Jesus, reaching out to those in despair and afflicted, homeless and hungry.
In the book something that stands out is a quote from Mother Teresa, of whom after ignoring the constant joking of others calling me her name, I am beginning to resonate with her heart and see what she was seeing and did not ignore, she said 'Calcuttas are everywhere if we have the eyes to see. Find your Calcutta'. There is no doubt Calcuttas are everywhere and in contrast to the high rises and highways it is easy to look up and out so that those laying on the ground don't exist. The homeless will tell you what hurts the most is how those passing by will not look at their face but look past them as if they didn't exist.
'So I did a little survey, probing Chrisitians about their (mis)conceptions of Jesus. It was fun just to see how many people think of Jesus. It was fun to just see how many people think Jesus loves homosexuals or are kosher. But I learned a striking thing from the survey. I asked participiants who claimed to be 'strong followers of Jesus' whether Jesus spent time with the poor. Nearly 80 percent said yes. Later in the survey, I sneaked in another question. I asked the same group of strong followers whether they spent time with the poor , and less than 2 percent said they did. I learned a powerful lesson. We can admire and worship Jesus without doing what he did. We can applaud what he preached and stood for without caring about the same things. We can adore his cross without taking up ours. I had come to see that the great tragedy in the church is not that rich Christians do not care about the poor but that rich Christians do not know the poor.'
'Over and over, the dying and the lepers would whisper the mystical word 'namaste' in my ear. We really don't have a word like it in English (or even much of a Western conception of it). They explained to me that namaste means 'I honor the Holy One who lives in you.'
Well here I am, I can't wait anymore, I am giving an 'all call'; if Jesus said 'give it all', I can give it all and go out into the streets and be a servant. To look for Jesus in the streets. To go out at every opportunity I have. Every church has an organization either already established, or just beginning in street ministry for the homeless. Search them out, participate, and give your all as a servant. If your church doesn't have one start one. But it isn't sitting back and joyfully acknowledging that someone is doing it and participating vicariously with offerings, it is physically participating, going out and with radical love and looking into the eyes of those hurting and say 'I see you and love you'.
'Irresistible Revolution' only serves to confirm, I need to get off my butt and be that servant. Remember the zeal as a new born Christian? Ever heard stories of those who have gone to India and been in the midst of the poorest of poor and come back to our comfort and wealth and have a hard time adjusting to it, they were changed forever and had hearts hurting to serve. We all were fearless at the beginning and went out like barbarians, remember the miracles? Then comfort brought complacency, we cannot ignore it any longer, comfort will be the very thing that destroys the walls of the 'church' as it is today and maybe that is a good thing, because it will force us out the doors into the community.
In the book something that stands out is a quote from Mother Teresa, of whom after ignoring the constant joking of others calling me her name, I am beginning to resonate with her heart and see what she was seeing and did not ignore, she said 'Calcuttas are everywhere if we have the eyes to see. Find your Calcutta'. There is no doubt Calcuttas are everywhere and in contrast to the high rises and highways it is easy to look up and out so that those laying on the ground don't exist. The homeless will tell you what hurts the most is how those passing by will not look at their face but look past them as if they didn't exist.
'So I did a little survey, probing Chrisitians about their (mis)conceptions of Jesus. It was fun just to see how many people think of Jesus. It was fun to just see how many people think Jesus loves homosexuals or are kosher. But I learned a striking thing from the survey. I asked participiants who claimed to be 'strong followers of Jesus' whether Jesus spent time with the poor. Nearly 80 percent said yes. Later in the survey, I sneaked in another question. I asked the same group of strong followers whether they spent time with the poor , and less than 2 percent said they did. I learned a powerful lesson. We can admire and worship Jesus without doing what he did. We can applaud what he preached and stood for without caring about the same things. We can adore his cross without taking up ours. I had come to see that the great tragedy in the church is not that rich Christians do not care about the poor but that rich Christians do not know the poor.'
'Over and over, the dying and the lepers would whisper the mystical word 'namaste' in my ear. We really don't have a word like it in English (or even much of a Western conception of it). They explained to me that namaste means 'I honor the Holy One who lives in you.'
Well here I am, I can't wait anymore, I am giving an 'all call'; if Jesus said 'give it all', I can give it all and go out into the streets and be a servant. To look for Jesus in the streets. To go out at every opportunity I have. Every church has an organization either already established, or just beginning in street ministry for the homeless. Search them out, participate, and give your all as a servant. If your church doesn't have one start one. But it isn't sitting back and joyfully acknowledging that someone is doing it and participating vicariously with offerings, it is physically participating, going out and with radical love and looking into the eyes of those hurting and say 'I see you and love you'.
'Irresistible Revolution' only serves to confirm, I need to get off my butt and be that servant. Remember the zeal as a new born Christian? Ever heard stories of those who have gone to India and been in the midst of the poorest of poor and come back to our comfort and wealth and have a hard time adjusting to it, they were changed forever and had hearts hurting to serve. We all were fearless at the beginning and went out like barbarians, remember the miracles? Then comfort brought complacency, we cannot ignore it any longer, comfort will be the very thing that destroys the walls of the 'church' as it is today and maybe that is a good thing, because it will force us out the doors into the community.
November 24, 2008 We Are The Same
I was comparing some examples that many of us have used as an indicator within the church to identify and determine if someone throughout various times of their life are or are not following Jesus
These are the examples for not following Jesus (but don't get in a ruffle just yet, read on)
They hit bottom over and over
They're living in a hell within this world
Everything is falling apart all around them
Their whole life is a mess around them
They're broke and aren't prospering financially
They have marital and family stress
It became apparent to me that these are examples of those who are following Jesus with committed, radical untamed faith, standing firm in their call and believing and not wavering in their vision to be His servant.
