We have beautiful images and amazing songs of Jesus depicting Him knocking on the door, sitting in gardens, holding us, touching us, as well as depictions of His life, death and resurrection, but I can't think of one depiction of Him inside of us. I guess I'm back on His Light and Love and maybe here to stay since this is so profound to me. What does Jesus look like on the inside us? He may not be directly visible to our physical eyes, but when we look into the face of every human being created in His image we are looking at Him.
I really felt in my heart to remind you to stay in touch with Jesus 'within' you. He is not just 'outside' of us. We have been so focused on Him 'out' there, and 'up' there or 'in' there, that we miss Him 'in' here. Jesus 'in' us is our First Love experience. Although we know He is omnipresent, He is not just walking 'by' or called 'down' or drawn ''near', He is 'in' our hearts. We can meet Him in the secret place where He is waiting all the time. His healing Love and Light permeates every cell of our created being.
The secret garden is 'in' our hearts.
This healing you have always known.
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