They hit bottom over and over
They're living in a hell within this world
Everything is falling apart all around them
Their whole life is a mess around them
They're broke and aren't prospering financially
They have marital and family stress
It is a very alarming thing for me to see that an 'outward' observation would feed our own pride and ego to determine who is following Jesus and who is not. Rather what would happen if those of us who have purposed to follow Jesus would look only at the heart? What if we lived what we preach or teach? To live radical untamed faith and live as Jesus and his apostles lived. Would we or could we give up everything so that we in 2008 even before the year ended would go out in the world and become once again The Way, the community in the book of Acts? Could we ever dream to set aside man-made denominational walls that separate God's people and become the original church community once again? To be The Way, where no one had a need because everyone gave all they had? And I'm sure that wasn't just financial, it was open comm(nity)union. Added to clarify (communion and common unity).
I am seeing this community pouring out everywhere, you won't find it in a building. After all doesn't the scriptures say to go out to the byways and highways? Didn't Jesus teach outside and go into peoples homes? Can we be this church again?
People who love the Lord and are committed to completely give everything to follow Him are being called 'out' as servants for the unlovely, unwanted, hurting, destitute, confused, searching hearts, to those no different than we are. We are the same in our hearts and even in our struggles.
I want to thank those of you who help us see, those of you who continue to push through and not give up despite obstacles and the constant bombardment of opposition, those who are living examples of The Way and loving their neighbors as themselves, many, many all around the world who are totally committed and sacrifice to share this abundant life.

Tabgha - Church of Heptapegon - Byzantine Mosaic
Video & Song
'I Will Carry Your' Michael W. Smith
These are the examples for not following Jesus (but don't get in a ruffle just yet, read on)
They hit bottom over and over
They're living in a hell within this world
Everything is falling apart all around them
Their whole life is a mess around them
They're broke and aren't prospering financially
They have marital and family stress
It became apparent to me that these are examples of those who are following Jesus with committed, radical untamed faith, standing firm in their call and believing and not wavering in their vision to be His servant.
They hit bottom over and over
They're living in a hell within this world
Everything is falling apart all around them
Their whole life is a mess around them
They're broke and aren't prospering financially
They have marital and family stress
It is a very alarming thing for me to see that an 'outward' observation would feed our own pride and ego to determine who is following Jesus and who is not. Rather what would happen if those of us who have purposed to follow Jesus would look only at the heart? What if we lived what we preach or teach? To live radical untamed faith and live as Jesus and his apostles lived. Would we or could we give up everything so that we in 2008 even before the year ended would go out in the world and become once again The Way, the community in the book of Acts? Could we ever dream to set aside man-made denominational walls that separate God's people and become the original church community once again? To be The Way, where no one had a need because everyone gave all they had? And I'm sure that wasn't just financial, it was open comm(nity)union. Added to clarify (communion and common unity).
I am seeing this community pouring out everywhere, you won't find it in a building. After all doesn't the scriptures say to go out to the byways and highways? Didn't Jesus teach outside and go into peoples homes? Can we be this church again?
People who love the Lord and are committed to completely give everything to follow Him are being called 'out' as servants for the unlovely, unwanted, hurting, destitute, confused, searching hearts, to those no different than we are. We are the same in our hearts and even in our struggles.
I want to thank those of you who help us see, those of you who continue to push through and not give up despite obstacles and the constant bombardment of opposition, those who are living examples of The Way and loving their neighbors as themselves, many, many all around the world who are totally committed and sacrifice to share this abundant life.
Tabgha - Church of Heptapegon - Byzantine Mosaic
Video & Song
'I Will Carry Your' Michael W. Smith
November 23, 2008 Communicating with Prayer
Think of all the communication that never collides out in cyberspace, all the many words that are sent from one wireless computer or other devices to another all over the world. The same is happening with prayer, it never collides but goes out for the person receiving the prayer and arrives uninterrupted.
We never stop communicating, thinking or praying. Prayer is what we are made of, our very breath is communicating prayer giving thanks to God our Creator for life within us. Every cell of our body cries out with every particle in the universe 'Holy, Holy, Holy'. We may not be consciously aware, but if you change your focus to the beauty of creation which you are a part of, you will resonate with a nano portion of what He allows us to see in our flesh.
1 Thessalonians 5:16 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Video & Song
'With All I am' Hillsong
We never stop communicating, thinking or praying. Prayer is what we are made of, our very breath is communicating prayer giving thanks to God our Creator for life within us. Every cell of our body cries out with every particle in the universe 'Holy, Holy, Holy'. We may not be consciously aware, but if you change your focus to the beauty of creation which you are a part of, you will resonate with a nano portion of what He allows us to see in our flesh.
1 Thessalonians 5:16 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
Video & Song
'With All I am' Hillsong
Novmeber 22, 2008 Full Living
With my mind and my mouth only and without my heart, to speak the Word, is such a dishonor to the sacredness of His Infinite Word, using It to hide under or a method to 'get' something that I don't comprehend fully the depth of It all, rather than building up faith by searching for Its Light to guide me on my path and being transformed in the ongoing searching for His ultimate Truth to renew my mind, which is continuous renewing, Romans 12. Then when It finally gets down in my heart, infinite work is still needed for It to manifest those things for which I search, which will always be Truth. The confusion is misunderstanding and often thinking that it is the heart when really it is the mind. The hardest journey has been 'trying' to live as an example totally from the heart, not only receiving His Unconditional Love, but giving the same Unconditional Love after it has been filtered through me and polluted with confusion of the mind.
When we are using our heart as opposed to the complication of our mind we begin to see glimpses of His vastness offered to us on Earth as it is in Heaven. What exuberant joy not to hide behind scriptures to cover the heart but fully live the Word, to allow the heart to feel deeply and to see the infinite depth of His direction as it connects us and all things together in His creation, just as the vast universe without is unending and the nano sized particles are infinite from within, so is God's Word vast and unending when our hearts are open to love, live, to be free, to feel and see fully, which reveals mystery and lighted discovery on a magnificent map for our lives.
When we are using our heart as opposed to the complication of our mind we begin to see glimpses of His vastness offered to us on Earth as it is in Heaven. What exuberant joy not to hide behind scriptures to cover the heart but fully live the Word, to allow the heart to feel deeply and to see the infinite depth of His direction as it connects us and all things together in His creation, just as the vast universe without is unending and the nano sized particles are infinite from within, so is God's Word vast and unending when our hearts are open to love, live, to be free, to feel and see fully, which reveals mystery and lighted discovery on a magnificent map for our lives.
November 21, 2008 Unique life
After my outdated computer dictates to me a time to start today because virus updates I'm ready to add my two cents for the day.
So I have no eloquent, sophisticated, scholarly, presentations, not even attentive to misspelled words, misused terms and tenses, punctuation, referencing, or sticking with the subject. Maybe my discombobulated, reduntant method and manner of communication reflects the area of which I so need to learn and watch carefully 'myself', as something is always going on that reflects back to me the very things I search for and need at this very moment. It's all part of Gods perfect timing, planning, and direction for my unique laid out life, like an illuminated path to show the way. And I'm loving the stroll down this path.

Video & Song
'Amazed' Desperation Band
So I have no eloquent, sophisticated, scholarly, presentations, not even attentive to misspelled words, misused terms and tenses, punctuation, referencing, or sticking with the subject. Maybe my discombobulated, reduntant method and manner of communication reflects the area of which I so need to learn and watch carefully 'myself', as something is always going on that reflects back to me the very things I search for and need at this very moment. It's all part of Gods perfect timing, planning, and direction for my unique laid out life, like an illuminated path to show the way. And I'm loving the stroll down this path.
Video & Song
'Amazed' Desperation Band
November 20, 2008 Time for a Heart Re-commitment
My mornings are starting later (that is on getting up), and my days are becoming full. I must make a recommitment, that is to acknowledge what has been familiar from my past. My commitment is in holding fast not to lose myself in 'doing'. The commitment is to the Lord first, my husband and family second and then everything else in turn. In the 'doing' I've been there, done that, and it cost me everything and only by the grace of God did my marriage survive and my sons live (I'll talk about my 'toxic' love another day). Now, if I'm going to lose everything it is being a servant for the Lord and not in 'doing' (carefully weighing what looks as though it is 'for' the Lord). Because one thing I realize, I don't need to 'do' anything to 'help' the Lord, just be available when He says 'go'. His awesome Grace and Love is all I need and I gain everything.
My call is for today and the path is laid out before me just for today. There's no need to have a long term projection in His call. He has it all under control, all the time, yesterday, today and forever. And now I am learning to relax in Him and be aware of the priority of my commitment, and carefully consider what is before me, day by day. Without resisting, because resisting will take me back to where I came from, I choose to be fully awake and alive. Life is like a beautiful flower opening petal by petal until it is in full bloom (one day at a time until I see Him face to face).
And Mom, to honor you and say I love you, Have a Blessed and Happy Birthday!

Video & Song
'Flower In The Rain' Jaci Valasquez
My call is for today and the path is laid out before me just for today. There's no need to have a long term projection in His call. He has it all under control, all the time, yesterday, today and forever. And now I am learning to relax in Him and be aware of the priority of my commitment, and carefully consider what is before me, day by day. Without resisting, because resisting will take me back to where I came from, I choose to be fully awake and alive. Life is like a beautiful flower opening petal by petal until it is in full bloom (one day at a time until I see Him face to face).
And Mom, to honor you and say I love you, Have a Blessed and Happy Birthday!
Video & Song
'Flower In The Rain' Jaci Valasquez
November 19, 2008 The Real Sweet
There are the pink, the blue and the yellow, then there is the choice of the real thing.
Found in the land flowing with milk, in a rock, in a lion carcass, on the ground, in a river.
It is sweet to the taste, it is alluring and it will make you sick when indulging on it. It is honey.
Proverbs 24:13 My son, eat honey because it is good, And the honeycomb which is sweet to your taste.
What choices we have these days! All the artificial stuff and it does so much damage to the 'Body'. We choose them for many reasons, and one as a substitute for the real thing. We also have 'One' real choice when it comes to the true God. The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit, Three in One.
Don't be fooled by the imitations, only One is real.

Video & Song
'In Christ Alone' Phillips, Craig & Dean
Found in the land flowing with milk, in a rock, in a lion carcass, on the ground, in a river.
It is sweet to the taste, it is alluring and it will make you sick when indulging on it. It is honey.
Proverbs 24:13 My son, eat honey because it is good, And the honeycomb which is sweet to your taste.
What choices we have these days! All the artificial stuff and it does so much damage to the 'Body'. We choose them for many reasons, and one as a substitute for the real thing. We also have 'One' real choice when it comes to the true God. The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit, Three in One.
Don't be fooled by the imitations, only One is real.
Video & Song
'In Christ Alone' Phillips, Craig & Dean
November 18. 2008 'I Tell You The Truth'
You will be arrested, family will rebel against each other and turn each other into the authorities, to be put to death. You will be hated, you will be persecuted. There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. 27 What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs.
Do Not Be Afraid. Your Soul cannot die. His Truth, His Sword will divide.
The whole chapter of Matthew 10 shows the unfathomable reward and sorrow of following Jesus. In following Him we will find supernatural, abundant life that is beyond this world. So does the sorrow really matter? The reward is abundant life. These are only words until the fullness of walking for Jesus reveals that the Kingdom of God is at hand. This is my desire to know Jesus more.
Video & Song
'My Desire' Jeremy Camp
November 17, 2008 Abide in Love
We are in His light, and walk in His light. We test the spirits and if they confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh, it is of God.
To measure whether something is of God based on peripherals such as denominations, dogmas, rituals, works, power, etc. is based on pride if we will admit it, and underneath that pride is fear. It is fear that has kept the world from knowing the Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him. 1 John 4:16. If we abide in God and his love, there is no fear, because there is only one perfect Love and His Love casts out all fear.
1 John 4:1 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. 2 By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, 3 and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world. (The Message)

Video & Song
'How Deep The Father's Love' Sarah Sadler
To measure whether something is of God based on peripherals such as denominations, dogmas, rituals, works, power, etc. is based on pride if we will admit it, and underneath that pride is fear. It is fear that has kept the world from knowing the Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him. 1 John 4:16. If we abide in God and his love, there is no fear, because there is only one perfect Love and His Love casts out all fear.
1 John 4:1 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. 2 By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, 3 and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world. (The Message)
Video & Song
'How Deep The Father's Love' Sarah Sadler
November 16, 2008 What Will You Lose?
Matthew 16:24 Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. 25 For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. 26 For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?
When giving your life what will you lose? What will you find? .........Everything
When giving your life what will you lose? What will you find? .........Everything
Video & Song
'I Am Willing' Jeremy Camp
November 15, 2008 Today is Saturday
Hey it's Saturday!! It felt good to just lay in bed and think with a smile inside, wrapped in the covers. Thinking I need to get up and write and allowing today to be one of rest, but purposing it to be a day of rest in my body, my mind and spirit.

Today is Saturday, not Saturn's day but Sabbath day, one of rest. And as much as I am able I will give praise to my God for He is good, He is wonderful, He is everlasting, omnipotent, All Mighty God. He holds back the sea with His hand, breathes Life from His nostrils, holds the stars, and the galaxies in place in the universe, the Earth is footstool the Heavens His canopy. HE IS just as He said, 'I AM'.
We never know, nor can see what He is doing. We only can look back and see what He did, and in this very moment see what He is doing.
So today is Saturday. Praise God!!
Anyone remember these days?
This is such a beautiful song,
Video & Song
'I'm In Your Hands' Bebo Norman
November 14, 2008 Dimly Seeing
I am enjoying the daily conversations with my husband Ken, as we search for a deeper inner connection with God and 're-find' Him within each other. After years of hiding, lashing out, blaming, rejecting, dishonoring and resisting each other in a place of blindness, believing we were His servant, well, we may have been a servant of 'works', but one world changing element was missing....Light. But even the blindness was part of His perfect plan as He meant it all for good. After all, one story reflecting our story was Joseph, and I'm sure as we did, Joseph thought he was in a 'hell' hole left to die at first, but it was a place to strip down haughtiness and pride to get to meekness and humility, and to be sure the process was complete he was then taken straight into bondage, then ultimately being liberated and used for God's glory. (Genesis 37-50).
Yesterday we talked about the idioms of 'you spot it, you got it' and 'what you see is what you get' and to think these got on my nerves in the recent past but now I 'see', if I take the time to look at it, the resistance will lead me to my life's work in finding the truth about what is 'within' me. The only reason for resisting was the inability to see 'my' reflection in others, subconsciously welcoming the good and what I admired, and rejecting what was irritating, mean spirited, hurting, etc. Who am I? I am you, and you are me, we are each other.
When we can look into each other as our own reflection, we can dive within ourselves with His perfect Love and allow Him to purged and set free, then we can 're-find' within ourselves His perfect Light. Now we can feel safe to 'see fully' and 'be seen fully', we can love ourselves and our neighbor as ourselves, the ones in the mirror.
We are mirrors of each other in communion, in fellowship, within the Body of Christ, with our differing gifts but not differing souls connected with such profoundness, inexplicable in this earthly realm, connecting us in the heavenly realm with the only One Who reflects back to us Perfect Love and Light.
Let His light shine through you for the all the world to see, so they may also desire the 'fullness' of Christ in their lives.
1 Corinthians 13:8 Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part. 10 But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away. 11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 12 For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known. 13 And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

And the deepest part of all of us, regardless of how we act out, we are crying to be seen and to be loved. 'We'll-come' to a place where we can give as well as receive.
Video & Song
'Cry For Love' Michael W. Smith
Yesterday we talked about the idioms of 'you spot it, you got it' and 'what you see is what you get' and to think these got on my nerves in the recent past but now I 'see', if I take the time to look at it, the resistance will lead me to my life's work in finding the truth about what is 'within' me. The only reason for resisting was the inability to see 'my' reflection in others, subconsciously welcoming the good and what I admired, and rejecting what was irritating, mean spirited, hurting, etc. Who am I? I am you, and you are me, we are each other.
When we can look into each other as our own reflection, we can dive within ourselves with His perfect Love and allow Him to purged and set free, then we can 're-find' within ourselves His perfect Light. Now we can feel safe to 'see fully' and 'be seen fully', we can love ourselves and our neighbor as ourselves, the ones in the mirror.
We are mirrors of each other in communion, in fellowship, within the Body of Christ, with our differing gifts but not differing souls connected with such profoundness, inexplicable in this earthly realm, connecting us in the heavenly realm with the only One Who reflects back to us Perfect Love and Light.
Let His light shine through you for the all the world to see, so they may also desire the 'fullness' of Christ in their lives.
1 Corinthians 13:8 Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part. 10 But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away. 11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 12 For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known. 13 And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
And the deepest part of all of us, regardless of how we act out, we are crying to be seen and to be loved. 'We'll-come' to a place where we can give as well as receive.
Video & Song
'Cry For Love' Michael W. Smith
November 13, 2008 Full Spectrum
As an artist much of my gift is observing light in both spectrum and pigment. There is a saturation of complete light without and within all objects by either reflection or refraction, as filters absorbing light. Isn't it interesting that we are the same in this emission or absorption of light. We either give light or take light; absorb or reflect.
Our flesh is an 'earthly/earthen' vessel and if we really think about it we can be a 'bushel or a basket' that hides or holds the light in for no one to see. We emit His light, give His light to the world, those lost and searching will find their way when we direct them to the source of our light, He is the Creator of Light.
We are full spectrum beings, pure white light reflecting all that God created us to be.
Within and without all of creation comes from a vast array of these colors.

Video & Song
'Blessed Be Your Name' Matt Redman
Our flesh is an 'earthly/earthen' vessel and if we really think about it we can be a 'bushel or a basket' that hides or holds the light in for no one to see. We emit His light, give His light to the world, those lost and searching will find their way when we direct them to the source of our light, He is the Creator of Light.
We are full spectrum beings, pure white light reflecting all that God created us to be.
Within and without all of creation comes from a vast array of these colors.
Video & Song
'Blessed Be Your Name' Matt Redman
November 12, 2008 Anything and Everything; All or Nothing
Sometimes I stumble around blind, that is where faith lives. In the midst of it the desire to find 'truth' and seek and do His will, surrendering the best I am able (because I am becoming aware of my human condition to resist) to God to find my purpose in this life as He uses me with the gifts He has given me, in anything and everything.
Sometimes there are glimpses of this perfect place, of His perfect peace, in this perfect complete surrender, when all of Heaven opens up for clear view, when Truth is clearly visible and my purpose as a servant is laid out in a shockingly beautiful path or road and a wonderful light at the end beckoning me to continue on this 'straight and narrow path', because to stay on it is everything and all that is needed for my life to complete my purpose.
Wow, I guess my question is more, why now after all these years of deep searching? Why not sooner? But there is no 'time' with God, no age, no ending. Our flesh is only a vessel which carries our very 'being'. As we search deep 'within' we find who we really are, our sight begins to opened up to an all inclusive ability to see how wonderful and glorious all of creation, all of mankind, all of the heavens, all of the earth are in a beautiful synchronized dance. When struggles, pain, lack, and plenty are all a rich part of the same beautiful dance of our life's plan. When heaven is on earth and the Kingdom of God so close it is 'at hand'. When finding my 'first Love' happens over and over in anything and everything I can give Him thanks.

Video & Song
'You Are My World' Hillsong
Sometimes there are glimpses of this perfect place, of His perfect peace, in this perfect complete surrender, when all of Heaven opens up for clear view, when Truth is clearly visible and my purpose as a servant is laid out in a shockingly beautiful path or road and a wonderful light at the end beckoning me to continue on this 'straight and narrow path', because to stay on it is everything and all that is needed for my life to complete my purpose.
Wow, I guess my question is more, why now after all these years of deep searching? Why not sooner? But there is no 'time' with God, no age, no ending. Our flesh is only a vessel which carries our very 'being'. As we search deep 'within' we find who we really are, our sight begins to opened up to an all inclusive ability to see how wonderful and glorious all of creation, all of mankind, all of the heavens, all of the earth are in a beautiful synchronized dance. When struggles, pain, lack, and plenty are all a rich part of the same beautiful dance of our life's plan. When heaven is on earth and the Kingdom of God so close it is 'at hand'. When finding my 'first Love' happens over and over in anything and everything I can give Him thanks.
Video & Song
'You Are My World' Hillsong
November 11, 2008 Heart Cry, Deep Longing and Confession
These are the stories that we don't want to read, think about, to talk about, because it hits home. When devastation comes, the time when God turns His face because of our haughtiness, and ego driven selves. Devastation is the best thing that can happen to us, it causes us to cry out to our God. Whereas would we or could we ever have such deep heart crying in times of peace, plenty or prosperity?
You'll think I've lost my mind here, but this is when drought, plague, famine and sword are our salvation. It turns us to the deepest searching for God. After all our souls will not die with our bodies.
Why couldn't our hearts have this deep longing and confessing when everything is going well with us?
Jeremiah 14:20 O Lord, we acknowledge our wickedness and the guilt of our fathers; we have indeed sinned against you. 21 For the sake of your name do not despise us; do not dishonor your glorious throne. Remember your covenant with us and do not break it. 22 Do any of the worthless idols of the nations bring rain? Do the skies themselves send down showers? No, it is you, O Lord our God. Therefore our hope is in you, for you are the one who does all this.
He is always our covering, in times of plenty and times of drought and times in the desert.
Bringing New Life.

Video & Song
'Grace Like Rain' Todd Agnew
You'll think I've lost my mind here, but this is when drought, plague, famine and sword are our salvation. It turns us to the deepest searching for God. After all our souls will not die with our bodies.
Why couldn't our hearts have this deep longing and confessing when everything is going well with us?
Jeremiah 14:20 O Lord, we acknowledge our wickedness and the guilt of our fathers; we have indeed sinned against you. 21 For the sake of your name do not despise us; do not dishonor your glorious throne. Remember your covenant with us and do not break it. 22 Do any of the worthless idols of the nations bring rain? Do the skies themselves send down showers? No, it is you, O Lord our God. Therefore our hope is in you, for you are the one who does all this.
He is always our covering, in times of plenty and times of drought and times in the desert.
Bringing New Life.
Video & Song
'Grace Like Rain' Todd Agnew
November 10, 2008 To Live and Hold Fast
Hebrews 10:23 Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. 24 And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, 25 not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.
We are about the business of 'being a servant', His servant, for each other, to love one another, encouraging, holding, reminding, walking, supporting, directing each other until that Day approaches. In what is our hope, to whom are our eyes looking, what do we see, what do we not see? It is all this perfect plan of redemption, being formed into His image, walking His walk, dying for His sake, reaching out, holding fast not for ourselves but for the One Who is faithful.

Video & Song
'In Christ Alone' Phillips, Craig and Dean
We are about the business of 'being a servant', His servant, for each other, to love one another, encouraging, holding, reminding, walking, supporting, directing each other until that Day approaches. In what is our hope, to whom are our eyes looking, what do we see, what do we not see? It is all this perfect plan of redemption, being formed into His image, walking His walk, dying for His sake, reaching out, holding fast not for ourselves but for the One Who is faithful.
Video & Song
'In Christ Alone' Phillips, Craig and Dean
November 9, 2008 Fixed sight
Only one thought today....
Keep My Eyes On....

Video & Song
'I Will Lift My Eyes' Bebo Norman
Keep My Eyes On....
Video & Song
'I Will Lift My Eyes' Bebo Norman
November 8, 2008 Who Are We?
What are we doing? How simplistic can things be for us? We walk through our lives, once we are able, and form our own ideals and morals. We grab onto everything that gives us pleasure and satisfaction based on 'feeling' or 'thought' both in the secular world and in faith. Do we really have any answers except One? We put on facades and think we are in touch with 'truth'. Oh, how we are limited.
Now for those reading who feel condemned because of 'we' terms here is my ownership, as He is guiding me to see within myself.
What am I doing? How simplistic can things be for me? I walk through my life once I was able and chose my own ideals and morals. I grab onto everything that gives me pleasure and satisfaction based on 'feeling' or 'thought' both in the secular world and in faith. Do I really have any answers except One? I put on facades and think I am in touch with 'truth. Oh, how I am limited.
We hurt and destroy in the name of God, we force, shun, condemn, kill, isolate, put on airs, flaunt, pull, push, destroy, compare, and even hate or just don't 'love'. Our hearts are hardened, our ears can't hear and our eyes can't see ('I' interjected here also).
What are we doing with each other? Especially those of us who call ourselves Christians, following the ways of Christ, 'trying' to be an example of Him for the world when we can't be an example of Him in our own homes. We stand out more than all, we have His covering, His heart, His mind, we are His people. What are we doing? Are we a religion and dogma or are we a 'living' example? And really, is the answer for anyone's conversion 'just being nice'?
There are a lot more questions than answers when looking at many alternatives. I found only One that is secure, stable and a Rock and I pray that He continually restore my 'sight' and give me compassion, because I am a grasshopper.
Isaiah 40:22 It is He who sits above the circle of the earth, And its inhabitants are like grasshoppers, Who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, And spreads them out like a tent to dwell in.
I guess this article got me going in this comparison study used here. If you are interested, here's the link:
Now for those reading who feel condemned because of 'we' terms here is my ownership, as He is guiding me to see within myself.
What am I doing? How simplistic can things be for me? I walk through my life once I was able and chose my own ideals and morals. I grab onto everything that gives me pleasure and satisfaction based on 'feeling' or 'thought' both in the secular world and in faith. Do I really have any answers except One? I put on facades and think I am in touch with 'truth. Oh, how I am limited.
We hurt and destroy in the name of God, we force, shun, condemn, kill, isolate, put on airs, flaunt, pull, push, destroy, compare, and even hate or just don't 'love'. Our hearts are hardened, our ears can't hear and our eyes can't see ('I' interjected here also).
What are we doing with each other? Especially those of us who call ourselves Christians, following the ways of Christ, 'trying' to be an example of Him for the world when we can't be an example of Him in our own homes. We stand out more than all, we have His covering, His heart, His mind, we are His people. What are we doing? Are we a religion and dogma or are we a 'living' example? And really, is the answer for anyone's conversion 'just being nice'?
There are a lot more questions than answers when looking at many alternatives. I found only One that is secure, stable and a Rock and I pray that He continually restore my 'sight' and give me compassion, because I am a grasshopper.
Isaiah 40:22 It is He who sits above the circle of the earth, And its inhabitants are like grasshoppers, Who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, And spreads them out like a tent to dwell in.
I guess this article got me going in this comparison study used here. If you are interested, here's the link:
November 7, 2008 A Sacred Name
My mind is wandering this morning starting with wanting to write about Job and how after being tested came to the day when praise came out of his mouth and that's when everything changed and God restored all he had lost.
I thought about His name, the Lord, the Name above all names, Marvelous, Counselor, Almighty God, His Name, we are not worthy to speak. His name, He says shall not be used in vain.
O Boy!! Yesterday I was thinking about how it is so easy for us to use His name. His name, sacred and holy. His name, we are unworthy to even speak His name. We use it to ask, to get, to demand. Jesus said anything we 'ask'. Peter did it, right? He snatched up the man from the mat and said to him 'silver and gold have I none, but what I do have I 'give' you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk'. Notice the word 'give' you in His name. It is time to ponder this. To see that as we pray for someone we don't need to yell, scream or demand to get 'in His name'. He already knows our needs. Really, who are we? Our primary 'need' is to praise Him, and give Him thanks and 'give' of what He has given to us, to all His people, everywhere. Those begging, lame, blind, crippled, with an issue of blood, beaten by the roadside, leprous.....dead.
Maybe my mind didn't wander much from Job after all. Because when he realized that His name is holy and to be praised, instead of reminding Him of his pity, it all changed. Oh yes, Job never cursed God, but he sure did have a pity party with Him. And who am I to talk? I am Job, and struggle just like he did, in getting my eyes off problems and praise Him regardless. One thing I know, He gives me a choice.
'Lamb of 'God'
Video & Song
'Angus Dei' Michael W. Smith
I thought about His name, the Lord, the Name above all names, Marvelous, Counselor, Almighty God, His Name, we are not worthy to speak. His name, He says shall not be used in vain.
O Boy!! Yesterday I was thinking about how it is so easy for us to use His name. His name, sacred and holy. His name, we are unworthy to even speak His name. We use it to ask, to get, to demand. Jesus said anything we 'ask'. Peter did it, right? He snatched up the man from the mat and said to him 'silver and gold have I none, but what I do have I 'give' you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk'. Notice the word 'give' you in His name. It is time to ponder this. To see that as we pray for someone we don't need to yell, scream or demand to get 'in His name'. He already knows our needs. Really, who are we? Our primary 'need' is to praise Him, and give Him thanks and 'give' of what He has given to us, to all His people, everywhere. Those begging, lame, blind, crippled, with an issue of blood, beaten by the roadside, leprous.....dead.
Maybe my mind didn't wander much from Job after all. Because when he realized that His name is holy and to be praised, instead of reminding Him of his pity, it all changed. Oh yes, Job never cursed God, but he sure did have a pity party with Him. And who am I to talk? I am Job, and struggle just like he did, in getting my eyes off problems and praise Him regardless. One thing I know, He gives me a choice.
'Lamb of 'God'
Video & Song
'Angus Dei' Michael W. Smith
November 6, 2008 Rising Up
It's early in the morning, you've had a good nights sleep. that's right, but I'm still tired. Well, tired can mean a lot of things, physically, mentally, spiritually even exhausted. I'm a little of all of the above. But that's okay. It happens, right? There is a way to get through the tiredness and it is rest. Rest works for all the above even 'spiritual', that is, rest in Him. I'm looking within to the Lord for strength.
Hold on those of you who are tired and weary, we have a God who 'will not'...the answer is coming soon and it doesn't matter how old you are.
Isaiah 40:27 Why do you say, O Jacob, and complain, O Israel, "My way is hidden from the Lord; my cause is disregarded by my God"? 28 Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. 29 He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. 30 Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; 31 but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Only you can do this, no one can do it for you. Open your heart, let it be free. For as you reach in, you are able to soar like an Eagle to the highest realms being made available to you. Unknown
Video & Song
'I Will Lift My Eyes' Bebo Norman
Hold on those of you who are tired and weary, we have a God who 'will not'...the answer is coming soon and it doesn't matter how old you are.
Isaiah 40:27 Why do you say, O Jacob, and complain, O Israel, "My way is hidden from the Lord; my cause is disregarded by my God"? 28 Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. 29 He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. 30 Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; 31 but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Only you can do this, no one can do it for you. Open your heart, let it be free. For as you reach in, you are able to soar like an Eagle to the highest realms being made available to you. Unknown
Video & Song
'I Will Lift My Eyes' Bebo Norman
November 5, 2008 Point of Surrender
Blessed are they who expect nothing for they shall not be dissapointed! Unknown
“We can only learn to know ourselves and do what we can / namely, surrender our will and fulfill God's will in us.” - St. Teresa of Avila
Interesting, the word surrender doesn't appear much in quotes or scriptures.
Oh well, it must be harder to surrender than I thought.
Maybe I'm between surrender or giving up, or jumping off a cliff. Is there much difference?
Oh well, 'surrender', I guess I have once again.
It feels something like this...
Video & Song
"Find My Way To You" Bebo Norman
November 4, 2008 There are leaders and then there are leaders
The art of leadership is saying no, not yes. It is very easy to say yes. ~Tony Blair
When trouble arises and things look bad, there is always one individual who perceives a solution and is willing to take command. Very often, that person is crazy. ~Dave Barry, "Things That It Took Me 50 Years to Learn"
Nothing so conclusively proves a man's ability to lead others as what he does from day to day to lead himself. ~Thomas J. Watson
You don't have to hold a position in order to be a leader. ~Anthony J. D'Angelo, The College Blue Book
It's that time again, to choose the one who best represents us in a 'desired' democracy.
And whoever takes the seat, regardless of who it is, I will pray for them. Because prayer is more powerful than the position of leading us, that is, that the Lord's will be done.
1 Timothy 2:1 I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone-- 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
....and that is Jesus Christ.
Video & Song
'Blessed Be Your Name' Matt Redman
November 3, 2008 Taking A Leap
There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self. Aldous Huxley
It doesn't work to leap a twenty-foot chasm in two ten-foot jumps. American Proverb
Things do not change, we change. Henry David Thoreau
Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. Leo Tolstoy
The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers. M. Scott Peck
Well, I'm still here. All of the above says it clearly for me. I need change and searching for it, it seems to be imminent. Like a leap or push over a canyon that occurs without notice. It must be my nature, the more I seek out my purpose, it just happens, that is, the leap or push.
I've been thinking about my blog and that obviously is sliding within the realm of this need for change. It is more important for my writing to be a log of my life and my constant searching, not to be a guide for anyone else. I must make my 'walking life' an example for what is within me more than what I can jot down on an email or paper. I am thankful for the emails which are obvious 'gifts of coaching' (which I am truthfully aware, I am not) and 'gentle 'non-directive' guidance to encourage growth and searching for more of Jesus.
So, here it is, I will continue to write my daily blog at various times throughout the day on http://www.hisheartmyheart.blogspot.com/. The blog will still be my heart and my walk through life, of searching and longing for His Truth. Any comments can be directly added there within the blog. If you would like an email from the blog site, I think it can be done, not sure yet.
Know that I love you, this does not change. I have an anchor, He does not change. But He allows change in my life, in my searching. My life, I once described as a 'rapid raging river'. Change is inevitable, I thrive on it.
So, now I must look to take a leap or I must fly and if I fall I now know I will never hit bottom. Yahoo!! Only He knows what's on the other side. See you there.
And when I am on my face before Him, He says 'stand up,
there is something for you to do'. There are beautiful facets of life,
One is my Anchor. The top of the diamond is where we eat with Him
it's called 'the table', all the others facets are a complete, full life, with
a rainbow of colors, when light shines through.
Video & Song
'Let It Fade' by Jeremy Camp
November 2, 2008 New Life, Pruning and Awareness
Here's one of my late night thoughts, since day light savings time gave me a little more time to thinkabout 'abundant life'. I can't do anything about my past hurts from abuse or neglect, that is, bitter attempts to:
Hold someone responsible by withholding

Hold someone responsible by withholding
Hold someone responsible by requiring restitution
Hold someone responsible by punishing (in any manner, including the above)
Or punish, withhold, abuse or neglect in an attempt to not be responsible for myself.
Or for deeper purging and deeper thought, a sick diversion, to punish, withhold or require of those innocent.
Or divert to self an attempt to mask, deny, or hold 'self' responsible for actions of abuse or neglect of any other.
With any of the above, I prolong the pain of abuse and neglect and healing is thwarted.
With any of the above, I prolong the pain of abuse and neglect and healing is thwarted.
Instead I must make a daily choice to accept that I am whole or at least a healed human 'becoming', an emerging new life, which comes after the wild growth is pruned away, which is necessary to produce fruit.
Video & Song
'I Am Willing' by Jeremy Camp
November 1, 2008 Finding an answer again
Looking at my thoughts at the beginning of the year and I come across the answer to my very struggle the last couple of days. 'take time to look into my inner self and find the woman God created me to be, not the woman others want me to be.' It is His way of constantly reminding me, in a gentle, sweet way which only He can do.
January 1, 2008; A New Year
Hope springs eternal in the human breast; Man never Is, but always To be blest: The soul, uneasy and confin'd from home, Rests and expatiates in a life to come. Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man, Epistle I, 1733For a new year, with a new vision, after being catapulted to a new plateau, hope springs eternal. 27 years - half my life and I am just now understanding my need to continuously forgive others as well as continuously forgive myself. Love, this is the greatest commandment.Love your neighbor as yourself, there is no other commandment greater than these.Mark 12:31As a wife I can truly say I never had a complete understanding of what that means. In the turmoil and fast paced life of "trying" I failed. If fully redeemed, if fully reconciled, there is no looking back, unless I turn into a pillar of salt. All the hurts and disappointments in the past I left them there and my eyes are on what is today and do I dare say "tomorrow"? Because my life has been reduced to "moment by moment" and a deep need to take time to look into my inner self and find the woman God created me to be, not the woman others want me to be. In my 'doing' and 'expecting' I forgot that my husband is not my Lord, but my husband on earth, a pathway from the Lord to me. Sarah called her husband 'lord', Abraham was God's pathway to Sarah and she understood her Lord. Abraham's faith is spoken of throughout the entire scriptures. Sarah's faith is within her heart. And like Hannah as she contemplated silently, no words, she held faith and hope in her heart. And isn't it interesting, they both hoped for a child, a birth. It is a 'new year'!Hannah was praying in her heart, and her lips were moving but her voice was not heard. Samuel 1:13Moment by moment, day by day, then the extraordinary butterfly emerges. Without the rays of the sun it would never fly. Marriage will not fly without the Son in it. We are redeemed and made new and fresh as we hunger and are nourished by His Word; healing to my soul, my mind, my heart and in turn my body. Husbands can see us with a fresh, daily dose of new light within us that comes from our Lord through them. What a beautiful communion! As they love us with the same love that Christ loves His church we can grow together and yearn for each other as in Song of Songs. Can it get any better in this life?And the honest truth, for everyone to see out there in cyberspace, it took 27 years! I am just now understanding honor my husband as I honor the Lord. Somehow in my walk in searching for a deeper relationship with the Lord I couldn't see these two together. I have deeply wounded my husband over and over again and in turn we wound each other. As I looked at his humanness, I missed the Lord within him. Tragedy opens our eyes. Our Lord in His everlasting love and forgiveness helps us find a new future, a new hope as we build on that hope. Our new hope, is finding the connection to the pathway of the Lord through our husbands. May we all seek and yearn for and long for Christ in them and give them honor.
Agape; 1. the love of Christians for other persons, corresponding to the love of God for humankind; 2. with the mouth wide
All the more evident, it is a day by day, moment by moment healing and it's continuous.

January 1, 2008; A New Year
Hope springs eternal in the human breast; Man never Is, but always To be blest: The soul, uneasy and confin'd from home, Rests and expatiates in a life to come. Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man, Epistle I, 1733For a new year, with a new vision, after being catapulted to a new plateau, hope springs eternal. 27 years - half my life and I am just now understanding my need to continuously forgive others as well as continuously forgive myself. Love, this is the greatest commandment.Love your neighbor as yourself, there is no other commandment greater than these.Mark 12:31As a wife I can truly say I never had a complete understanding of what that means. In the turmoil and fast paced life of "trying" I failed. If fully redeemed, if fully reconciled, there is no looking back, unless I turn into a pillar of salt. All the hurts and disappointments in the past I left them there and my eyes are on what is today and do I dare say "tomorrow"? Because my life has been reduced to "moment by moment" and a deep need to take time to look into my inner self and find the woman God created me to be, not the woman others want me to be. In my 'doing' and 'expecting' I forgot that my husband is not my Lord, but my husband on earth, a pathway from the Lord to me. Sarah called her husband 'lord', Abraham was God's pathway to Sarah and she understood her Lord. Abraham's faith is spoken of throughout the entire scriptures. Sarah's faith is within her heart. And like Hannah as she contemplated silently, no words, she held faith and hope in her heart. And isn't it interesting, they both hoped for a child, a birth. It is a 'new year'!Hannah was praying in her heart, and her lips were moving but her voice was not heard. Samuel 1:13Moment by moment, day by day, then the extraordinary butterfly emerges. Without the rays of the sun it would never fly. Marriage will not fly without the Son in it. We are redeemed and made new and fresh as we hunger and are nourished by His Word; healing to my soul, my mind, my heart and in turn my body. Husbands can see us with a fresh, daily dose of new light within us that comes from our Lord through them. What a beautiful communion! As they love us with the same love that Christ loves His church we can grow together and yearn for each other as in Song of Songs. Can it get any better in this life?And the honest truth, for everyone to see out there in cyberspace, it took 27 years! I am just now understanding honor my husband as I honor the Lord. Somehow in my walk in searching for a deeper relationship with the Lord I couldn't see these two together. I have deeply wounded my husband over and over again and in turn we wound each other. As I looked at his humanness, I missed the Lord within him. Tragedy opens our eyes. Our Lord in His everlasting love and forgiveness helps us find a new future, a new hope as we build on that hope. Our new hope, is finding the connection to the pathway of the Lord through our husbands. May we all seek and yearn for and long for Christ in them and give them honor.
Agape; 1. the love of Christians for other persons, corresponding to the love of God for humankind; 2. with the mouth wide
All the more evident, it is a day by day, moment by moment healing and it's continuous.
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